Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 582 The sky is both blue and black

"In general, I am satisfied with your mission this time. It was professional, efficient, and concise. You did not make any low-level mistakes during the execution... except for the final finishing... Including No. 3 , I received many requests from people who wanted to extend the experimental process or even help the experimental subjects escape..."

"Professor, what I mean is..." Crow No. 3 couldn't help but want to explain.

But he immediately felt a stern gaze falling from the crow's back.

Professor Monteria lowered his eyelids, interrupted Gan Ning's explanation with his gaze, and then emphasized his tone slightly: "As I just said, for the sake of precaution, I don't mind restating a few things.

The purpose of our experiment was to verify the experimental data and deceive others, and to hold a gorgeous funeral for the 'crow' in the eyes of others, not to release a big demon-level monster that wreaked havoc on Phuket Island.

No one in the school can die. This can probably be regarded as the last line of tolerance for our small organization by some people in the school.

An ordinary dark wizard, an ordinary verification experiment, is not worthy of us breaking the bottom line for it... If you cross the line, it means that I have crossed the line. I crossed the line, which meant the experiment was over. Therefore, please be clear-headed and don't regard the school's occasional indulgence as your ability. "

There was no sound in the quiet forest.

Including birds, beasts and insects, as well as the cold wind passing through the forest and the dead leaves shaking on the branches, all stopped and maintained absolute silence under the professor's serious tone.

"Now, please raise your head and take a look at the sky." The professor changed the subject and made a strange request.

The crow masks hesitated and were raised one after another, looking at the sky confusedly and seriously. In the twelfth lunar month of winter, the weather was not good either. They could see neither the bright sunshine nor the white clouds. Everything was gray and foggy.

"Do you see what color the sky is?" the professor asked.




The sparse answers represented the crows' uneasy mood at the moment.

"It's white, it's gray, it's blue, but it's even more black."

Professor Monteria meant something and taught earnestly: "Behind the sun, the real universe is dark and dead. The vast starry sky, infinite life, and brilliant civilization, everything is in this darkness and silence." Bred in deathly silence, only by looking at the purest darkness can one detect the subtlest light of hope.

This is why I have taken you so far on this road, but the school did not strictly prohibit it. Because it is easiest to spot light on a black background, and because at any time, the world always needs some people to observe the darkness.

You are like seeds buried deep in the dull soil underground, full of vitality. As long as there are sufficient nutrients, water and sunshine, you will one day grow into towering trees.

But until then, you cannot immerse yourself in the darkness around you.

You must remember that we are only using the dark background to find the light of hope. Don't let the black completely drown the light in your eyes. "


Professor Monteria came to Old Man Ruoyu's office again.

There was no light in the large office. Including the Gubulai fairy fire on both sides of the entrance, as well as the magic torches inserted on the walls on both sides, were all extinguished at this moment.

In the darkness, the faint sounds of beasts grinding their teeth and picking their claws could be heard.

Monteria guessed that these sounds should be made by the stone statues of magical creatures in the office. Only in the dark do they dare to stretch their bodies like living creatures.

"I put out those torches."

In the darkness, the voice of the owner of the office suddenly sounded. I don’t know if it was an illusion. Monteria felt that this voice sounded older than a few months ago: "There is no fire in the world that cannot be extinguished. Only whether you want to extinguish it or not, can it be extinguished?" It’s just a matter of extinction.”


A snap of fingers.

A large fire ball suddenly appeared in the darkness, illuminating Professor Monteria's messy gray hair and high cheekbones. He took off his hat in the firelight and bowed slightly in the direction of the desk.

Then he straightened up and apologized seriously: "I'm sorry. But I think any firelight in the dark is very valuable, because it can drive away wild beasts."

Outside the halo of the big fire, there was a rustling sound, mixed with the low roars from deep in the throats of the magic sculptures, as if it was a warning to the fire.


There was a heavy smoking sound behind the desk, and immediately, the room fell into absolute silence. A little scarlet quietly appeared, slowly flickering in the darkness, as if a sleeping giant opened one eye.

"Six months ago, in this office, I informed you of the school's decision and requested that experiments on demon blood transformation be stopped, and you agreed."

Old Man Ruoyu spoke in a very soft voice, as if he was worried that a slightly louder voice would scare away the guests under the steps: "...We all know how much personal energy you put into those experiments. So I keep saying to others, Don't be anxious, give you some time, and don't put too much pressure on you when you adjust your mentality..."

"You said," Professor Monteria interrupted Ruoyu rudely: "'This era does not need a new trumpet sound,' but in my opinion, the trumpet sound of the new era has already been blown, and we There is no more time to waste by covering your ears with your hands and pretending not to hear the roar of the rising and falling waves of magic.”

"If you spend time to clean your ears and hear more clearly, then time is not wasted."

“My ears have never been so alert.”

This time, old man Ruoyu didn't speak immediately.

After a while, a heavy smoking sound sounded again in the room.


The scarlet flashed again and then went out.

"I've always felt that you have the same talent as a 'Xie Zhi', able to distinguish what is good and what is bad." Old Ruoyu's voice sounded again, and his tone became much more serious: "'Good' things— -Whether it's magic knowledge, a few words, or a suggestion - it should be able to help you go further on the road to magic, rather than becoming a stumbling block for you to go further. You know how much 'that suggestion' can help you. ,Right?"

"Yes." Professor Monteria lowered his head sincerely and expressed his gratitude to the old man hidden in the darkness.

"Well, I hope, before next semester starts, you can sort out the 'bad' bits. This is the last time. We've given you enough time, and like you said, there's no more time to waste ”

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