Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 2252 Three Witches, Three Dances and Three Conversations (Part 1)

"Hey, she's the little girl from the Jiang family."

Su Shijun, who is Yuexia Senator, noticed the lonely and brilliant red on the grass in the blink of an eye, with a hint of surprise and a smile in his voice.

Zheng Qing suddenly looked away and looked at the witch on the golden chair.

The next second, he groaned and quickly lowered his gaze - Su Shijun was not wearing glasses today and was even wearing makeup! God knows how much stimulation this close look caused to the young wizard. He felt as if his heart was being squeezed hard with a towel.

Because one second, he couldn't breathe because of fear; the next second, he forgot how to breathe because of the beauty that he couldn't look directly at. Two completely different emotions seemed like two big hands grabbing the two ends of his heart and twisting it hard.


A light cyan magic firework soared into the sky and exploded next to the moon. The brilliant sparks outlined a huge cyan nine-tailed fox, which dissipated as the fox tail rotated, turning into a huge blood-colored bat with open wings. Then there are giant blue wolves, ghosts with pearly hazy colors, and brassy zombies.

Under the moon, the images of the five major races of parliamentarians appeared in the night sky one by one, and the blooming magical fireworks finally woke up the bewildered wizard.

"Isn't this the Yuexia clan's dance?"

As soon as Zheng Qing opened his mouth, he found that his voice was a little hoarse.

"The tone of your words is like a medieval vampire that just crawled out of the coffin." Su Shijun sat on the throne and looked down at the entire venue with a smile. There was no movement of his lips, but the teasing voice could clearly be heard in the young public servant. In the student's ears: "The Moon Dance, as the name suggests, is a dance held under the moon. As long as the wizard can receive the invitation, he must meet the selection requirements for the dance... In a sense, classmate Jiang Yu is more qualified to participate than you. This kind of dance.”

The last sentence made Zheng Qing immediately think of the lunch he had with Jiang Yu, and what she had introduced, the deeper meaning of the Moonlight Dance was to allow 'friendship' between young wizards with different blood levels. opportunity, this is a dance with the initial goal of marriage.

He suddenly felt a little flustered for no reason.

The huge Christmas tree sat back on the stump, closed its clumsy eyes, and converged its rough face; the melodious chorus of piano strings also sounded again, like the rushing water of a small river, making up for the slow extinguishing of the magic fireworks. Background void.

Insects began to sing, birds chirped briefly, and the glasses of wine were crisp and clear. The sweet Christmas songs of the little wizards bloomed over the ball, which was holy and ethereal. The young wizards participating in the ball one after another, under the guidance of the emcee , boarded the high platform to meet the queen tonight.

They were elegant in manners, skillful in etiquette, and their greetings were impeccable. Their eyes were full of excitement as they accepted the blessings given to them by the members of the Parliament under the moon.

Zheng Qing felt like he had turned into a stone sculpture, standing blankly next to Her Majesty the Queen's golden chair, with a stiff smile on his face - he could guarantee that no one would notice even if he was rude again, because No one can move their eyes elsewhere in front of Su Shijun.

But not necessarily.

Because sometimes, the more perfect the small flaws next to them, the more conspicuous they are. The best way to avoid being magnified by others is to stay under that 'perfect light'.

The entire 'audience' ceremony lasted for more than an hour.

When the last short witch left the jade steps happily and the platform became empty again, Zheng Qing finally breathed a sigh of relief in his heart - not because he could be freed from the stiff posture like a stone statue, but because Jiang Yu did not come to Yutai to attend the 'audience'.

Zheng Qing felt that he could not imagine what it would be like for two witches to stand face to face in this situation. Just thinking about it for a moment made him feel as if his blood vessels were bursting in a negative pressure environment.

"Get's our turn for the opening dance."

Su Shijun's voice was also full of relaxation, and it was clear that she was disgusted with the red tape just now: "After the opening dance, we will all be free!"

On the Christmas tree, the singing of the little wizards came to an end.

The dazzling magic fireworks rose again, one after another, blooming in the night sky, scattering beautiful fireworks like a meteor shower. The melodious violin sound suddenly changed, becoming rapid and overlapping, and mixed with the sounds of reed pipes, drums, pianos and many other musical instruments, which together formed a rich and distinct background music.

Under the platform.

The young wizards in the grass raised their heads and looked at the fireworks hanging from the sky. The wizards could still keep their gazes somewhat reserved, while the witches had raised their small fans to cover their mouths, not concealing the heat in their gazes. . Every girl will imagine at this moment that one day, there will be fireworks blooming for her.

On the platform.

Su Shijun finally left the golden high-backed chair.

She raised a hand and put it on the stiff arm of the young public-funded student, walking slowly. The four fox tails behind her shrank silently, turning into four layers of hazy green gauze, flowing behind her like water.

One pair, two pairs, three pairs.

More and more eyes moved away from the fireworks that were still trying to bloom, and fell on the Yuexia Parliament member and her dance partner who were slowly walking down the jade steps.

Zheng Qing could clearly feel the confidence and elegance naturally exuded by the witch next to him. He could clearly capture the vague malice mixed in the glances from the grass below the platform, and he could also clearly detect The witch in a bright red dress on the edge of the grass was watching this scene carefully.

It made him feel like he was walking on coals, and the soles of his feet screamed with every step.

"Concentrate and don't get distracted!"

Su Shijun's reminder came to my ears: "...if you miss the mark and roll down the steps, believe me, you will become the biggest joke in the entire school in the next year. No one."

Zheng Qing took a breath quietly and tried his best to get rid of distracting thoughts. He no longer glanced at the bright red figure on the edge of the grass with the corner of his eyes, but focused more on his feet.

One step after another, they were left behind.

The dance floor is getting closer.

The faces of the young wizards attending the ball became more and more clear in Zheng Qing's eyes - in the audience ceremony a moment ago, because the guests came on stage one after another, he did not feel such a crowd at the moment. Attention' pressure.

This is a real, overwhelming pressure.

The young public-sponsored student recalled the teachings in the mansion, glancing aimlessly at the faces of each guest, trying his best to maintain the illusion that he was looking directly at everyone but never really making eye contact with anyone. The crowd retreated to both sides like a tide, the boys stared at him eagerly, and the witches commented on him.

This is a feast for the Whisperers.

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