Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 405 Laughter in the Snow

Go back in time for a moment.

After the Forgiveness Hunting Team shrunk their formation under Zheng Qing's order, Jiang Yu naturally appeared beside the wizard.

"Need to take a break?"

The witch pulled off her mask and asked Zheng Qing while glancing around alertly. As she spoke, the furry ears on the hood of her head swayed slightly, as alert as real cat ears.

This was a bit of bad taste that suddenly arose when Zheng Qing was choosing cloaks for the team members - the cloaks of the wizards were all the same dull and boring, only the witch's cloak not only had an extra circle of white fluff on the collar and skirt. , and there is also a pair of pointed white ears on the hood, which do not have any magical effect that is helpful for hunting. They can only be dangled like real cat ears, or folded into airplane wings. shape to express the owner’s different moods.

At this moment, the pair of cat ears were turning slightly left and right, indicating that the witch under the hood was slightly nervous.

The captain of the Exoneration Hunting Team couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

"Take a break!"

He gestured to his companions, and at the same time whispered to the witch who was near Chi Chi: "There is something in the woods, and I feel a little bit of danger... I'm just not sure what it is yet... Stay safe!"

The witch nodded vigorously, flipped her wrist, and crushed a jade bead to create a small golden barrier, covering her and the young public-funded student in it. Error-free updates @

Zheng Qing's smile froze.

The wind and snow whizzed past outside the golden barrier without blowing a hair. I wonder if it was an illusion, but the wizard faintly heard low, intermittent laughter coming from outside the barrier, like a deflated rubber ball. He felt that his ears were a little hot, as if he had seen several other hunters in the hunting team winking at each other meaningfully.

"What are you two doing!"

Sure enough, in less than ten seconds, Fatty Xin's blue face appeared outside the golden barrier, looking in with wide eyes: "... in broad daylight, in public, why are you still holding up the barrier?"

Zheng Qing opened his mouth, not thinking of how to answer.

Jiang Yu seemed very honest.

"Brother Zha said there was danger nearby, so I took some safety measures." She called out that terrible code name very naturally, making the faces of the two wizards inside and outside the barrier turn pale at the same time.

"My code name is "Sir"!" the young public-funded student corrected seriously.

"If there is danger, only you two will be taken care of?" Fatty Lan's voice was full of disbelief, and he shouted angrily: "I am also a member of the hunting team, and I have the right to ask for asylum!"

The witch looked at him carefully, then opened her hand and stretched out five green-white fingers: "Private sanctuary, I will accept the favor for five jade coins at a time, no counter-offer."

The fat wizard's face was filled with blue, and he seemed to want to say something. He was grabbed by Dr. Xiao behind him and dragged away. As he walked, the apologetic diviner turned to look at the men and women in the barrier. He apologized continuously: "I'm sorry, my child is ignorant and has caused trouble to you... But you should also pay attention to the impact and laugh a little louder..."

"Who is laughing? Is this the time to laugh?"

The young public servant choked angrily. Before he finished speaking, his face suddenly changed. With a touch of his right hand on his waist, the muzzle of the silver-white Colt python was pointed low into the depths of the empty forest: "... Gentlemen are free to hunt. !”

He growled.

Almost at the same time.

A pale yellow tortoise shell appeared above the heads of Xiao Xiao and Fatty Xin; a little further away, Zhang Jixin and Lan Que were back to back, wary of the white world. Three groups of hunters approached in the same direction slowly and orderly.



"Hey hey hey~"

"Jie Jie~~"

The weird and harsh laughter was torn to pieces by the wind and snow, but it was clearly transmitted to the ears of every young hunter; correspondingly, the six hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team had connected with each other's magic power to build a Positive and negative hexagram battle formation.

"What kind of ghost is he smiling so unpleasantly!" Fatty Xin's face faded slightly, and he complained out of habit, then turned to look at Xiao Xiao: "Doctor, let me analyze it... maybe I can get extra points!"

As he spoke, he bent his thumb and poked the sky calmly, meaning. (This chapter is not finished yet!)

Someone in the sky is observing and giving scores to each hunting team, trying to perform as well as possible.

Xiao Xiao carefully took the old tortoise shell into his arms.

"a lot of."

The apologetic diviner didn't notice the fat wizard's gesture. He didn't even adjust his glasses. Instead, he followed his heart and became a talkative habit. He answered quickly: "The qitu has three heads and six tails." , Youji (yan) who looks like a monkey and has a tattoo, Ying Ning, an elf born from a fox and raised by ghosts, a demon from Tuzuo County in Japan, a beautiful girl from Kitayama... and various lively mountain spirits and water monsters as well. Juvenile magical creatures... all love to laugh."

"But Yingning wouldn't smile so horribly." Jiang Yu immediately retorted.

"That's right."

The apologetic fortune-teller fiddled with another fortune teller, without raising his head, but nodded in agreement: "Whether it is Ying Ning, Orioles, or Yougui, they are all very rare magical creatures. Even if there are some in the Silent Forest, , will also stay in the deepest part of the forest... If they really appear so close to the school, the hunters who hear the news will swarm in and catch them all without the school taking action! "

"I don't know anything else, but I still have some impression of Yingning. Qingqiu has always wanted to find a living Yingning..." Zheng Qing also wanted to show off, but halfway through his words, his voice stopped abruptly. He paused for three seconds, which was very eye-catching but inconspicuous, and then explained naturally: "...I have heard that little girl Su Ya talk about this many times. By the way, Li Meng has a good relationship with Su Ya. Have you heard her talk about it?" He looked at Jiang Yu very sincerely. The witch lowered her eyelids and pursed her lips: "Such a small matter...Meng Meng doesn't need to tell me." "Ahem." Xiao Xiao coughed twice in a low voice, interrupting this conversation that made someone tremble with fear, and immediately received a grateful look from his captain. "So, our goal should be to focus on those mountain spirits and water monsters."

The fortuneteller of the Forgiveness Hunting Team had a serious expression. He held the counting sticks and wiped them in the air. Several lifelike pictures appeared in the magic circle out of thin air and appeared in front of the young hunters: "The Qianxi girl mentioned just now has magical laughter. Those who hear her laughter will faint at the least and die at the worst... and we are not feeling unwell. In addition, this kind of monster is native to the left and is a very rare existence, so the probability of Qianxi girl is extremely low."

As he said, a counting stick fell, and a charming female image in the air shattered and turned into a puff of light mist. .

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