Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 571 Blood will illuminate everything in the world

Like a summer rainstorm.

Fierce, intense, and short.

It comes when people are unprepared, and then disappears without a trace.

The cleaning process of the First University's Guardian Array against 'foreign objects' was not long. It only took a short time, and the dense rain of thunder turned the entire battlefield into scorched earth. The big head at the core of the attack , and as soon as the 'thunderstorm' landed, it was chopped into wisps of smoke and retracted into the pyramid building, and then fell to the charred ground along with the out-of-control building.

But the development trend of summer heavy rains is opposite.

The eve of a summer rainstorm is quiet and dull, and the extremely low air pressure makes people almost breathless. After the rainstorm, the whole world takes on a new look, full of vitality; and before the 'thunderstorm' of the school's protective circle falls, this Although the battlefield deep in the silent forest cannot be said to be full of vigor and vitality, it is also full of noisy vitality. However, after the 'thunderstorm', it turned into a dead land, with stagnant breath and complete silence, just like the eve of a summer rainstorm.

The pyramid building of the illegal laboratory fell crookedly to the ground. The appearance is dark, the walls are broken, and the walls are scarred, making people wonder whether there are any living things inside.

The four hunting teams of the First University and the Trident Sword were the closest to it and were the most severely affected. Even if they launched a second-level battle formation before the 'thunderstorm' came, it was of no avail. Several statues condensed in the battle formation The real body was smashed to pieces, and thanks to the badges of the school and the three-pronged sword they wore on their bodies, which had a certain effect on neutralizing the attack of the guardian circle, they could barely retain some mobility after the 'thunderstorm'.

As for the other two hunting teams on the edge of the battlefield, they were not spared. The second-level battle formation was shattered, and the hunters suffered heavy losses. Of all the seven hunting teams, perhaps only the Forgiveness Hunting Team was able to withstand most of the thunderstorms and barely maintain the operation of the second-level battle formation because of the use of the talisman awarded by Professor Yao.

Even so, the indigo skin of the Bofu Giant was flickering in the gray sunlight, as if its true body would quietly collapse in the next second due to out-of-control magic power.

Above the thunderclouds.

A group of thick clouds did not dissipate with the departure of the thunderstorm, but still hung stubbornly in the sky.

In normal times, its existence would have alerted the hunters, but right now, everyone on the battlefield was focusing on the pyramid building that seemed to have lost its vitality, which made the cloud's situation even safer. .

In the clouds, a huge gray-white crow spread its wings and hovered steadily in the sky. Crow No. 3 stretched its neck, poked its head out of its back, and tried to look down.

In front of him, Professor Monteria, the mentor of the crows, was softly explaining to him the basic operating rules of the First University's guardian circle: "...The thunder curse is as strong as the sun, and it is the nemesis of most black magic." When the First University's protective array passively counterattacked, the first spell was a thunder curse. It was not without reason, because in the eyes of the wizards who established this array, only demons and dark wizards would attack the First University. Crazy thoughts, so it’s perfect to prepare thunder spells for them..."

"You just said 'the first spell of the protective circle's passive counterattack', do you mean there are second, third, or more spells?" Crow No. 3 couldn't help but interrupt the professor's analysis.

"Yes. But if the first spell eliminates the threat, just like now, the flying laboratory has fallen back to the ground, and the protective circle cannot feel the threat, so naturally it will not waste more magic power... It Very precise and very rigid.”

"What about that old guy Whateley? Why is there no movement? Is he dead?"

"He won't die."

Professor Monteria still had his eyes closed, but there was a hint of helplessness in his voice: "Have you forgotten that what we transplanted for him was the blood of the Thunder Titan? Even the school could not have imagined that the person who was drowned by lightning after disturbing the guardian circle today would be A monster with the blood of the Thunder Titan... Not only will it not be killed by lightning, it will also greatly enhance its strength, just like throwing a fire dragon into the lava or throwing a giant whale into the sea."

"Do you mean that he might have deliberately lured the guardian circle to attack?"

Compared with old people, young people are always less patient. Just like at this moment, Crow No. 3 stared at the half-destroyed pyramid building, his brows knitted together: "I have already said that this matter should not be brought to the attention of the dark wizard. ...Especially like Old Whateley, a die-hard believer of the evil god without any spirit of contract as a wizard, he is like a time bomb... We hired him to conduct magic experiments, not to make him crazy! What did you do? Break our plans at will, challenge the school unscrupulously, just to satisfy your pursuit of power..."

"Which wizard falls into darkness, not for the pursuit of power?" The professor finally opened his eyes and looked at Crow No. 3 strangely: "Power is also a manifestation of truth. Our persistence in truth is different from his pursuit of power. What’s the essential difference between persistence?”

The professor's words were extremely sharp, piercing the invisible mask on the young wizard's face. Fortunately, he still had a real mask that covered his red face at the moment.

Perhaps the professor also felt that his words were a little fierce, so he calmed down and added: "Most dark wizards have a very conservative mentality because of their lack of power. They will only go crazy when they are pursuing power. At other times, they are very cautious. This imbalance of mentality is very dangerous... because when they suddenly possess powerful power, they will be directly lost in the surging magic power, unconsciously maintaining the crazy state of pursuing power... just like now... …listen……"

Crow No. 3 adjusted his mask and listened.

Under the clouds.

A soft hum suddenly sounded in the scorched earth. The voice was hoarse and rough, as if two broken pieces of wood were rubbing against each other. However, the emotions conveyed in the hum were so delicate and subtle that everyone unconsciously held their breath -

Before the pyramid hit the ground, beautiful bubbles rose and supported it

Bloody beast, stop crying

Don't suffocate the pain

Raise your head and look at the stars

Soon, the crows will come, bringing us stones, branches, and amber light

One day the sun will set and we will leave

In the long wait, the pain first disappears and then appears again

We open our eyes and wipe away the tears

then see the truth

Pain is the fruit of truth

Pain purifies the blood

And blood will illuminate everything in the world

Raise your head and look at the stars

Soon, the crows will come, bringing us pebbles, branches, and amber light

One day the sun will set and we will leave

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