Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 566: Human Wolf

Zheng Qing raised his head and glanced at the sky.遆

Whether it was an illusion or not, he felt like someone above his head had just called his name.

But as far as the eye can see, except for the opal-like sun and a few thick clouds, there is no other scenery in the sky. Even the birds in the silent forest wisely avoid this battlefield where magic is surging.

Bang bang bang!

A series of crisp explosions made the young public-funded student quickly retract his gaze.

In the center of the battlefield.

The two layers of the illegal laboratory's shell were peeled off, revealing the exquisite pyramid-like core inside. At this moment, one after another orange fire was spiraling upward around the 'pyramid'.

"...The enemy actively detonates the magic nodes on the adhesion surface, causing reverse interference to our traction formation...Please all units be more vigilant and pay attention to the possibility of the enemy taking the opportunity to escape..." Dun

A ball of green flames hung diagonally above the Forgiveness Hunting Team, with a bird's head sticking out of the flames. It was chirping and reporting the latest situation on the battlefield. After Mr. Baozi's contact mission was completed, the blue bird was left floating away. Go, there are only five young hunters from the Forgiveness Hunting Team in this area at the moment.

There are no outsiders, and everyone is in a relaxed state.

"These crows still have some fighting consciousness in their heads, and they know that they cannot let the three-pronged sword strip off their 'clothes' layer by layer, exposing their big white butts."

Dylan hung upside down on a branch, swaying and looking at the fireball exploding in the distance. He yawned widely and showed two pale little fangs: "...But in this case, the divination team should There must have been a plan.”

"no doubt."

Fatty Xin was sitting in front of a tree, with a picnic cloth printed with the head of a giant tabby cat spread under him. His plump butt was accurately pressed against the cat's head. He was holding a plate of fruit in his hand and was carefully selecting the fruits on the plate with a toothpick. Putao analyzed vaguely: "Even with my level of divination, I can calculate that those crows will jump over the wall..."

His voice stopped abruptly here.遆

Because under the orange fireballs after the explosion, dark holes with a diameter of about ten feet were exposed - to use an inappropriate analogy, the illegal laboratory at this moment is like an upside-down honeycomb.

puff! puff! puff!

The dull sound of spitting sounded intermittently, and things that looked like melon seeds were ejected from those dark holes, like a huge mine-laying vehicle. Those 'melon seeds' drew crisscrossing arcs in the air. The thread fell back to the ground with a crackle, its sharp end plunged into the ground, and its thick end was exposed at an angle.

In an instant, less than half of the battlefield was covered.

"I guess those boxes contain the crows' experimental subjects." The fat wizard finally chewed the grape that had been in his mouth for a long time, and guessed with certainty.

Then he wiped his hands on the plaid cloth and quickly started to pack his 'picnic' supplies.

"Don't want to eat?" Zheng Qing glanced at him sideways and sneered.遆

"When you eat, you should eat happily, and when you fight, you should fight happily." The fat wizard laughed, looking through his Dharma book, and said without raising his head: "As the saying goes, an elephant will be killed by ants... …There are so many experimental subjects. At first glance, there are hundreds of them. It seems that it is too much for just four hunting teams. "

Perhaps it was an annotation for his words.

The group of green flames hanging diagonally above the Forgiveness Hunting Team suddenly grew a little bigger, and as the flames stretched, they outlined the appearance of a small blue bird - obviously, this was a more formal approach than just showing a bird's head. Performance.


The green bird covered its mouth with its wings, coughed twice, then stood upright and reported: "The Joint Command ordered the Forgiveness Hunting Team, Baize Hunting Team, and Iron Cross Hunting Team to strengthen patrols according to their respective assigned areas, and do a good job Ready for support at any time! ”

The tongue of fire curled up, and the green bird turned into a quiet ball of fire again.


Accompanied by the sound of mechanical collision, the glass hatch on the 'Guazi' opened to both sides, and clouds of white mist poured out from the cabin, with streaks of light green viscous liquid dripping down.

"The bandit wind is blowing, and the final wind will be violent!"

"The bandit wind is blowing, and the wind will eventually become hazy!"

"The wind is blowing, but the wind will eventually blow!"

Almost instantly, three clear chimeric spells sounded in three directions of the battlefield. The special tactics team of the assistants and the crisis support team of the Trident Sword cast this strong wind spell in perfect harmony. Those who had just poured out of the training warehouse The white mist was torn to pieces in the violent wind before it was connected and formed.

The strong wind carried a strange smell and blew into the edge area where the Exoneration Hunting Team was.

Dylan rolled down from the tree with a huff and sniffed hard.遆

"These damn crows... they're out of bounds."

There was a hint of gloom on his face.

No further explanation is needed, everyone can understand where Mr. Vampire Werewolf's anger comes from at this moment.

After the capsule-like cultivation chambers landed and were opened, monsters with wolf heads and human bodies emerged one after another. They opened their red eyes and let out low roars from their throats. They were covered in black scales and huge. There are sharp white claws hanging on the palms, and the neck, waist and other parts are covered with long black hair. There is a steel whip-like tail behind it, which makes a heavy whistling sound as it swings left and right.

The light green viscous culture fluid slowly slipped from their bodies and dripped on the ground, corroding small black pits, and streams of blue smoke immediately emerged from the pits.

There is no doubt that these experimental subjects used werewolf blood.

In other words, they were simply concocted by crows using some poorly qualified werewolves.遆

Regardless of the possibility, this situation is an insult to the werewolf clan of the Moon Council. The half of the werewolf blood flowing in Dylan's body cannot ignore this provocation.

To paraphrase Matthew Cullen, it's about moonlight glory.

Fortunately, Mr. Vampire Werewolf still has some clarity in his mind and knows his identity. He turned to look at Zheng Qing and said in a very serious tone: "In this case, I must take action."

The captain of the Exoneration Hunting Team thought for a few seconds.

"Swordsmen, gentlemen, come out," he gave the order quickly: "You two are free to hunt in our patrol area, waiting for opportunities to support friendly teams on the field... Others, prepare the triangle battle formation!"

"Yes!" Dylan lowered his head slightly.

"Copy that!" Rarely, there are times when Blue Bird talks more than others.遆

Before Zheng Qing had time to complain, the two Starry Sky Academy teammates turned into two puffs of smoke and disappeared from his sight in the blink of an eye, forcing him to hold back the words he wanted to tell him.

"I'm sure they've been putting up with it for a long time." The fat wizard patted his belly and analyzed in a serious manner: "And the gentleman, don't look at the usual gentleness... The people from Starry Sky Academy are the same as Siwen. Is it related to my son? I suspect that at least half of the anger he just showed was fake.”

"There is no doubt." Zheng Qing nodded and murmured in a low voice: "The vampire half cannot be angry because the werewolves are embarrassed... They might even raise a toast to celebrate."



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