The person who presided over the interrogation was Dylan. With his vampire blood, he has the natural ability to hypnotize and induce. Combined with the effect of powerful veritaserum, he became the best interrogator of the Exoneration Hunting Team.

"Can you hear me?"

A mechanical questioning voice came from under the cat-faced mask. Although the voice was cold, there was a strange and metallic sense of bewitchment in it, which made Maodou, who was having fun at Zheng Qing's feet, stretch his neck, droop his ears, and straighten his eyes.

"You can hear it," the prisoner murmured in reply.

Dylan did not immediately ask about the important content, but first asked a seemingly irrelevant question: "How many colleges are there in First University?"

"There are four in total," the prisoner replied in a smooth tone: "Alpha Academy, Jiuyou Academy, Starry Sky Academy, and Atlas Academy."

"Who are you?"

"Tom Hansen."

"Does this store belong to you?"

"Yes... our family has been brewing and selling wine in Newcastle since my grandfather's grandfather."

"Why is the store called 'White Crow'?"

"Because I want to be smarter."

Hearing this, Zheng Qing glanced at Xiao Xiao in confusion, because the prisoner's answer was almost the same as what he had said before in front of everyone - under the dual effects of Dylan's bewitchment and Veritaserum, he almost didn't cheat. possibility.

This made the hunting team leader who had been nervous suddenly become nervous.

If they used the same method against a dark wizard on an innocent person, I'm afraid some of the subsequent complaints would give them a headache. Even if Danhag doesn't trouble them for this kind of thing, it will leave a bad record in the practical examination and hunting team certification.

"...Why are you attacking us?" Dylan obviously had similar thoughts to Zheng Qing, and immediately adjusted the priority of the inquiry.

The prisoner replied expressionlessly: "Because you are the hunting team of the Three-pronged Sword."

"Why did you attack the hunting team of the Trident Sword?" Dylan continued to ask patiently.

"Because the Three-pronged Sword Hunting Team is not good."

"What's wrong?"

"Because Trident Sword is a liar group."

Under the cat-face mask, Zheng Qing's brows furrowed slightly. He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell. He looked at the others, who seemed to have a hint of hesitation in their eyes.

"What did it lie to?" Dylan asked.

Perhaps because of the lack of a subject, this question made the prisoner's expression more confused and dazed, and the interrogator had to change the question: "Why do you say that Trident Sword is a group of liars?"

The captive replied mechanically: "Because they lie, they cheat, and they steal."

Following this trend, Zheng Qing felt that they would not be able to find out any valuable information until tomorrow morning. Similarly, the apologetic diviner also realized this.

"That's it."

Xiao laughed out loud and interrupted Dylan's interrogation. He touched the mask on his face and seemed to want to adjust his glasses. There was a bit of thought in his voice: "Do you feel that there is something wrong with his answer?"

Everyone felt it.

The key is, why does such a problem occur?

"There is absolutely no problem with the Veritaserum." Fatty Xin first guaranteed the potion he provided: "This kind of potion is not circulating in the market at all. When I took it out from the Three-pronged Sword warehouse, I went through more than a dozen procedures and signed I have a lot of application materials... and the color and three states of the potion are exactly the same as those described in the book... If you don't believe me, why don't you try it?"

He held up the small glass bottle of clear liquid.

No one paid any heed to his poor advice.

"My bewitching skills can't go wrong," Dylan also said with a gloomy gaze and a quick reply: "I saw his eyes, and I can clearly confirm that he was absolutely dominated by me just now... what he said It’s all from the heart.”

"But his answer was too short."

Zheng Qing finally thought of a suitable word to describe that strange sense of dissonance: "'Too short.' In theory, under the influence of truth serum and bewitchment, he should answer every question we raised. Be clear about the causes and consequences of the matters being interrogated, instead of talking like a beanbag like you are now.”

"You can't beat him with three sticks, but you can't say he won't cooperate." The fat wizard felt sad, but when he said this, he couldn't help but glance at Lan Que, and then quickly retracted his gaze.

Lan Que leaned against a pillar with his sword in his arms, closed his eyes and fell asleep. He had no interest in participating in this discussion, and naturally he would not notice the sneaky eyes of the fat man.

"Everyone is right!"

Xiao Xiao snapped his fingers: "Our potion, bewitchment, and interrogation questions were all correct, and he didn't resist... The only possibility is that he told the truth selectively."

"Choice truth?"

Zheng Qing glanced at Fatty Xin - this was the sentence he heard Fatty say most often, because many of the news in "Beta Town Post" selectively reported the truth, which often caused the Fat Wizard to curse in the dormitory.

"You mean he put a lock on his brain?" Dylan said softly.

Xiao Xiao nodded slightly, then shook his head.

"He didn't necessarily install the lock himself."

The apologetic fortune teller squatted in front of the talisman, staring into his blank eyes, as if he wanted to see the hidden truth behind through the two windows of the soul: "Everyone has learned the power of the group of white crows just now, with that kind of magic level, there is no ability to withstand the effects of powerful veritaserum...I don't want to expose certain key information, but I also want to deceive the alliance's general interrogation methods...This level of consciousness sea fog requires a very skilled consciousness sealing master and The counter-interrogation master takes action... and may even need the help of the deception master to do this."

"But this level can handle ordinary investigation methods. If Trident Sword really wants to dig something out of his mind, he won't be able to hide it for long." Dylan, who comes from a wealthy family, has some knowledge of the alliance's many dirty tricks.

"You don't need to hide it for too long."

Xiao Xiao rubbed the crystal ball in his arms and closed his eyes at some point: "If the alliance wants to obtain information reasonably and legally, it can only take him back and go through the process... According to my calculations, during this process, he There is a 70% chance of dying suddenly, and a 29% chance of being stupid.”

"What about the other one percent?"

This time, the fortune teller of the hunting team was silent for a long, long time.

It took so long that Zheng Qing suspected that the few drops of truth serum poured into the prisoner's mouth would lose its effectiveness.

Xiao Xiaocai finally spoke and replied in an almost whispering voice: "There is still a 100% chance that a wizard who has the ability to break through the fog and obtain information will not take out all the information... When the rank is high enough, A demon can become a professor, so what does a little illegal experiment mean?"

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