Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 561: Red-Eyed Earth Dragon

"The last remaining question now is how we get back."

"How did you get here, naturally, and how do you get back?"

"We took the Dilong Express when we came here, but what about going back?" After Fatty Xin tightened the lid of the last jar, he stood up straight with satisfaction, hammered his waist, opened his arms and gestured: "Besides the wasteland in all directions, there are saline-alkali lands. , further away, you can even see the endless desert...where are the stairs!"

Dylan opened his mouth and suddenly realized that this was indeed a blind spot that he had not noticed.

The Earth Dragon Express is a means of transportation that shuttles between ley lines, so it is very convenient to get off the train. As long as the guests need it, the Earth Dragon can appear at any place and spit out the guests.

But getting on the bus is not so easy.

In order to ensure that the 'earth dragons' wandering in the earth's veins can hear the summons of the wizards, the passengers need to have a 'downward walking' action. Analyzed from a mystical point of view, this is to allow the wizards to move when casting spells. There is an 'emotional resonance' with the earth dragon in the earth veins, but from the perspective of the dimensional wizards, this is more like a process of guiding different dimensions to intersect through external simulation.

All in all, when taking the Earth Dragon Express, most wizards will choose a descending passage - including but not limited to a downward staircase, an elevator that can run downward, or even a rope hanging downward - wizards We can enter the station belonging to the Earth Dragon Express by chanting "Earth Dragon Express" while going down.

Of course, this kind of temporary station is changed according to local conditions according to the environment of the guest boarding point, and is not a real magic station built by wizards.

It's just that the five hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team are currently located on the desolate and dry plateau of the Akatama Mountains, surrounded by endless Gobi and wasteland. As far as the eye can see, there is no building suitable for casting spells.

"It is said that someone tried jumping off the cliff to enter the Dilong Station." The fat wizard enthusiastically gave his own suggestion: "How about, brother Zha, would you try?"

Zheng Qingxu glanced at him.

"Did he succeed?" As the captain, he always has to show some responsibility.

"I don't know... I just said it was all 'heard'." As he spoke, the fat wizard suddenly bent down, picked up a Peruvian red scorpion that had slipped through the net, held its tail, and waved it in front of Zheng Qing's eyes. Liaohuang: "You have to try anything before you know the result, right?"

Zheng Qing watched the red scorpion turn around as hard as he could, trying to cut off the fat wizard's fingers with a pair of big claws.

"Not all attempts work." He snorted.

Xiao Xiao's voice suddenly came to my ears: "Mine."


"There is a mineshaft in that abandoned salt mine... There should be a ladder going down inside. Maybe we can go and have a look. If that doesn't work, just use the flying spell. It only takes four or five hours to fly to the nearest town. "

It's a distance that doesn't sound hopeless at all.

The 'mine' that Xiao Xiao mentioned actually belongs to the ventilation shaft of this abandoned salt mine. The iron fence at the entrance of the shaft is already rusty. With Zheng Qing's strength, he can break the iron bars on the fence with just a single force. Coming down - this made him a little confused, especially when he leaned forward and glanced at the dark, seemingly bottomless shaft, his face became even more ugly.

"Do you really want to take this elevator?"

Compared with Zheng Qing, the fat wizard's worries seemed more urgent. He stamped his feet very lightly, causing a lot of dust to fall from the roof of the mine: "With my size...I mean, this thing is obviously in disrepair. What’s the difference between using it to go down a well and jumping off a cliff?”

"The difference is that when you jump off a cliff, you know you are jumping off a cliff, but when you get on the elevator, you don't know if you are jumping off a cliff." Dylan analyzed seriously.

He doesn't care whether he jumps off the cliff or enters the elevator. After all, half of the blood of the Vampire family flows in his body, and his agility is naturally maxed out, so he is in the most relaxed mood at this moment.

"We are wizards!" Dr. Xiao Da reprimanded the fat wizard unceremoniously: "Pick up your book... Even if you don't know the feather falling spell, don't you still know the flying magic? Give yourself a pair of mayfly feathers is it hard?"

"Since we have the Feather Falling Technique, why don't we go to the real cliff?" The fat wizard muttered in disbelief.

"Because this is the 'cliff' closest to us." The fortune teller of the Exoneration Hunting Team pushed the fat wizard into the elevator with a bad attitude: "Before coming in, I have already checked everything within a radius of ten miles. The terrain, this is the best place to 'walk down'."

"I'll go first, I'll go first."

Zheng Qing followed the mud and rushed to the elevator before the fat wizard. Of course, he very wisely followed the doctor's advice and got himself a pair of mayfly feathers in advance.

"Hey little star!"

Several bright stars of different sizes jumped out from behind Zheng Qing, one stopped in the car, and the remaining ones got through the gaps in the fence, illuminating the dark ventilation shaft.

The abundant light gave the young public-funded student an invisible sense of security, so much so that the slight creaking sound of the elevator after he stepped on the metal floor did not panic him.

Immediately afterwards, several other hunters from the Exoneration Hunting Team also entered the car one after another. Except for the ominous sound that sounded like a wire breaking from above the car when the fat wizard entered, the whole process was extremely smooth.


The elevator started with difficulty and began to descend slowly. The five hunters opened the magic books in their hands and chanted the spell to summon the earth dragon closest to them.

Almost immediately, they received feedback from an earth dragon.

When the elevator stopped again and opened, a small space of less than 100 square meters appeared outside the door. It looked like a huge salt shaker, but it had a complete series of platforms, station halls, air shafts, and even safety passages. Facilities - This is the smallest 'subway station' that Zheng Qing has ever seen, but it also fits the old saying, although a sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs - the walls and vaults around the station are covered with black and white ripples that look like waves. Covered, that is the shape of the salt mine in the stratigraphic profile. Each layer takes about 100,000 years to form.

A dark yellow earth dragon is parked at the entrance of the platform, its mouth wide open, waiting for guests to get on the train.

"hurry up!"

A conductor wearing a wrinkled robe leaned half of his body out of the earth dragon's big mouth, holding a similarly wrinkled pointed wizard hat in his hand, waving it vigorously to the young wizards, and said in a quick voice: "This is a red-eye trip. Earth Dragon, it has been running in the earth veins for a month. It has a bad temper and will never stay in one place for more than a minute... hurry up!"

Zheng Qing subconsciously raised his head and looked above Dilong's big mouth.

Sure enough, a pair of big bloodshot eyes were trembling and blinking impatiently, as if they would leave them behind in a snarl the next second.

He never knew that Earth Dragon had eyes.

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