Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 576: One to Thirteen

The densely packed arms were spread out from under the robe, criss-crossed, like a lush banyan tree stretching its body in the night. The arms were of different thicknesses and lengths, and most of them were empty. Only the two strongest arms on both sides of the body held Dharma books and wooden staffs.

But that doesn’t mean those arms serve no purpose.

"...Om...I...Pologodi (offering)'latgh (burning)...'ai (summoning)...soldier...ebuman (trap)...n'ghft (darkness)'gha (death)..."

The muddy and hoarse voice echoed over the battlefield. Whateley opened his arms and pinched out ancient magic formulas, reciting mantras that were a mixture of different schools and beliefs. Chaos and harmony were perfectly integrated at this moment. Together, they vibrated the magic power in all directions, gathering together one evil and powerful aura after another.


boom! boom!

Colorful cursed lights rolled and flowed in the sky, and the three great wizards of the school also showed their true bodies one after another. The blazing fire dragon, the white angel, and the purple centipede, the three huge figures were like rocks nailed to Whateley. The strange and huge figures to the left, right and in front looked like three bright stars of different colors in the night sky, emitting unparalleled brilliance.

Although the golden mountain shadow above the heads of the young wizards was not within the direct attack range of the cursed light, the power that just passed by it had already made it buzz, and there were vague signs of collapse.

"Did this old monster really just succeed in promotion?" Hilda touched the copper ring on her ear, looked at the rolling curse light in the sky, and murmured: "This intensity... this intensity..."

"This level should belong to the top wizards." The captain of the Chilian Hunting Team said solemnly.

"This is impossible!" Another assistant teacher's tone was full of disbelief: "Before coming, we obtained the information about Whateley from the school's divination team. At least a month ago, it was only a registered wizard level!"

"But it is unquestionable and has been cast into a complete true body."

Thomas took a step forward, as if he wanted to see more clearly: "If you look carefully, you can find that the tail and four claws of the fire dragon, the wings of the angel, and half of the body of the centipede are still the same. In the virtual state, after being attacked by the cursed light, hazy magic waves will appear... But Whateley's real body is condensed and real. Every arm, every eyeball, and even the tattered robe are unreal. Virtual, not at all illusory.”

"Is it possible? It takes a month to build a complete true body..."

"It's possible." A voice said suddenly.

Almost everyone subconsciously turned back to look at the speaker, Zheng Qing was no exception, and then he realized that the person speaking was the fortune teller of his hunting team.

Although Xiao Xiao was the shortest among everyone present, he received the most attention at this moment. He held the thick hard-covered notebook, adjusted his glasses, and spoke slowly, but answered very clearly: "As long as sufficient casting materials are prepared in advance and supplemented with superb alchemy skills, it is possible to When you become a great wizard, you also create a complete true body... This method was often used by ancient Buddhist monks when condensing their golden bodies."

"However," he paused here, and then spoke again: "Using this kind of trick will lock the possibility of going further. In other words, the real body condensed with foreign objects has no chance to peek into the legendary realm. No one would choose this option if they advance to the level of a great wizard on their own. They would rather use magic power over a long period of time to slowly develop a true body that suits them better."

"How do you know this... this kind of thing!" The fat wizard carefully poked the doctor's lower back and asked the question that aroused the confusion in many people's hearts.

"I heard it." Xiao Xiao explained lightly.

"I do somewhat understand the choice of this dark wizard." Hilda smacked her lips, interrupting everyone's attention to her students. He touched the copper nails on his lips, thoughtfully: "For many wizards with poor qualifications, ——For example, our Mr. Whateley, his qualifications are definitely not very good. It would be a blessing to be able to become a great wizard. Being able to become a complete true form that only the top great wizards have is simply elusive... Treat him like this For a wizard, the way forward is originally cut off... Moreover, although this true form is not condensed bit by bit using magic, this does not prevent it from possessing the combat power of a top wizard. "



The sound of heavy cracking sounded slowly and clearly in every wizard's ears. Thomas raised his head and took one last look at the spiderweb-like cracks spreading on the golden mountain shadow above his head, then withdrew his gaze and looked around.

"Everyone prepare for the second-level deployment." He spoke concisely and gave the order: "On this kind of battlefield, ordinary registered wizards don't have much room to intervene. Only the true form of the second-level battle formation may be able to help the professors... Receive blessings from heaven and protect your life!”

He reached out and patted Zheng Qing's shoulder and said a simple blessing.

"Receive blessings from heaven and protect your life!"

All the wizards lowered their heads and recited this prayer together. Then they quickly dispersed and turned into three hunting teams. They distanced themselves and built their own battle formations. The orange, blue, and gold-red magic afterbirths rose instantly, like three dazzling fires. On the other two sides of the battlefield, seven more piles of 'flames' also rose at almost the same time.



The shadow of the golden mountain suddenly collapsed, and the scattered fragments fell from the sky like meteors. Ten huge figures slightly smaller than the real bodies of the great wizards rose from the ground, and all attacked the dark figure that looked like a big tree. The surging curse light dispersed slightly, and the voices of several great wizards came from behind the curse light.


Whateley's strange and sharp laughter spread everywhere: "It is indeed the school's usual cowardly style...beat the younger ones, hit the older ones, beat one, come in a group...they are used to bullying the younger ones with the big ones, and bullying the younger ones with the more. Na."

"You can also tease people," the huge fire dragon hovered in the sky and sneered: "As long as you call over, we will pick up as many people as you want."

This sentence immediately silenced the dark wizard.

In the final analysis, no wizard organization can compare with Number One University in terms of number of people. Regardless of low-level wizards or high-level wizards, the school always has an absolute advantage.

It silently lowered half of its arms, created dazzling spells one after another, and released powerful spells, resisting attacks equivalent to thirteen great wizards. At the same time, it raised the other half of its arms and stretched out its sharp index finger. , two by two staggered, cutting the blood vessels on each other's wrists.

Red blood suddenly surged out.

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