Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 2287 Accident in the examination room

No matter the quarrel or teasing, it is just a little relief from the tense atmosphere of the final exam.

Wednesday afternoon was the Potions written test.

Zheng Qing did very smoothly on the first half of the paper, but for a question involving dew, he suddenly couldn't distinguish the relationship between 'white dew', 'autumn dew' and 'cold dew'.

In my memory, during the Cold Dew Festival, Xiao Xiao once took everyone to the Baicao Garden and collected the cold dew leaf by leaf. At that time, he mentioned that the cold dew was 'cold' and should not be collected with metal copper plates, but should be collected with stone. Plate, jade plate or wooden plate to accept.

As for the white dew, Professor Li personally led the students to collect it in class. Zheng Qing remembered very clearly that that day in class he came into contact with the dew tray for the first time - made of brass, golden in color, with fine seals engraved on it. runes.

As for the autumn dew, Zheng Qing's mind was a little confused and he couldn't remember what was special about it, but it always felt very familiar and he must have seen it somewhere.

The quill filled with ink hung in the air for a long time. When the tip of the pen could no longer bear the weight of the ink drops and the ink was about to fall, Zheng Qing finally started writing:

"Autumn belongs to gold, gold is white, and when the dew reaches the solar term, the grass and trees condense into smoke, the humidity does not flow, and the yin energy increases, the dew condenses and becomes white, which is called white dew."

This is the official definition of Bailu in the textbook - Zheng Qing thought clearly, no matter what the relationship between the three is, it will never go wrong if he writes a clear definition - so he carefully copied out the three types of information in his mind The definition of dew was vague about the relationship between the three. Seeing that there were still some blanks in the test paper, he took the trouble to copy down a few commonly used spells for collecting dew.

It never hurts to write a little more.

Bless you, sir. Considering how hard he works, I hope the marking teacher will be merciful and deduct less points.

"'Jianjia Cangcang, white dew is frost'' Jianjia Cangcang, white dew is not Xi' 'Jianjia Cangcang, white dew is not already' are the three most commonly used spells to collect white dew. Using them, you can collect 'white frost', 'white dew' and 'Bai Hua', the three most basic magic materials..."


There was a thunderous sound outside the window. Zheng Qing's seat was close to the window. He subconsciously raised his head and looked out the window. Over the sparse trees and rolling hills, he vaguely saw a flash of red light outside the tall school wall. .

What accident happened in the Silent Forest?

This thought immediately flashed through the mind of the young public-funded student, and immediately he suppressed the restlessness in his heart. On the one hand, I am still taking exams, and on the other hand, this is Phuket Island and the number one university. It is not surprising that someone releases powerful magic.

Maybe they were just a few wandering giants that accidentally broke into the Silent Forest and were discovered by the patrol. The school is organizing manpower to expel them.


On the podium, the black-robed teaching assistant who was in charge of invigilating the exam coughed twice and reminded: "There are still forty-nine minutes until the end of the exam. Students who have not finished writing the papers should hurry up...check carefully after you have finished writing, and don't look around." , to avoid being locked by the anti-cheating magic... The school's anti-cheating magic has been used for many years, and the operation logic is very backward. Sometimes it is not clear whether you are stretching or passing small notes to others. "

There was a low roar of laughter in the examination room.

Zheng Qing quickly looked away from the window and focused on the dew-related question again. Distracted by the noise outside the window and the teaching assistant on the stage, he suddenly remembered where he had seen the word "Autumn Dew".

When taking part in the Seven Deadly Sins assessment, Belphegor, who was wearing a bird-head mask, set an assignment. There was a question in which he was asked to list five different kinds of 'autumn dew', briefly describe their medicinal properties, and write a poem with white dew. For the magic potion of Zuo, describe its efficacy and principle of action.

Thinking of this, the wizard's thinking suddenly became clear - both cold dew and white dew are a type of autumn dew, but the properties of cold dew and white dew are also different due to different condensation times.

Following this line of thinking, he quickly enriched his answers and worked hard to perfect the logical relationship between the nonsense and the key points of the answers.


Another dull sound came, slightly interrupting the young public-sponsored student's thoughts. He felt a little unhappy, and while writing a simple ending, he quickly raised his head and glanced outside.

This time, the black-robed teaching assistant on the podium and the gray-robed school staff patrolling around also looked outside, as if curious about what was happening outside. But most students are still immersed in the test paper, trying to seize every second to drive all the lively words in their minds onto the paper.

Whether it was an illusion or not, Zheng Qing felt that this time, the distance between the two red lights was a little closer.

He ignored it, lowered his head, and continued to check and fill in the gaps.

This time, his concentration time was no longer than before. Less than a minute later, more intense sounds came from a distance.

Boom boom!

Bang bang bang!

A series of dull, loud, or crisp crackling sounds came from a distance, as if hundreds of big trees were breaking together, or like a hill collapsing in place, mixed with the howling wind that came from nowhere. A lot of dead branches and leaves were rolled up, birds were flying around and screaming, and the sky suddenly became much gloomier.

The hairs on the back of Zheng Qing's hand that was holding the quill exploded one by one. This feeling was very familiar to him. It was the celestial phenomenon and feeling before the thunder curse was released.

Someone is fighting outside the school!

Those two red lights just now were not an accident!

He suddenly turned back and looked at the place where the red light flashed outside the wall. This time, not only him, but other students sitting by the window in the examination room also looked out the window. Those far away from the window stretched their necks one by one, eager to try, as if they wanted to stand up.

"Everyone, please pay attention, it's still exam time!"

"Think about the anti-cheating magic that envelopes the entire teaching building..."

The teaching assistant on the podium reminded the students present slightly uneasily, while the other two invigilators had already taken out their respective Dharma books and looked out the window warily.



The window shook violently, and the glass made a heart-breaking squeaking sound. Through the window, one could clearly see that there was a blazing cursed light radiating from the edge of the Silent Forest, and half of the sky reflected was red. Just looking at this momentum, Zheng Qing simply thought that a group of powerful demons were madly attacking the First University.

"Everyone, lie down on your desks and don't move!"

"The school protection circle can ensure everyone's safety!"

"The professors are already dealing with this matter... Everyone, stay where you are and don't move!"

The three invigilators shouted and issued orders that made Zheng Qing slightly stunned. In his opinion, when encountering such a risk, all students should take back their Dharma books as soon as possible to protect themselves, instead of just staying in place. like a statue.

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