Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 2264 Little Red Riding Hood

After the alchemy class ended, Zheng Qing hung several invisibility charms on himself, and while his companions laughed in low voices, he quietly walked out of the classroom, doing his best not to touch anyone.

He has rich experience in doing this kind of thing and is quite skilled.

However, when passing by the first row of the classroom, Jiang Yuruo, who was helping Li Meng outline the key points of review, noticed something and glanced at the podium, scaring the boy into a cold sweat.

Fortunately, the witch seemed to be just acting on a whim, and her eyes only glanced briefly. She quickly lowered her head again and continued to scold the little witch by grabbing her ears.

After leaving the classroom, the young public-funded students ran away.

In addition to going to Hook Brothers Watch Store to pick up customized gifts, he also had to go back to his dormitory to see what gifts the owner of Qingqiu Mansion had given him, and he also had to write two sincere replies, considering that he had a practical class in the afternoon. , time seemed extremely tight, and Zheng Qing doubted whether he would have time for lunch after completing these tasks.

"Appropriate hunger can make the mind more active."

He could only comfort himself in this way.

However, as soon as he ran out of the teaching building, the wizard stepped on the snow, slipped, and fell in front of several first-year witches. The fluffy snowflakes spread out, outlines the hazy figure of the wizard, and provoked those few The little girl screamed in surprise. Almost immediately, a group of energetic wizards rushed over, hoping to catch this guy with "unholy intentions".

"What the hell."

The young public-sponsored student got up from the ground angrily, without arguing with his juniors. He shook off two armor-horse charms, stepped on the flying snowflakes, and disappeared in the messy curses of the first-year students with a puff of smoke.

This is the second heavy snowfall since the beginning of winter, just over a week apart from the previous one.

The last heavy snowfall started at the solar term "Heavy Snow" and ended at the end of the winter hunting. It lasted intermittently for a week. Part of the reason was that the school hunting committee wanted to increase the difficulty of this year's winter hunting.

The sunny weather that lasted for a week had not completely melted the snow in the corners of the school, and a new round of heavy snow ushered in. Different from last time, this time the heavy snowfall was to welcome Christmas. The school weather monitor 'distributed' it according to the usual practice in previous years. It started at midnight yesterday, when Zheng Qing left the Yuexia Dance, and continued until the first day of this morning. Before a class begins.

In just one night, the school was once again covered with thick snow. Coupled with today's festive atmosphere, Zheng Qing's ears were filled with exclamations one after another - most of these exclamations were fluffy snowflakes. The ball was thrown out, and many first-year freshmen felt the "malice" from the campus for the first time. They were walking smoothly on the road, but suddenly they were shaken off by a big tree beside the road and covered with snow, or shot out from the hole of the tree. A bunch of snowballs hit me, making me dizzy.

Old students have more experience.

For example, Zheng Qing, even if he hung up the invisibility talisman and armored horse talisman, he was determined not to pass by the tree-lined road. He would rather go further and pass through the bushes hiding the snow elves. At least, these timid elves would not take the initiative. Attack the wizard.

Hook Brothers Watch Store is located diagonally across from Green Grocery Store. When Zheng Qing rushed to the door of the store in a hurry, he happened to see a little red riding hood swinging out of Green Grocery Store with a lot of gifts. He looked like he would fall down and be killed at any time. Overwhelmed by those fancy packaging boxes. …

In the rare gentlemanly manner, the young public student used a binding spell to summon a few vines and helped the little red riding hood carry the gift.

"Where to put it?"

Zheng Qing took off the invisibility charm on his body and spoke a little eagerly. The winding vine was like a huge claw, grabbing the pile of gifts and stopping in mid-air.

Little Red Riding Hood was startled by the sudden appearance of a figure in the air, and disappeared into the air with a pop. When she heard the question, she popped her head out of the air with a pop, revealing a delicate face full of surprise.

"Just put it in my pumpkin cart, thank you!"

She screamed and pointed to a pumpkin cart in the snow. Zheng Qing noticed that the rabbits pulling the cart were holding a few carrots and gnawing happily.

"Are you the elf who gives gifts this year?" The young public-sponsored student stuffed the pile of gifts into the pumpkin cart, patted the door, and looked at Little Red Riding Hood, who was already sitting in the driving position, thoughtfully.

Last year the school hired a team of ratmen to pull pumpkin carts and act as messengers delivering gifts. The Pumpkin Wagon was well-received, but the rats' rough-and-tumble style led to many complaints. In addition, this year the underground rats disappeared along with the Rat Immortals, and the entire First University only had two big rats, the Ear Brothers from D\u0026K. It was obviously unrealistic to hire rats to act as messengers again.

"Yes, sir."

Little Red Riding Hood shook the reins and asked the rabbits pulling the cart to put away the carrots. At the same time, she handed the young public student a small card and said in a sharp voice: "If you are in need, we are very happy to help! Free of charge! Da! Sorry, time is a bit tight, bye! ”

After saying that, she tugged on the bright red hood and shook the reins hard again.

The rabbits stuffed the last small piece of carrot into their mouths, squirmed their cheeks quickly, and glanced at the wizard reproachfully, as if they were dissatisfied with him for not being able to delay a little longer, and then kicked up hard amidst the shouts of Little Red Riding Hood. hind legs.


A cloud of loose snowflakes exploded in the snow, and the rabbit, Little Red Riding Hood and the pumpkin carriage suddenly disappeared in the flying snowflakes. Only then did Zheng Qing realize why he hadn't seen them on campus before.

Jingle Bell.

The doorbell of Hook Brothers Watch Shop made a series of crisp sounds. Big Hook behind the counter quickly raised his head and saw a hooded figure walking into the shop. The huge hood covered the customer's face, making him Some are unsure of the guest's identity.


He greeted warmly.

A slender parchment bill of lading appeared in front of Big Hook.

"Two light treasure boxes, hurry up." The guest said in a somewhat impatient tone.

"Wait a moment," Big Hook quickly inspected the mark on the parchment, and at the same time rang another bell on the counter: "... Your pick-up time is eight o'clock in the evening on the 24th, which is fifteen hours late. , you need to pay a late fee of fifteen copper coins.”

The guest throws in a silver coin.

Big Hook had quick eyes and quick hands, and he held the silver coin in his palm.

There was a burst of chaotic footsteps in the stairwell. Soon, a short middle-aged wizard opened the corner door, stumbled out holding two exquisite wooden boxes, and asked breathlessly: "Two light treasure boxes? Need to be packed now?" ?"

"The customer hasn't inspected the goods yet!" Big Hook looked at his younger brother accusingly and scolded. At the same time, he looked at the hooded customer with a smile on his face: "You want to sit down first? Do you want some hot black tea? ?”

"No need, I'm pressed for time." The customer knocked on the counter and urged.

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