Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 584: Digging Graves

"No problem!"

The young public-funded student had a firm look on his face and answered quickly and sincerely: "Just in time, I have prepared some homework related to talismans. I can use this time to urge Dongdong to study in advance."

He said sorry to the little fox in his heart.

Su Shijun nodded with satisfaction, loosened his grip on his collar slightly, and then frowned, his eyes quickly glanced behind Zheng Qing, with a trace of annoyance on his face: "That's it, I'll go first...the banquet There are more and more masters, and there are more and more annoying ghosts... Remember not to go back too late, if Sister Man locks you out, I won't be able to do anything!"

The boy turned his head very carefully and followed the witch's line of sight. He saw Matthew's cousin, Duke Milton of the Vampire Tribe, walking towards here holding a wine glass and greeting others.

"Oh, by the way, I want to give you a simple piece of advice at the end." Su Shijun's slightly serious voice came to his ears.

Zheng Qing withdrew his gaze and looked at the witch curiously.

She looked at the boy seriously and pointed out something: "The ancient Mayan priests said that if you want to share a secret with others, I mean it is 'very important' and 'very dangerous'" For secrets, you should first dig a grave... This grave may bury the person who revealed the secret, or the person who heard the secret, or the person who wanted to steal the secret, or even the person involved in the secret.

Therefore, I want to remind you that some things become secrets because they should not be known to many people. Knowing too much is not good for anyone... That's it, see you later. "

Zheng Qing stood there in a daze, not even realizing when Su Shijun left.

He just suddenly remembered a novel called "The Three-Body Problem" that he had read a long time ago. The protagonist Luo Ji dug a grave for himself before the final confrontation with the Three-Body World and sharing the secrets of the real universe.

He didn't know if the author of that book knew this common saying circulated among Mayan priests, but he knew that the essence of the two was connected.

"If I were you, I would first find a place with a lot of people and hide... Duke Milton looks like he wants to suck your blood dry." A familiar voice suddenly came to Zheng's ears. Qing was startled.

"Oh Shet!"

The young public-funded student cursed in a low voice, first quickly glanced at the gloomy Duke Milton not far away, and then glanced at Fatty Xin who had just spoken, and said angrily: "Do you have pads on the soles of your feet? When you walk? Can you please make some noise?"

Not all the five hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team came to the dinner. Xiao Xiao was lying in the school hospital because of his injury. Lan Que was impatient with this kind of thing, so he stayed with him in the hospital.

Of the three people who came to the banquet, not to mention Zheng Qing, Dylan was grabbed by the Yuexia Council to sit with him as soon as he showed up, and Fatty Xin, who was both delicious and chatty, was at home in this kind of situation.

"Meat pads? Aren't those what cats have on their paws?"

The fat wizard held a dinner plate in his hand, which was piled with grilled meat. His mouth was full of oil as he ate: "I remember you turned into a cat after you transformed... You are more likely to have meat pads than me."

Zheng Qing followed the fat wizard into the crowd and complained in a low voice: "Compared to me, you are more like a cat... You are so elusive that you disappear without a trace when you hear the slightest noise elsewhere. Are you peeping in any corner... Do all investigators have this kind of quirk? "

A row of elves slowly flew past the two of them holding long trays.

"This is not a quirk, this is a sensitivity to news." The fat wizard reached out and took out a small cup of Green Bee from the tray, took a sip, and sighed with contentment: "Eating meat in a big way, drinking in a small sip, it's really The ultimate enjoyment in life.”

"That's all you pursue in life."

Zheng Qing curled his lips and watched the elves holding the trays gradually go away. He inexplicably thought of the scene of the fat wizard running around with himself after the battle. He shuddered subconsciously and gritted his teeth. Question: "I haven't asked you yet, why were you crazy before? I told you it wasn't me..."

"It has to be you...and it can only be you."

Fatty Xin forked another piece of grilled steak, stuffed it into his mouth, and while chewing, he replied vaguely: "Think about it, what was the situation on the battlefield at that time... Everyone was trapped in that bloody barrier, and the magic power continued. As time went by, several great wizards were suppressed and beaten by that strange old man. You, too, used the rune gun to open its mind several times, which everyone can see..."

"I mean, is it possible that it was an experimental accident by the crows and that the dark wizard collapsed on his own?" Zheng Qing thought of his previous conversation with Su Shijun.

The fat wizard looked sideways at the boy and even forgot to chew the meat in his mouth.

"Are you really stupid or are you pretending to be stupid?"

He drank the small cup of Green Hornet in one gulp, threw the glass towards the elf in the air, then grabbed the young public-funded student by the shoulders and motioned him to look around: "Did you see that? Three-pronged sword! Danhag! The wizard! Parliament! Parliament under the Moon! The First University! Only when the great wizard dies in the hunt of wizards can everyone sit in front of the table... If, as you said, the death of Whateley is attributed to Experimental accident, at least half of the people in this room have no credit."

Zheng Qing was a little confused when he heard it. For example, he hadn't figured out why Danhag and the people from the Yuexia Council could join in the fun.

But this did not prevent him from roughly understanding what the fat man wanted to express.

"As for why I chose you," the fat man let go of his hand on the boy's shoulder and sighed with a hint of envy: "Some burdens can only be carried by people with broad enough shoulders. Just like this matter, if not You really helped Whateley open his mind a few times. Even if I scream loudly, who will believe it?"

"Then you don't have to carry me around the battlefield." Zheng Qing muttered.

"What do you know!"

Fatty Xin found another apple from nowhere, took a vicious bite, and analyzed it in an old-fashioned way: "If you don't 'publicize' this kind of credit yourself, and someone bites you here and there, you won't get anything." Now! We just want to spread the word and let the forty or fifty wizards present know... so that those big shots can't deny your credit! Oh, by the way, speaking of credit, I heard that the Three-Chased Sword is planning to give you credit this time! Every hunter who participates in the battle is awarded a Merlin Medal. Did you listen to what Senator Su said? "

Speaking of this, the fat wizard's face lit up and he even forgot to eat meat.

"Medal of Merlin?" Zheng Qing suddenly thought of the nose ring and earrings that helped a lot on the battlefield, and shook his head: "I haven't heard of it... but you, how come you can find out all the information!"



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