Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 430: Identity Change

"Hmph! It turns out to be a big ogre... No wonder he's so brave."

In mid-air, there was a nice cold snort: "It's just that a big ogre coming to the winter hunt to run wild would be too disrespectful to the school."

The four childlike holes of the hoop-headed ogre shrank at the same time, and suddenly raised its head - in the mid-air not far from its head, there stood a graceful witch at an unknown time, looking at it with evil eyes and cold eyes. Among them, a long red cloak fluttered behind her, and four giant cyan tails poked out from under the cloak, showing off their power in the forest.

The witch held a Dharma book in her hand, and when the pages were opened, brilliant magic light surged out. She didn't need to deliberately detect it to feel the huge lethality condensed in it.

"Su Shijun!"

The hoop-headed ogre roared out the witch's name, raised his chin, and the new head under his jaw suddenly opened his eyes, and screamed out the curse he had prepared in a slightly childish voice: "There is a fox Suisui!"

The witch in mid-air frowned slightly and raised one hand, as if she wanted to snap it down. However, under this curse directed at the fox clan, her every move became extremely slow and laborious, as if she was trapped in amber. of bugs.

Taking this opportunity, the hoop-headed ogre shook its other head vigorously and cast out a second spell:


With it as the center, the gray-white cursed light spread suddenly, sweeping across the entire battlefield in an instant. The trees exposed to this cursed light visibly lost their vitality, and the bark seemed to have been roasted by charcoal fire, becoming charred and cracked. The pale tree trunks inside were exposed; and the vines that restrained the ogres quietly turned into fly ash amidst violent trembling. If viewed from the air, it seemed as if a scabies suddenly appeared on the originally white ground, exuding A completely different atmosphere from the surroundings.

Almost at the same time, the head under the ogre's jaw opened its mouth again and threw out the third spell at this moment:


The dark red curse light shot out, followed the gray-white curse light and bounced around, forming a faint red circle at the feet of each ogre. The ogres standing in the circle opened their eyes. His eyes quickly turned red, his muscles all over his body bulged, and he roared crazily almost at the same time. In a very short time, he got rid of the influence of the Weak Legs Curse, the Chaos Curse, and the Mimic Curse.




In the distance, at the edge of the battlefield, a huge blue water channel and a blue giant rushed into the dry and charred woods almost at the same time, sending snow and dust flying several meters high.

A black-robed wizard stood above Zhen Shuiyin, holding the sleeping little Zhu Si in his arms; on the shoulders of the blue giant stood a student wearing a red hunting suit, holding a colorful thunderbolt in his hand. Minton rune gun.

"Teacher Gan?"

Zheng Qing, who was standing on the shoulders of Bofu's giant, looked at the black-robed wizard on top of the giant "earthworm" next to him, and couldn't hide the surprise on his face: "Why are you here?"

Then, his eyes fell on Zhu Si, and he became more and more shocked: "Zhu... Zhu... why has she become smaller?"

Gan Ning gave the young public-funded student a serious look and was in a particularly bad mood.

He didn't want to answer any of Zheng Qing's two questions.

Because of his own "mistake", little Zhu Si fell into the hands of the ogres. Gan Ning originally just wanted to come and go quickly, so he snatched the little witch under the guise of a school teacher and ran away.

Unexpectedly, when he rushed back to the scene, he found that the ogres had a new opponent.

At that time, it was impossible to sneak away again. Because Zhen Shuiyin's eye-catching size and powerful aura had already been captured by the two great wizard-level beings in the forest - he even felt that Su Shijun glanced at them - if he left like this, as a school lecturer, he would turn a blind eye to the illegal intruders. , just think about it and you will know how much trouble it will bring to the professor later.

It's impossible to say that some old man would pinch his fingers on a whim, and then he would be pinched by the neck and thrown into a dark prison.

Therefore, after realizing that he could not retreat, the lecturer of magical biology made a prompt decision and went a step further. With the help of the hands and feet left by the crows before, he took the lead with "Peach"

"Zhi Yaoyao" snatched Zhu Si back.

"I was on official duty and found that there was a risk here, so I came here to investigate."

Gan Ning gave a simple yet ambiguous answer - his answer was quite clever. Even if a great fortune teller made a prediction after the fact, it would be difficult to detect an abnormality from such an ambiguous description.

Because he was really performing official duties.

During the winter hunting, the hunting area closed by the school only accounts for a small part of the Silent Forest. Before the winter hunting, the crows participating in the mission had already come to the Silent Forest under various "proper names" as needed, waiting for the professor's instructions. call. This kind of caution will avoid tracing and investigating by fortune-tellers to the greatest extent.

"Min Tian's powerful power, apply it to the earth below!"

Su Shijun finally pressed his fingers on the Dharma book, and the clear mantra broke through the shackles of "Youhu Suisui" at the same time, echoing in the already open forest land.

At the same time, the other three two-headed ogres who were freed from the restraint and confusion spells raised their hands together, raised their six heads at the same time, and roared out the same shamanic spell:

"LightingSror is available for Android and Apple. 】

Gan Ning's expression suddenly changed.

"On the head of Zangzang Sheep's tomb, there are three stars in Liu!"

The curse light spreads out from his Dharma book, immersing the surrounding space into a lake of mold. This is a virtual curse that can reverse the real and the false, producing an effect similar to the mirror, flowers, and water.

After the violent electric dragon rushed into the virtual field set by the wizard, its power was not reduced, and it directly hit Gan Ning, and at the same time reached out to grab the little witch in his arms.

But it came up empty.

Both the wizard who was struck by the electric dragon and the little witch under its claws were like the foam after the ebb tide on the seaside, quietly turning into a moist and broken light and shadow.

Gan Ning hugged the little witch and staggered down on Zhen Shuiyin's head. Then he raised his head and glanced at a small area above his head that was rippling like ripples - several tiny electric dragons were clearly reflected in it. , was rushing around wildly, leaving a mess wherever it passed.

"Take her to the teaching assistants and other hunting teams! Pay attention to safety... I'm here to help Congressman Su hold them down!"

The wizard stuffed the little witch in his arms into Zhen Shuiyin's mouth and gave stern instructions, as if he and his companions had regarded himself and his companions as Zhu Si's protectors - or in other words, they were even more concerned about the little witch than Zheng Qing and others. Safety.

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