Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 534 Crow chanting sutras

The fat wizard chose his words very carefully.

He did not name Colma explicitly.

But all three young wizards knew that he had spoken the name.

Compared with others, Zheng Qing was more sensitive to the phrase 'breaking the shackles of the rules' mentioned by the prisoner before.

He was not sure whether the crows intended to break the 'real rules' of the world, or whether they only wanted to break the 'rules of society' in terms of ethics and morality.

If it's the former, then the crows are not just secretly doing some illegal experiments on blood, they are very likely coveting the forbidden curse. The risk of this eucalyptus will immediately increase several times, beyond the endurance of the student hunting team. He even had some sensitive guesses, had he fallen into some kind of trap, and was the real target of those crows actually him?

Thinking of this, he subconsciously looked around.

Although it is still winter, the temperature and water vapor carried by the warm current from the Gulf of Mexico make the climate in this area relatively mild and humid, and the plants are very lush.

Fortunately, it was approaching the middle of the month, and the moonlight was very bright at night, so I could almost see the surrounding scenery clearly without the need for a lighting spell. In the distance, tall and low oak trees, beech trees, and low shrubs were intertwined, making it difficult to distinguish them. The nearby rocks and meadows were also clearly visible, and there was no unusual movement.

"Do you think so too?" Xiao Xiao noticed Zheng Qing's little movements and asked.

Zheng Qing had no way to tell his companions about his even worse guess. He could only sullenly wave his hands vaguely, intending to end this temporarily arranged investigation mission as quickly as possible: "Although it is difficult to rule out any It's possible, but that's just the guy's words...and our own unwarranted associations... Let's not jump to conclusions... First, go to the dragon hunting farm as planned and investigate the elf going crazy. An accident."

At this moment, he noticed that Dylan, who was leading the way, stopped and waved back.

Several young wizards looked at each other and speeded up their pace in unison.

"Is there a situation?"

Zheng Qing held the talisman spear and looked around vigilantly.

"We are about to arrive at the dragon hunting ground. I suggest that the hunting team rest here for a while."

As he spoke, Dylan raised his hand and pointed to a stone tower standing on a low mountain ridge not far away, and simply explained: "According to Mr. Pat's description, that small tower is the entrance to the dragon hunting farm. At our current speed , we can arrive in about ten minutes... Do we still need Mr. Pate to lead the way? "

Zheng Qing glanced at the short, short wizard. He had his hat tucked under his arm and was nodding and bending to smile at the cat-faced wizards.

The captain of the Exoneration Hunting Team thought for a few seconds.

"If you feel that it is not safe to go back at night, you can follow us first and then stay at the dragon hunting farm for one night." He said to the wizard who was leading the way: "Of course, you can also sign a silence contract and leave now..."

"I'll sign, and I'll sign now!" Rooney Pate eagerly agreed, pulling out a crumpled quill from his belt with a smile on his face.

It looked like it would take a few years off your life if you stayed a little longer.

The young public-funded student in the cat-face mask curled his lips, turned and motioned to the doctor to take out a contract.

While Rooney Pate was reading the contents of the contract carefully, Zheng Qing noticed that Fatty Xin was holding his chin, looking thoughtful.

"What did you think of?" He thought the fat wizard had found some clue.

"The prisoner's answer just now after using Veritaserum." The fat wizard squinted his eyes and looked like he was recalling: "Did you feel that when the 'white crow' answered the question... it seemed like it was 'chanting'?"

"Reciting sutras?" Zheng Qing chewed on the word and unexpectedly found it very appropriate: "What do you think?"

He looked at Dylan.

As the interrogator, Mr. Vampire Werewolf has the best say in this matter.

"It's normal."

Dylan, who was adjusting the spells in the Dharma book, replied without raising his head: "It is difficult for us to get a straightforward and accurate answer for wizards like this who set up mist locks in the sea of ​​consciousness. Every question involving 'keywords' The answer will be that he has to travel through the fog for a long time before he can come out... That is to say, we destroyed the magic medium outside to help him strengthen the closed consciousness, so we can still get something out... In fact, I have already prepared him He planned to say Che Luan's words again and again - just like the part where he answered, "A professor is a professor."

On the other side, Xiao Xiao had already sent away Mr. Rooney Pate, and came over curiously.

"I remember that the "Records of Spiritual Experience" called this phenomenon the 'echo of the labyrinth'."

The fortune teller interface of Forgiveness uses a vivid word to describe Dylan's description: "...the real sound has been tampered with and modified to a limited extent after passing through the fog, like a maze or an echo in a valley, repetitive and distorted ...I think a more appropriate metaphor is light...a beam of light turns into seven colors through a prism. The essence remains the same, but the appearance becomes more complicated and gorgeous, and it is more difficult to understand. Do you know what the three elements of religion are?"

He asked everyone a question.

"Church, doctrine, religious feelings." Zheng Qing replied confidently. He had read theories on this in the library.

"I remember Shi Yuan said that it is the Buddha (Buddha), Dharma (Buddha), and Sangha (Sangha)?" Fatty Xin was a little unsure.

"Beliefs, rituals, and groups." Dylan also gave his own answer: "Old-school wizarding organizations like to establish a religion and gather resources... In any religion, these three elements are indispensable."

Bluebird, as usual, did not participate in this boring discussion.

Xiao Xiao shrugged and touched the mask on his face habitually: "These answers can be said to be correct, or not completely correct. Generally speaking, divinity, legal system, and organization are the three elements... Broadly speaking, these three elements can be idols, believers, and theories; they can be consciousness, behavior, and organizations; they can be leaders, believers, and scriptures; they can also be the three Buddhist treasures that explain fate.”

"So?" Zheng Qing felt that everyone had enough rest time and planned to end the doctor's lecture on religion.

"So, as we observed, the crows were 'chanting'... they were much more than a simple illegal organization conducting black magic experiments."

Xiao Xiao summed it up succinctly: "It has well-trained members, its own scriptures, and its own idol - the 'professor'... From this point of view, the Crow is already a mature religious group. ”

This conclusion made Zheng Qing swallow the words he was about to say after swirling around the tip of his tongue.

"When you say that, I feel more and more suspicious of the North District Wizards." The fat wizard muttered in his ear: "There is no other organization in the entire Buji Island that is more like a black magic religion than the North District Wizards... …”

"No, there is another one." Zheng Qing interrupted him half-jokingly: "The organization that Li Meng joins that worships Councilor Su is more fanatical than the wizards in the North District... and more dangerous."

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