Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 161 The life-sucking monster

A crested eagle spreads its wide wings and hovers in the low altitude, looking down at the many creatures in the flying garden with its leering eyes.

Several swifts chased the breeze and flew quickly across the sky.

In the lawn, the pink piggy whined, swung its tail, twisted its buttocks, and paced slowly; the ferocious mastiff lowered its ears and followed the piggy, as if listening carefully to what it was saying; There were even a few fat grizzly bears further away, standing upright and engaging in serious sumo wrestling, which attracted loud cheers and cheers from a group of onlookers nearby.

There are also many silent figures hidden in the bushes not far away.

A colorful tabby cat is lying on a thick shrub branch with its paws in its hands, raising its chin and squinting its eyes slightly, enjoying the morning breeze blowing on its face; two chipmunks are chasing a nut and fighting for it among the branches. There is no peace in the surrounding area; there are also a few young fruit bats, who don't care about the gradually rising temperature, hanging leisurely under the branches and swinging on the swings.

It's not just students.

Even more pets came to Feiyuan for a walk in the morning.

"Is Feiyuan always so lively?" Dylan squinted and looked at the surrounding scenery curiously.

The strong light made him slightly uncomfortable, but the fruit bats hanging on the swings in the trees made him feel happy again.

"So many beautiful girls!" Fatty Xin looked like a pig, and his tone was full of doubt: "Why haven't you two said before... do you want to monopolize them all!"

Zheng Qing was too lazy to complain about the fat man's complaints.

He also looked around with a surprised look on his face. 【】

"Did we turn out from Pavilion No. 3?" Zheng Qing hesitated, turned to look at Xiao Xiao: "Why do you feel that the atmosphere here today is a bit... strange."

As he spoke, Poseidon with blue and white fur rolled over from a distance like a ball of fur and bounced into Zheng Qing's arms.

"There aren't usually so many people." Zheng Qing scratched Poseidon's big ears and looked at the crowd of twos and threes on the lawn, feeling a little irritated: "What are those Alpha guys doing here!"

Because of historical origins, many students of Jiuyou Academy have some skills in practicing qi and health, which can help young wizards regulate qi and blood and replenish their spirits. But these skills require long-term practice - such as daily morning classes.

Similarly, there are students from Starry Sky Academy. Because their teaching philosophy uses combat effectiveness as the criterion, it also requires students to continuously hone various skills day and night.

Therefore, among the Feiyuan morning class group, the number of students from these two colleges is the largest.

Alpha students firmly believe that talents are constant and are hidden in their own blood. They only need to discover them step by step, and naturally do not need to practice deliberately. Therefore, their understanding of morning classes is limited to the extent that it is ‘good for health’. And magic has hundreds of ways to maintain this level of 'health', so very few people waste time coming to Feiyuan to do morning classes.

The most special one is Atlas Academy. This is the only college that incorporates early classes into the credit system. However, the time of their morning classes often depends on the norms of their respective scriptures, and the locations of their morning classes are mostly concentrated under the statues of their respective gods. 【】

These two colleges have the least number of people going to Feiyuan for morning classes.

Therefore, Zheng Qing was extremely surprised when he saw many figures in white and yellow robes in Feiyuan today.

"Xin is a lazy guy, and Dylan is a nocturnal creature. They don't know what the excusable situation is... why don't you know?" Xiao Xiao glanced at Zheng Qing and straightened the pleats on his practice clothes. Some: "Have you not noticed? Today the major clubs in the school have officially started recruiting new members!... This matter has been on the school newspaper for almost a week."

"What does this have to do with them coming to Feiyuan?" Zheng Qing was still a little confused.

"Feiyuan's morning classes can best demonstrate a freshman's ability. Many clubs have arranged their own 'student detectives' to observe secretly here... This is an old custom in the school, and any freshman with some connections will know it." Xiao Xiao He chose a piece of lawn that was a bit clearer and sat down cross-legged.

"As a mature man who is 1,200 years old, I never read childish things like the school newspaper." Dylan said in a deep voice, his eyes lingering on a girl in a white robe with a bumpy figure in the distance.

"I'm very curious," Zheng Qing snorted: "Does a thousand-two-hundred-year-old guy still have the urge to be 'interested'?"

Dylan's expression suddenly stiffened.

Zheng Qing was in a great mood. He took the opportunity to hold Yuan Shouyi in his arms, calmed down and began to practice his "no punches".

The morning breath is lively and fresh.

Zheng Qing squinted his eyes slightly, clasped his hands round, and his breath sank in his Dantian. A soft force deep in his body slowly awakened with his movements, lazily shuttled through Zheng Qing's meridians, following his instinctive impulse, It lingered around the big holes for a few weeks, and then continued to travel.

As more and more big holes passed by, the aura became more and more active. He rushed left and right, trying to find a new way to reach those places full of alluring auras as quickly as possible.

At this time, a noisy voice sounded in Zheng Qing's ears.

"Why are you twisting so slowly here?" Fatty Xin chewed the hot meatloaf and soy milk he just bought, and shouted in a vague voice: "Is this your morning class? It feels like standing sleep!"

Zheng Qing closed his eyes and tried his best to control the warm current in his body, resisting the urge to smash the fat man's head.

Perhaps sensing Zheng Qing's murderous intent, the fat man slipped away quietly.

When the sun finally jumped above the horizon and started the cycle of the day, Fatty Xin ran back with a mysterious smile on his face.

"Do you know why there are so many people today?" He gasped and sat down on the lawn, with big beads of sweat on his forehead.

"Didn't you say that the club is recruiting new members?" Zheng Qing resisted the urge to retaliate immediately and asked doubtfully: "Xiao Xiao already said that just now!"

"It's not just for this reason." Fatty Xin shook his finger and looked at his roommates with a proud expression. In the end, he didn't dare to show off any more: "I just chatted with some juniors... Actually, this matter is still with you. It’s about that patrol on Saturday.”

"Me?" Zheng Qing pointed to his nose, a little confused.

"Did you encounter a kappa that had half of its body chewed off during patrol?" Fatty Xin lowered his voice and whispered, "In the past few nights, the school's patrol team has discovered three withered magical creatures in a row."

"Wither?" Xiao Xiao frowned.

"Three!" Zheng Qing's eyes widened: "Have half of the body of the three kappa been eaten away?"

"Low understanding." Fatty Xin shook his head repeatedly and said with disdain: "Three withered magical creatures! Half of their bodies were not eaten away by corpse-eating beetles, and they are not all kappas... One tree sperm, two red chain snakes... …When he was found, he was all wrinkled and looked like he was about to die of old age.”

"Isn't it a vampire hunting for wild food?" Zheng Qing glanced at Dylan suspiciously.

"Vampires also have self-esteem." Dylan glared at him angrily: "Moreover, the vampires only suck blood... From your description, that kappa, or the following magical creatures, lost more than just a little blood. ”

"Life." Xiao Xiao said briefly.

Zheng Qing was horrified.

"Yes!" Fatty Xin looked at the few people solemnly and added: "The news that this life-sucking monster appeared on campus has spread among many students... causing many people to panic."

"So they came to Feiyuan to hug the Buddha temporarily and practice the guardian spell?" Xiao Xiao laughed.

"Bingo!" Fatty Xin snapped his fingers.

"It's really scary." Zheng Qing smacked his lips and finally shook his head: "But we still have to go to class."

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