Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 588 Cognitive Bias

Zheng Qing heard a saying.

If you are unable to understand your own experience and everything that has happened to you, then plant a seed in your heart, water and fertilize it day after day, and pour your confusion and accumulated experience into that seed. And then go on living a life of blissful ignorance.

Until one day in the future, when you can understand and accept it, you will suddenly find that the seeds have sprouted and grown up without knowing when, and have already produced abundant fruits - whether those fruits are sweet, sour, bitter, or have already grown. broken.

Zheng Qing felt that he had just planted another seed.

Because the wizard who checked his body could not find any traces of evil in the boy's body - due to limited clues, even the great wizard could not divine much valuable information - and when Zheng Qing cried out in horror, After the word "crow", less than five minutes later, more than a dozen therapists and diviners of different ranks, large and small, checked his body, but without exception, no one found any abnormality in the boy's body.

So much so that for a moment, the young public-funded student wanted to cut open his arm and let them examine it carefully.

“There are many ways to tenderize beef…”

Not far away, the lecturer of Magical Biology, who had been freed from suspicion, was quietly discussing with Fatty Xin several ways to prepare beef: "The best way is naturally to select calves. The meat of calves is the most tender and does not require too much cooking. Just serve it." It’s delicious; some people like to use a metal hammer to break the thick fibers in the beef by beating. This method is fast and efficient, but it is very laborious, easy to splash everywhere, and the taste is not good; some people also like to use metal hammers to break the thick fibers in the beef. People, like me, like to use magic marinade, applying a layer of special marinade to the meat before grilling. The whole transformation process is slow and controllable, while retaining the flavor of the ingredients, making it more suitable for your appetite... so The key is to find your own marinade recipe.”

"Are you sure it was the crow that tampered with it?" The questioning voice in his ear diverted Zheng Qing's attention from the beef marinade back to reality. Mr. Milley from the Three-pronged Sword was looking at him with a serious face.

Mr. Milly is not familiar with Zheng Qing, but he has heard from the D\u0026K clerks that he led a team to visit Brother Er who works in the store many times during the summer last year, seemingly trying to find traces of the Rat Immortal, but in the end he found nothing.

Just like this time.

"Absolutely true."

The young public-sponsored student looked at Mr. Agent's pale gray eyes sincerely and almost swore. He felt that the detective in front of him was more like an insurance investigator than a wizard. He was wearing crisp robes and holding a calfskin-covered law book. Every question raised suspicions that the person involved seemed to have bad motives.

"But with so many wizards present, I can be sure that no trace of crows was found."

Another detective from the Three-pronged Sword next to him couldn't help but remind Zheng Qing in a 'good-natured' way: "The barbecue Teacher Gan Ning gave you was cooked by the elves, and he just put a little personal sauce on it... Related Suppliers We are screening them one by one with the service staff...The question now is, how do you know that the 'golden copper bean' is the hands and feet of crows?"

The three-pronged sword agent who asked the question spelled the word 'golden' very clearly. Zheng Qing didn't realize what he meant at the first time.

He looked around blankly. After examining his body, several great wizards attending the banquet did not participate in the follow-up inquiries. Instead, they gathered together to discuss something in a low voice. The school teachers and Trident Sword detectives surrounding him frowned. Wrinkle, each seems to have something on his or her own mind; there are also Danhag and the guests of the Moonlight Parliament standing outside the crowd, with slightly subtle expressions.

Especially the Duke of Milton, who barely concealed the gloating on his face.

"The Excuse Hunting Team has been tracking crows for more than a month. We are the first hunting team in the school to notice the existence of crows." Fatty Xin finally recovered from the topic of beef marinade and noticed the situation faced by his companions - as reporters He knew best that he could not lose the initiative during the conversation, so he answered Zheng Qing's question first: "We have seen them use this kind of thing before!"

"Is it possible that it is a golden bean?" Someone put forward this speculation: "I remember that in some places in China, they like to wrap money in food, which means wealth..."

"No one would put gold beans in barbecue, and what about the gold? How come it's gone after you cut your teeth?"

"Could it be delirium? I mean, maybe I saw it wrong?"

The chaotic discussions in his ears sounded like they would be fruitless for a while. Zheng Qing took a deep breath, calmed down, and went to find the 'tenant' in his body to understand the situation.

"Don't worry, it's good stuff."

As soon as the little green snake's comforting words came out, Zheng Qing was stunned for a moment: "Something really came in? Where is it? said it was good? Are you sure? I remember it was something the crows experimented on... The last wizard from the North District who used it has turned into a monster!"

"How can it be a monster?" The little green snake was displeased, and the tip of its tail almost poked the tip of the boy's nose: "You wizards are so short and weird, and I didn't say anything..."

Hearing this, Zheng Qing finally realized something.

The little green snake was transformed into the remains of the Siren King's essence and obsession, which means that it retains the Siren King's 'aesthetics', and the Siren King is, in the final analysis, still a monster.

Monsters and wizards are different.

Thinking of this, the young public-funded student suddenly felt that his expression was broken: "What kind of good thing is this! I don't want to have tentacles or seventeen or eighteen more eyeballs!"

"If you have more eyes, wouldn't you be able to see the 'road' more clearly? This will be very helpful for you to master the forbidden spell!" The little green snake obviously couldn't understand why the boy reacted so fiercely, and his tone could not hide his confusion: "Besides, this Bloodline seeds can greatly strengthen your physical body... Didn't you always have headaches because of the mismatch between your body and your mind? Now with this seed, you can understand that it strengthens your body. The 'dam', with its existence, you can even slightly improve your control over the forbidden curse and prevent it from exploding at every turn."

"I do not want!"

Zheng Qing didn't bother to explain, but expressed his attitude firmly: "Why can't anyone else find any trace of my erosion?"

The little green snake shrugged its shoulders - no one knows why Zheng Qing would see this kind of shrugging from a snake - closed its red and blue eyes and lazily circled back to the tree of forbidden curses: "Because that A seed is not 'harmful' to you, it is more like a tonic. If there is no external interference, the changes in your physical body will be slow and controllable, and naturally it will be difficult for others to detect... As for if you don't want it... don't smoke it if you don't want it... Just let time slowly eliminate it..."

"Can't you help with the culling?"

"Please, I'm just a little snake that is constantly dying, how can I have the ability to perform such a delicate operation!"

"Shouldn't you keep me safe?"

"Aren't you safe now? You are even safer and healthier now than before you ate that seed!"

"I don't want your kind of health!" The young wizard felt his mentality was a little broken, and shouted in the sea of ​​​​consciousness: "I don't want to grow so many tentacles!"

"I'm not a beautician..."

For the first time, Zheng Qing knew that this snake had such sharp teeth and sharp mouth. He was choked by it and was speechless.

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