Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 610 New Year’s Eve

Zheng Qing originally thought that breaking a blue and white porcelain would be the final chapter at the end of the year.

Unexpectedly, this is just the beginning.

During the rest of New Year's Eve, the crisp cracking sound similar to that of a porcelain plate was heard repeatedly - from the strong wooden chairs made of huanghuali, to the exquisite cups carved with white crystal, to the silver knives, forks and soups. They were destroyed one by one under the contact of Zheng Qing.

After witnessing the wizard crushing two chairs, crushing five cups, and bending a set of tableware, even someone as slow as Su Ya realized that this was definitely not normal and could no longer continue to say 'safe and sound'.

"I will pay for it."

The young public-funded student murmured.

Obviously, he has not yet adapted to his identity as the owner of Qingqiu Mansion, and still demands himself as a guest. Looking at the fork being poked into the white porcelain plate in front of him, he wants to cry - he just wants to eat a shrimp ball, why is it like this? Disaster? Even the usually soft silver fork could be stabbed into the crisp and hard porcelain plate by him.

Where can I explain this kind of thing?

It was already New Year's Eve.

The gorgeous long dining table in the restaurant was removed and replaced with a maroon round table. The table is not big, allowing Zheng Qing, Su Shijun, and Poseidon to sit close together and share food with each other. There were no flowers or other bonsai ornaments in the center of the table. The table was filled with a variety of dishes that Zheng Qing was very familiar with - braised carp, garlic shrimp balls, soy sauce beef, shredded chicken, cold lotus root and yuba, meatball soup, etc. There was even a small plate of dumplings - very different from what Qingqiu Mansion usually served, obviously to accommodate Zheng Qing's habits.

As a result, he was very embarrassed and had frequent accidents, and he was very upset after a meal.


The clear snap of fingers made the boy who had lowered his head in frustration look up again. It was Su Shijun who signaled the maids to remove all the plates and cups in front of Zheng Qing, leaving only a clean tablecloth.

"I had guessed that this would happen when I removed your chair." The owner of Qingqiu Mansion calmly cut open the shrimp balls in front of him, pricked them with a fork, and stuffed a piece into Poseidon's mouth. , handed the other half to Zheng Qing's mouth, and reminded with a smile: "Be careful, don't bite off my fork."

She didn't need to remind her. Zheng Qing very carefully pulled the piece of shrimp ball into his mouth with his lips. While squirming his cheeks slightly, he sighed and lowered his head again.

At this moment, he was sitting cross-legged in the void. Under him was a small cloud-like magic power condensed by Su Shijun. This was the final solution given by the witch after he crushed two hardwood chairs in a row. In addition, the cups and bowls in front of him have also been removed. If he wants to drink soup or water, someone else needs to use magic power to condense it into a ball and bring it to his mouth.

Originally, Zheng Qing thought that if he was more careful, he would still be fine eating a piece of sauced pork and a shrimp ball.

The result is that now, the brand-new dinner fork is shaking slightly on the white porcelain plate.

"Chirp, chirp!"

Diagonally across the round table, a little fox in a beautiful vest had his ears propped up and rudely laughed at Zheng Qing's clumsiness, but the wizard was in no mood to refute.

"Are you sure it's because of the copper beans?" After swallowing the shrimp balls, Zheng Qing finally couldn't help it and looked longingly at Su Shijun, who was slowly handling the beef in sauce.

When she crushed the first blue and white porcelain plate in the morning, the witch gave her own judgment, believing that Zheng Qing's physical strength was growing rapidly, beyond the level of conscious understanding, which led to a decline in his ability to control his physical body, which was why he continued to have problems. Including the fact that he fell from a height of two meters yesterday without being injured, and that he was attacked from the front by a flying centipede without any harm, these are the best examples.

"Besides crow's beans, have you come into contact with any strange things? In other words, have you seen your husband recently?" While speaking, the witch used her tachyon to pick up a piece of meat dipped in sauce. , handed it to Zheng Qing's mouth, and gestured at the same time: "Ah..."

"Chichi..." The little fox laughed diagonally from the opposite side.

The wizard felt a little ashamed for no reason, but in order to fill his stomach, he honestly opened his mouth and ate the piece of beef. Because according to Councilor Su, when the physical strength changes rapidly, the body must maintain adequate nutrition to avoid insufficient energy supply, which may cause the physical body to extract precious magic power from the body and damage the body's foundation.

"nothing else."

Zheng Qing quickly swallowed the piece of beef and nodded honestly. Since the celebration party that night, he has spent almost all time in Qingqiu Mansion. Although he has been to Sanyou Bookstore several times, he has not even entered the door. Naturally, he cannot talk about meeting his husband: "But..."

But if it was really because of the crow’s bean, his body should have been covered with tentacles, just like the two-headed ogre in the Silent Forest, the fallen wizard of the North District in the Cherry Blossom Tavern, and the three-pronged man who was raped by the school not long ago. The dark wizard Whateley was surrounded and killed with swords. The most striking feature of their mutation is the dramatic change in form.

But now, apart from Zheng Qing's increased strength, there is no abnormality in his appearance.

"But the contraction of your arrector pili muscles is normal. Under stress, neither small granules nor tentacles grew. Right." Su Shijun summarized for Zheng Qing what he had not yet said, and at the same time picked up a piece of He handed the lotus root piece to the boy's mouth and nodded slightly: "Actually, this is what I feel is strange."

Zheng Qing did not immediately open his mouth to bite the lotus root slice.

Instead, he turned his head slightly, avoided Tachyon, and hurriedly gave his guess: "Do you think it might have something to do with the forbidden curse? What I mean is that the breath of the forbidden curse in my body destroyed those 'granulation' existences Soil?"

He is now able to naturally talk to witches about topics related to forbidden spells.

Su Shijun said nothing, staring at him silently, his hand raised in the air motionless.

The boy shrank his neck and bit the lotus root slice honestly.

Then a smile appeared on the witch's face: "No possibility can be ruled out without a precise examination. Of course, the possibility of forbidden spells is very high. The only problem is that according to my superficial understanding of bloodline transformation, if the forbidden spell The curse eliminates the growth opportunities of those 'granules', and also blocks the space for bloodline evolution. In this regard, growth and cost are positively related."

Naturally, Zheng Qing would not really think that the "shallowness" of a great wizard was really shallow.

"Is there any other reason?" The boy lowered his head and watched himself open his five fingers, then clenched them, and then opened them again, as if he could touch the powerful energy pumping in the tiny blood vessels under his skin.

Su Shijun put down the tableware, touched the goblet next to him, and replied in a very soft voice: "There is a popular view in the Yuexia clan that the one who can completely suppress a bloodline can only be a higher-level bloodline. Maybe your bloodline has already been Some unknown changes have occurred during the contact with the forbidden spell, or perhaps there is some more advanced concept flowing in your body that even you don't know... With magic above, everything is possible... Happy New Year! I wish you both good health and all the best!”

She held up her own coconut milk.

A ball of amber light floated in front of Zheng Qing.

And Poseidon also raised his own juice with his paw.

Bang, wow!

Outside the window, brilliant fireworks rise from every corner of Phuket Island, competing to bloom in the night sky, like gorgeous flowers that wither at the end of this cold winter and bloom in the footsteps of the approaching spring.

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