Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 155 It’s all the bugs’ fault

In the end, the magic-tanned head did not spit out its dark tongue towards Zheng Qing.

The young public-funded student's attention was quickly attracted by the whispered conversation between Thomas and Hilda.

"...If you want to tell me, it's unlucky. Who arranged the duty schedule? Things happen every three days this month, so there is no peace..." Hilda has been complaining non-stop since just now.

According to what he meant, because I was assigned to be on duty this month, there was a lot of extra paperwork.

"Write a report at most, it's not that troublesome." Thomas comforted him harmoniously, while instructing Zheng Qing to choose the appropriate tweezers and hand them to him.

"Write something? An attendance report, a feedback, an opinion, at least five to six thousand words. Can you tell me a little bit?" Hilda said, shaking her body vigorously, pretending to shiver, her face The copper rings and iron nails on his body hit each other under his sudden shaking, making a harsh sound.

An old wizard gave him a dissatisfied look.

Hilda immediately closed her mouth and smiled carefully.

As a person who deals with injured kappas, his job now is much easier than that of his colleagues.

The old school workers were gathering with the school's professors to conduct small seminars; other assistant teachers in black robes were directing the young patrol members to conduct a dragnet search centered on the location where the kappa was found.

According to the old man Verne, even if it is a case committed by a big demon, there will be no traces at all.

The pure white light bugs flew out of the bamboo baskets in groups, clumped together, and hung on the surrounding branches, illuminating the open space brightly; Hilda's improved bugs that were sensitive to evil spirits also vibrated. He flapped his wings and flew around, trying to capture the slightest bit of abnormal smell left in the air.

Patrol students wearing various colored robes followed the teaching assistants, holding Dharma books in their hands and reciting different incantations.

Some chanted, "The birds are chirping, asking for their friend's voice," and asked the awakened birds on the branches to see if they had noticed any abnormalities nearby; Trying to use the school's ability to protect the formation to search for any small fluctuations that have occurred in the surroundings; some simply pray to the ghosts and gods directly, "If the sky falls, it will be better", "If the sky falls, it will be better", Seek justice to catch the murderer.

These spells made Zheng Qing dizzy and eye-opening.

Maybe ghosts and gods really answered the prayers of these students, maybe the school's array did find clues.

Soon, exciting news came from under an old locust tree deep in the woods.


"There are a lot of bugs here!"

"White bugs."

Several restless students rushed to report their findings to the professors. One of them even boldly caught a bug with his hands.

Zheng Qing squeezed in the crowd and looked at the beetle emitting faint phosphorescence. He always felt that it looked very familiar.

"Ouch!" The student who caught the bug suddenly screamed, shook his hand, and threw the white bug out.

The bug slid through the air in a graceful arc and landed in Thomas's open jar.

"This bug is poisonous!" The student's voice was full of panic: "My hands, I can't feel my hands!"

Through the white light cast by the light bugs overhead, everyone could clearly see that the student's bug-catching hand was turning black and swollen at a speed visible to the naked eye.

His fingers were like pickled cucumbers, and the black color was covered with wrinkled ridges and patterns.

"Use kerosene!" Zheng Qing shouted out almost without thinking: "Who brought kerosene? Wipe his hands, quickly!"

The other students looked at him in surprise, and even the teaching assistants expressed some degree of confusion.

Only the old school workers and a few professors showed approving smiles on their faces.

"Why use kerosene?" Assistant Coach Hilda quickly asked the question that everyone was concerned about.

"This is a corpse-eating beetle!" Zheng Qing gasped, his face turning red.

He has never been good at expressing himself in public, and he is not used to being surrounded by so many scrutinizing eyes.

But looking at the injured student's frightened eyes, he couldn't let himself remain silent.

"I have seen this kind of bug in a research institute. Their outer shell is actually black and gray, but there are many fine white hairs growing on it. Because they eat carrion all year round, they emit phosphorescence."

There was an uneasy commotion from the crowd.

For people living in schools, this weird bug deep in the silent forest has always been rare. No one expected to see them deep in the campus.

The old man Verne nodded slightly.

Thomas lowered his head and glanced at Zheng Qing in surprise, then raised his head and laughed at Hilda: "The students reacted faster than the teacher... I wonder if someone feels ashamed."

Hilda was stunned for a moment, then laughed cheerfully: "The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. Students are always better than their predecessors."

While they were talking, several students had already opened the vents of the lanterns, poured out a bowl of black kerosene, and wiped the injured student's hands.

The black and swollen hand once again returned to normal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Okay." The panic on the boy's face has not completely faded, and his tone is very excited: "I can move...I can feel the touch again."

Zheng Qing breathed a sigh of relief, his spirit suddenly relaxed a lot, and his mind suddenly became brighter.

"I know!" he exclaimed happily: "The skin and flesh of that kappa was eaten away by these corpse-eating beetles...'If you want to use smooth bone surfaces in experiments, this is an ideal tool.' "

He recalled what a certain doctor had said to him and repeated them to the people before him.

"Very good." Professor Yi suddenly interrupted Zheng Qing's explanation, clapped his hands, and attracted everyone's attention: "Everyone, pay attention, everyone pays attention."

He cleared his throat so everyone could hear him.

"Put on your deerskin gloves, get the tweezers from Assistant Thomas, and then go catch these carrion beetles in the grass and put them into this jar."

Thomas raised his hand to indicate his position.

In one hand he carried a sheepskin bag filled with tools; in the other he held a huge jar. Now there is only a lone beetle in the bottle, spinning along the foot of the bottle.

"If you don't want your hands to look like that classmate just now," Professor Yi paused here, his stern eyes scanned the young faces around him, and he raised his voice: "Then you must wear it properly. My own buckskin gloves!”

The surrounding patrol members responded loudly and uniformly, startling the tree sperms who had just narrowed their eyes to wake up again.

With a goal and good execution, the jar was soon filled with those gray-white corpse-eating beetles.

While the patrol team was catching bugs, the old school worker and several professors were still arguing fiercely.

Because of the distance, Zheng Qing could not hear clearly what they were saying. But he could see that the old man Verne's expression was not very happy.

When it was all over, Professor Yi unified his tone for tonight's actions:

"Remember, this was just an accident caused by some corpse-eating beetles that escaped into the campus... Since the kappa is still alive, there is no need to write additional patrol reports."

This wise decision sparked cheers from the audience.

No one cares about the slight abnormalities that may exist in this matter.

Soon, Professor Yi put away the injured kappa and disappeared into the dark night with his teaching assistants.

At the lakeside, the patrol members who had not yet completed their tasks looked at the old school janitor eagerly, hoping that he would be merciful and let everyone go back to bed as soon as possible.

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