Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 549 Observer

Xiao Xiao opened his eyes.

In his sight, there were two mice in clothes. The short ocher yellow hamster had a bit of curiosity in his eyes, and the fat and tall mouse fairy had a bit of scrutiny in his eyes.

And the owner of Wandering Bar was looking at him with a smile.

Out of sight, the orange sunlight slanted across a steep peak opposite. The waist of the peak was shrouded in clouds and mist, and the top of the peak was leaning on the skeleton of a giant.

At this moment, the giant was tilting his head and looking at him curiously. On the huge skull, two red lights swayed slightly in the eye sockets.

The little wizard took a gentle breath of cold air and tried to force himself to look away.

"You also said it was an accident."

The young wizard sat up and took out his black notebook from his arms. He cautiously withdrew his gaze and only stared at the small piece of cold, bare rock under his feet. His tone was very calm: "I can extract my memories from this period of time... It won’t cause you any trouble.”

The wandering wizard said nothing and looked at the little wizard with a smile.

Xiao Xiao felt his lips were a little dry and swallowed quietly.

"... I can also assist you in modifying the memories of several other people to ensure that everything is just an accident." He touched the black notebook in his hand and repeated softly: "This is indeed an accident... We are hunting Nicky When I entered the tower, I entered a natural maze by mistake, and I was there to confirm. This is a very good reason for them. "

The ‘them’ in Xiao Xiao’s mouth refers to Zhang Jixin and others.

The two mice remained silent.

On the contrary, the owner of the Wandering Bar snapped his fingers and handed the young wizard a glass of mellow amber light: "Aren't you going to sleep? I think you were very comfortable pretending to be sleeping just now."

"You know I'm pretending to sleep?" Xiao Xiao was worried about this. He adjusted his glasses and glanced at the wandering wizard: "I really won't cause trouble, really..."

"Of course, I am very sure of this." The wandering wizard bent down, patted his shoulder, and said kindly: "Observers, they have always been 'watching the game without saying anything' and staying absolutely neutral...remember us? The first time we met at Wandering Bar? "

Xiao Xiao slowly came back to his senses.

If these great wizards really want to sacrifice themselves to the being named 'Ju Zero Three', there is no need to say it in their ears. They have a hundred ways to do it quietly.

Since they said it in their own ears, that means they were just scaring themselves?

With this understanding, Xiao Xiao's heart that just hit his throat slowly retracted. At the same time, he also recalled his meeting with the old wizard in the box on the second floor of the Wandering Bar with Zheng Qing last year. He recalled that the Wandering Wizard once said a sentence.

"Hiss," the young wizard felt that he accidentally bit the tip of his tongue, but he endured the pain and looked at the old wizard next to him again: "Do you know my father?"

"He is much more active than you." The wandering wizard raised the cup and touched the rim of the wine glass in the wizard's hand, with a bit of nostalgia in his tone: "Back then, he had interactions with more than half of the guests in the wandering bar... Perhaps this is also a talent, and your family can always appear in the most complicated places where cause and effect are entangled in the wizarding world."

... Xiao Xiao muttered a few words in a low voice, as if he was complaining or sighing. Then he opened the black notebook and scribbled a few notes.

"Is he the descendant of this generation of observers?" Fei Rui stood on tiptoes and whispered in the ear of the Mouse Immortal: "I heard that their family is very evil, and people die every time they appear..."

"You are a mouse, so you don't have to worry about this." The Mouse Immortal pushed away the sticky little hamster.

Xiao Xiao's ears twitched slightly.

"The rumors are inaccurate." He raised his head, looked at the two mice, and corrected him very sincerely: "I have been in the school for almost a year, and no one has died... It's just that according to the family's request, we will observe it closely. There are many details on historical nodes, and most historical nodes will always have lives that have died in one way or another... So, I hate this job.”

As he spoke, he sighed heavily.

"Ahem," the wandering wizard coughed twice and reminded in a low voice: "Enrollment plane, flight attendant, um. Of course, we all know that this is not your fault."

Xiao Xiao's face suddenly darkened.

He had just been thinking that no one had died during his year at school, but he had forgotten about the flight attendant who died unexpectedly on the special plane for admission. This made him even more bitter towards Nikita.

Fei Rui twisted his butt uneasily.

"So," it leaned close to the Mouse Immortal's ear again and murmured in a low voice: "Are we still going to hold these little guys captive? Both of them are's a headache just to look at them."

"You are a mouse, not a human." The Rat Immortal corrected him, pushing the little hamster away again: "Don't care about these details."

The wandering wizard raised the brim of his pointed wizard hat, glanced at Fei Rui, and said softly: "Don't you understand? Their appearance here has already explained a lot of problems... If we want to transcend the shackles of the great wizard, we must learn Take a broader view.”

The Rat Immortal frowned slightly: "You want to take them to the dark prison?"

"Perhaps they are the key to our escape from the Black Prison." The wandering wizard glanced at the young wizards meaningfully. The Rat Immortal sighed slightly and said nothing more.

After realizing that it was impossible to leave safely, Xiao Xiao simply gave up, holding up the black notebook and transforming into a conscientious investigative reporter.

"What is Ju Zero Three?"

"Hey, that big skeleton opposite...its name."

"Why is it called 'Ju Ling San'?"

"Giant, extremely big. It means that the level of the giant skeleton has reached the limit of the great wizard, and it is only a thin line away from the legend."

"It's amazing... Since you have such powerful technology, why don't you make a deal with the alliance? I believe that the 'giant' wizard who can mass-produce it can definitely exchange a few Xuanhuang Fruits from the school."

"This is originally a forbidden technique sealed by the alliance, and it cannot be mass-produced... Also, do you know about the Xuanhuang Fruit?" Fei Rui looked at the Mouse Immortal with some annoyance, and then at the wandering wizard: "Even one by one. All the kids in the grade know it... who doesn’t know it?”

"He is not an ordinary first-year student." The wandering wizard stretched out a finger and pressed Fei Rui's scalp comfortingly: "There are very few students who know about this... Well, the new student in the North District The Great Wizard of Jin also knows, right?"

"Korma?" The Rat Immortal pinched the beard at the corner of his mouth and nodded: "I told her... but she is already a great wizard and knows what to say and what not to tell. She chose not to join us plan, it will naturally remain neutral.”

"The black tide set off by Captain Misty is enough to keep her busy until this matter is over." The wandering wizard nodded.

Xiao Xiao didn't have time to ask new questions, so he just lowered his head, grabbed the quill, and scribbled these secret messages that were rarely heard in the black notebook.

Knight solemnly reminds you: remember to collect after reading this

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