Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 599 Zheng Qing did not bite off his tongue

Zheng Qing dared to swear that during this winter vacation, except for the dark wizard, he had never caused any other trouble.

But this confidence suddenly became less firm after seeing the guests outside the door.

Several Sanchajian who came to visit Zheng Qing were all acquaintances.

The serious-faced Wizard Milli headed by him is a senior agent in the Investigation Bureau. He was once responsible for communicating with the rat people, and he left a deep impression on several employees of D\u0026K; behind him, on the left is the three-pronged sword station. Andrew, the commissioner of the Beta Town Office, is the short, fat wizard who is the first three-pronged sword that Zheng Qing has met. He is also a classmate with Thomas from the teaching assistant group; the one on the right is Li Yijin, who belongs to the emergency response department, that is, The department that Andrew worked in before was a member of the Trident Sword Crisis Support Team when he was encircling and suppressing the dark wizard Whateley in the Silent Forest not long ago.

The first time he saw this strange combination, Zheng Qing felt confused in his heart.

After this winter vacation contact, he had a better understanding of the Trident Sword. This was an organization that seemed simple and violent, but in fact had very strict internal management.

Theoretically, several wizards belonging to different departments should not perform tasks together. This is to reduce operational risks within the system.

"I heard that cross-department collaboration within the Three-Chased Sword is a big deal. It seems that the rumors are just rumors after all, hahaha." After the greetings, Zheng Qing looked at the three of them who he was relatively familiar with - or in his impression, the more familiar Andrew, who is easy to talk to, made a haha ​​and tried.

Wizard Milli kept a straight face and said nothing; while the younger Li Yijin looked around curiously and looked at the layout of the living room. It was obviously his first time entering Qingqiu Mansion.

"How do you know it's not a 'big deal' that we are looking for you?" Andrew blinked and replied with a smile: "But you are right about one thing, rumors are just rumors after all... Originally everyone guessed that you were introduced by Councilor Su as a cover-up. It’s a smoke bomb, but now that you’re living in Qingqiu Mansion, it looks like it’s real…”


Wizard Milli coughed heavily, interrupting Andrew's somewhat hesitant words. Zheng Qing also looked slightly sideways, wondering where this guy, who he thought was quite reliable, got the confidence to arrange for him in the home of a great wizard.


A quiet bell rang.

Several fox maids filed in, served tea, fresh fruits, and cakes to the guests, and then left without making a sound.

When the last fox maid disappeared into the living room.

Wizard Milli looked at Zheng Qing with a serious expression and lowered his head slightly: "I'm sorry for my colleague's rudeness. I took the liberty of visiting you today because there are two things I need to briefly communicate with you..."

He raised his head, took out a document bag from his arms, opened it, pulled out a form and handed it to Zheng Qing.

"Regarding the siege of the dark wizard Whateley, in the reward plan finalized after review by the alliance, you will receive a Merlin Gold Medal."

Wizard Milli simply introduced the use of this form: "...According to the internal records of the Umbrella Investigation Bureau, you have received a Merlin brass medal. A summoning spell is solidified on the medal, which can summon a two-headed minnow." Tao. In view of your outstanding contribution this time, the Alliance will provide you with two reward programs to choose from.

In the first option, you can choose to solidify a new spell on the Merlin Golden Medal, including but not limited to various types such as guardianship, evil-proofing, summoning, and evocation. The strength of the spell is at the level of an intermediate great wizard;

Alternatively, you can choose to combine the solidification spells of the two Merlin medals into one, and upgrade the summoning spell into a group summoning spell, which is a magic that can only be cast by high-level wizards. But I need to remind you that the spell can only be fixed on the Golden Merlin Medal. That is, if you choose this option, your Merlin Brass Medal will become an honorary medal, and there will no longer be any spell solidified on it. "

It only took a few seconds for Zheng Qing to make a decision.

Originally, the summoning spell solidified on the brass medal was just a registered wizard-level spell. Although Zheng Qing is not yet a serious registered wizard, most of the time the trouble he gets into far exceeds the registered wizard level. This results in the seemingly useful summoning spell often not being able to provide him with enough. s help.

Just like this time the Silent Forest encircled and suppressed the dark wizard.

Nose rings and earrings only made an appearance in the initial battle, and then were forced to withdraw from the battlefield. Earlier, in the winter hunting or school hunting competition held by the school, summoning spells like this that were not performed by students themselves were not allowed to be used.

Therefore, the summoning spell on the brass medal became very useless.

If, as Wizard Milli said, the three-pronged sword could help Zheng Qing turn this piece of chicken rib into fat and delicious meat, then it would be great.

"I choose the second option."

Zheng Qing quickly finalized his choice. Following Wizard Milli's instructions, he checked the corresponding options on the form and filled in some of his information.

While the young public-sponsored student was writing with his head down, Wizard Milli opened the Dharma book on his knee, tapped it lightly, and a pale yellow magic halo spread out silently, forming an oval shape that looked like an eggshell. The translucent light mask covered the four people together.

But this light shield only lasted for half a second before it shattered and turned into dots of starlight.

The three men in black robes in the living room all raised their heads, with a trace of confusion and confusion on their faces. Wizard Milli glanced at his two companions, and the three of them made hand gestures together, trying to revive the spell.

This time, the mask collapsed halfway before it was even formed.

Zheng Qing happened to finish writing the last stroke, raised his head and saw this scene.


He raised his eyebrows, with a trace of undisguised displeasure on his face - no one likes other people to randomly perform strange magic in their own home - and at the same time, he put one hand on the gray cloth bag on his waist, and a trace of vigilance flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, a series of thoughts even flashed through his mind that the people in front of him were fake Trident Sword investigators, that the crows were coming to trouble him again, and so on.

"Sorry, the second thing is very important, so we need to take some safety measures before talking." A trace of embarrassment flashed in Wizard Milli's eyes, and he lowered his head to admit his mistake again.

Zheng Qing was a little hesitant, his hand still pressed on the gray cloth bag, and the completed form was placed on the table without being returned to the other party.

There was an uncomfortable silence in the living room for a moment.

Just then.

The sound of tapping footsteps came from outside the hall.

"Good morning, gentlemen."

Su Shijun's sweet voice reached Zheng Qing's ears. The young public-funded student looked back and almost bit off his own tongue. I saw that the owner of Qingqiu Mansion had changed into a loose, fluffy robe at some point, with long hair loose and bare feet. He walked into the living room with a lazy and charming look after just waking up - Zheng Qing swore that he even saw the tip of a furry tail peeking out from under the witch's robe!

This vixen!

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