Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 409: Magic that is not sharp enough

In the school hunting competition some time ago, the Exoneration Hunting Team faced countless crazy attacks by ghouls on the hunting ground, and persisted until the end, winning - although this victory was somewhat tainted with water. .

Earlier, in the resurgence of silence and on the battlefield of the Black Prison, the young hunters of Forgiveness had also faced endless attacks from opponents like a tidal wave.

He is already an experienced hunter.

Therefore, the attack by dozens, or at most, hundreds of human-faced rats at this moment was not a problem at all for this young hunting team that was fully equipped and had high morale.

Relatively speaking, the negative impact of the continuous snowy weather is greater.


As if the cork of a wine bottle had been pulled out, the magic barrier covering the Exoneration Hunting Team shattered during the frenzied attack of the human-faced rats, turning into fragments and dissipating in the air.

The biting cold wind was mixed with snowflakes, which fell all over the face.

"Su Suo Su Su Tu Ju, apply it to Zhonglin!"

Zheng Qing flipped the book and released a classic snare curse. At the same time, he shouted: "The strong wind curse comes later! Prioritize the weak leg curse and the slender curse, get ready!"

The cursed light flows through, and thick and tough ropes are like soaring snakes, protruding from the void, criss-crossing, weaving a tight and dense animal trap, arranged on tall tree trunks and low bushes between.

At the same time, almost everyone, including Xiao Xiao, raised the Dharma books in their hands:

"As you move forward, your center will shake!"

"The pace is endless, the center is like intoxication!"

"I'm walking so fast that I feel like I'm choking in the middle!"

"I'm Ma Hui Hui Ji Tui!"

"I'm Ma Xuanhuang!"

"There is a qiang in the leather, but there is no bright light!"

"The wolf stalks (ba) its beard, and the wolf stalks (zhi) its tail!"


A dazzling flash of light and a violent explosive sound suddenly appeared, mixed in with a bunch of curses, weak leg curses and confusion curses, causing the young public-funded student to curse loudly:

"Gan! Who lost the shock spell? Is there any order of precedence?"

The high-frequency sound waves that had not completely dissipated made his voice sound a little distorted, and the dazzling light that quickly faded gave his eyes the illusion of darkness, so that for a moment, Zheng Qing felt like he had become deaf and blind.

"Ah, hahahaha, just a joke, a joke."

Fatty Xin's sound of being beaten rang out in the tinnitus, seeming to be near and far away: "It's just a few human-faced rats... To deal with them so seriously... I feel like I'm making a big deal out of a molehill... ahhh!"

"If you don't shake, you won't move, if you don't do anything (nǎn), you won't be angry!"

Jiang Yu's cold voice to break the curse was intertwined with Fatty Xin's screams. A flash of light green flashed in his eyes. Zheng Qing's tinnitus suddenly disappeared and his vision became clear again.

Zhang Jixin was seen clapping his hands while Shi Shiran walked back to the team.

Seeing the puzzled look in the young public-sponsored student's eyes, the red-faced wizard explained lightly: "Didn't the fat man say it's not enough? I'll throw him out and let him have a good time."

Zheng Qing looked over Zhang Jixin's shoulder and looked not far away. He saw Fatty Xin lying on his back in the snow, surrounded by a dozen human-faced rats who had been hit by the Chaos Curse and stared at him with eagerness - if it weren't for The Mi Mi Curse and the Soft Leg Curse made it difficult for those monsters to move, and the first snare curse released by Zheng Qing hindered the reinforcements of the human-faced rats. It is estimated that the fat wizard has been scratched all over his head and face by the swarming claws. blood flower.

"Hmm... the effect of the Mi Mi Curse is indeed stronger than the Soft Legs Curse." Zheng Qing stared at a man-faced rat with a ferocious face but finally passed the fat man while swaying, and nodded thoughtfully.

"You still have to consider the environment."

Like a wisp of blue smoke, Dylan floated to the side of the captain of the Exoneration Hunting Team and looked around: "In the woods or in the open area in front of you, the effect of the Mi Mi Curse is naturally better... But if you are in close combat or in a secret room, weak legs will The spell should work better."

"These human-faced rats are much more difficult to deal with than the ghouls."

The diviner of the Exoneration Hunting Team reminded everyone behind them: "Don't take it lightly! Rats, especially human-faced rats, are notorious for their vitality as evil magical creatures that tend to be undead and wander in a magic-rich environment like the Silent Forest. Powerful...It is easy to defeat them, but it is slightly difficult to kill them completely...To use an inappropriate word to describe it, the magic mastered by the second-year wizards is not 'sharp' enough."

"Sharp? It doesn't sound like a word to describe magic." Zheng Qing muttered, and then threw out another 'Serious Rabbit' to make the trapping net around the hunting team denser.

The swarm of human-faced rats seemed to have fallen into a huge spider web, struggling to move.

Not far away, the fat man had climbed up from the snow, shouting, and punched the human-faced rats who had woken up one by one. The human-faced rats screamed and were smashed one after another. Entering the snow, but in the blink of an eye, those short monsters rolled on the spot and then pounced on them again.

Zheng Qing suddenly had a clearer understanding of what Xiao Xiao described as 'easy to defeat, hard to kill'.

"You can think of these little monsters as oiled copper peas,"

The apologetic diviner sat safely in the center of the magic circle, enjoying the blessing of his teammates. While happily sharing his accumulated knowledge, he also made a very appropriate analogy: " cannot be steamed or cooked. It cannot be flattened by a hammer, exploded by frying, or smashed. Only when the magic is 'sharp' enough can we chop these beans into pieces...or, the magic we cast can be powerful enough to smash these beans."

He gave his captain a thoughtful look.

"Too wasteful, too wasteful." Zheng Qing guessed what Xiao Xiao was planning without even looking back, and shook his head repeatedly: "It's not worth using it on these little monsters..."

He touched the rune gun hanging on his waist, but in the end he was reluctant to use the powerful rune bullets.

"Then the 'Great Wind Curse' will still be released? Ge Shen is tired of it!"

Dylan interrupted, and threw a binding spell, hanging the most active human-faced rat upside down under a branch not far away, and asked: "I feel that releasing the 'Wind Curse' now is a bit wasteful."

"Your feeling is correct."

Zheng Qing shook his head and changed his tactics in time: "Swordsman, you and the gentleman go outside to make up for the damage... By the way, keep an eye on the fat man so he doesn't get really scratched."


Mr. Vampire Werewolf swayed and disappeared in front of Zheng Qing.

A little further away, the blue bird also nodded slightly, and a cold light rose up in its arms, like a swimming dragon, rushing into the dense forest, circling the tree three times, and the broken arms and limbs of the human-faced rat fell down piece by piece, stained with red. The dots fell on the snow, like plum blossoms in full bloom.

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