Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 419 Isolation

"Prepare the Five Elements Reversal Battle Formation! Freely prepare Yang attribute and wind attribute magic, give priority to driving away the surrounding snow dust! Prepare the detection spell and confirm the location of the green dragon!"

After a few brief commands, the light red magic afterbirth slowly emerged around the five people, blocking the erosion of the dragon roar and wind and snow. The young wizards finally freed their hands and copied out a series of spells:

"The sun rises and the valley breeze blows!"

"The fire is flowing in July, and the strong wind is blowing!"

"The fire is flowing in July, the wind is fierce!"

"There are four directions in danger, and everything is clear!"


The colorful cursed light broke through the magic energy of the battle formation and shot around, but with little effect. Before the orange-red sun even rose, it was swallowed whole by a large mouth protruding from the wind and snow; dense streams of fire fell from the sky, but exhausted their magic power in mid-air and turned into wisps of blue smoke, dissipating in the vast snow dust. middle.

"Can't see anything!"

The fortune teller of the patrol yelled to his companions: "The snow dust raised by the green dragon contains strong magical interference. I can't even determine our position now..."

"The snow dust is not harmful. This beast seems to just want to trap us here." Another companion also added his findings quickly.

Everyone looked at the leader unconsciously.

Victor frowned and looked deep into the snow dust, as if he could see the location of the green dragon.

After a long while, he looked back.

"You know the Four Elephants Battle Formation, right?"

The tall teaching assistant looked around with a serious expression: "I can capture its position a little bit... I will go out and trap it later. You can use the Four Elephant Battle Formation Qinglong to change the formation and try to break through this snow dust... Be sure to Let the school be more vigilant. Don’t worry, it’s just an ordinary green dragon, it won’t trap me.”

Indeed, if an intermediate-level registered wizard taught by the First University fights against a wild dragon that is on the verge of breaking through the high-level registered wizard level, there is indeed a high probability that he will not die, but there is also a high probability that he will be seriously injured, and the kind that may It would cause irreparable damage to his future path to magic.

This is a very brave battle plan.

It is also a plan that fits the character of Starry Sky Academy very well.

In the patrol, another student from Starry Sky Academy hammered his chest, silently expressing respect; students from Jiuyou Academy and Atlas Academy all lowered their heads and blessed the leader.

Only Linda Barnes, who was born as an Alpha, showed a slight hesitation on her face. Immediately, this hesitation turned into determination amidst the whispered blessings of his companions.

"Maybe there are other ways."

As soon as she said these words, the other four people looked over at the same time. The deputy editor of the school newspaper, who could speak endlessly in front of hundreds of people, suddenly felt a silent pressure. She quietly exhaled a small breath and said simply Explained: "I have a rather special talisman here... made by Dean Yao of Jiuyou Academy... Maybe I can try to deal with that green dragon."

"What type of talisman?" Victor glanced at her in surprise.

"Sleepy type."

"When did Dean Yao draw it?"

"Some time ago, after Hunting the Moon, he rewarded a certain hunter from Jiuyou Academy..."

"I am also a student of Jiuyou College, why don't I!" The wizard from Jiuyou College sighed enviously and muttered: "This old Yao..."

This complaint seems a bit subtle.

The witch pretended not to hear, and reached out from her arms to take out a small, dusty scroll about an inch long. There was a red ribbon tied to the scroll, and the ribbon was covered with densely packed incantations made of tiny silk threads.

"Wait a mininute."

Victor raised his hand and pressed it on the ribbon, with a hint of reminder in his tone: "Well, this talisman must be very precious, and the school may not compensate you accordingly. Well, I mean, I gave you this talisman in the first place. A classmate of Dao Scroll..."

"This is my Thanksgiving gift."

The witch smiled brightly, took the scroll out of Victor's hand, and loosened the red ribbon tied to the talisman: "He told me that I might need to use it. But I didn't expect this 'possibility' to come so quickly. "

As she spoke, the small scroll left the witch's hand, floated in mid-air, unfolded on its own, and turned into a parchment roll about a foot long, emitting a hazy golden light.

The witch closed her eyes, recalling the staff's instructions when she received the scroll. She tried hard to outline the image of the green dragon in her mind, imagining what it looked like, and then lightly scolded:

"Shangmei Wuyi!"

The next second, a plume of smoke came out of the parchment.

An extremely deep and lofty aura suddenly rose up, like a boulder falling into a calm lake. The ripples spread in all directions, and the entire silent forest seemed to tremble for a moment.

Of course, this tremor could just be the witch's imagination.

But when she opened her eyes, she saw a scene that was not an illusion - the snow dust originally rolled up by the green dragon's violent breath fell to the ground instantly, the sky and the earth were clear, and the green dragon was floating not far away from the patrol. Shrinking into a ball.

"...I gave the 'Shangmeiwu' that Lao Yao rewarded to Linda as a Thanksgiving gift. In order to ensure that the talisman would not be abused, the school tied a 'Tongqi' on the talisman during the transfer. ...The contract is in two copies, one is tied on the talisman paper, and the other is kept by me, and I tied it directly on my wrist. "

With the help of his companions, Fatty Xin calmed down and spread his palms.

There was only an inch of red rope lying on the palm of the hand. There were still burnt marks on both ends of the rope. The rope was covered with fine incantations intertwined with thin lines:

"...This 'common contract' will ensure that after the talisman is used, the person who 'endorsed' it, that is, me, can immediately know that it has been used."

Speaking of this, Xin's face showed a trace of anxiety, and he spoke faster and faster: "Two days ago, Senior Sister Linda told me that she was recalled by the school and joined the patrol team outside the Silent Forest, and just now... "

He pointed in the direction where there was still rumbling in the distance, and Indigo's face turned a little white: "...There was something going on over there just now, and you all heard it."

At this point, the cause and effect are clear.

Zheng Qing glanced around quickly, Zhang Jixin looked serious, Xiao Xiao was thoughtful, Dylan was eager to try, there was a glimmer of light in Lanque's eyes, and Jiang Yu looked at him at the same time.

The wizard and the witch looked at each other instantly, and the young public-funded student felt inexplicably calmer.

"Doctor, report our findings to the school immediately."

The captain of the Forgiveness Hunting Team clearly issued orders: "Squad leader, try to contact the other two hunting teams in the two hunting areas on the left and right. Others, maintain the Bofu clan's battle formation on the spot, waiting for the school..."


An extremely subtle trembling sound came from behind, interrupting the young public-funded student's order. Zheng Qing turned around very hard and looked back. He was shocked to find that a golden curtain was slowly rising with the trembling sound, like a The eggshell, like a stimulated mimosa, is wrapping the entire First University inside.

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