Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 622: Three Bloodlines, Two Analysis

"Is there any way to get that copper bean out?"

Jiang Yu, who had been silent all this time, finally couldn't ignore the flirting between the big fox and a certain wizard. She interrupted the silence in the room after the glass broke and looked at Professor Monteria with a sincere tone.

The professor looked at her in surprise.

"Why do you have to take it out?" There was a trace of confusion in his eyes, and then he looked at Zheng Qing: "Has that copper bean caused you any harm so far?"


Zheng Qing only said one word and got stuck.


Apart from accidentally crushing a few chairs and crushing a few cups and bowls, so far, the copper bean has not caused him any greater harm.

On the contrary, because of its existence, Zheng Qing avoided the risk of being decapitated by a certain flying centipede - of course, the wizard suspected that even without the copper beans, the little centipede might have difficulty sucking out his brain. After all, a certain flying centipede The more ferocious little green snake also stayed in his head.

But it is a foreign object after all.

Zheng Qing is not one of those sick alchemists with a fanatical spirit of self-transformation. He prefers original parts to stuffing things into his body.

Even if that copper bean seems harmless so far.

"It is not uncommon for curses to be harmless at the moment, but over time, suddenly erupt at some point in the future, causing long-term harm to the wizard's body or soul."

As another great wizard present, Su Shijun's words were obviously more convincing: "I have dealt with those crows and seen their experimental subjects. The tentacles and eyes on the experimental subjects are not just pure blood transformation, It also includes very dangerous starry sky pollution... There is no way we can turn a blind eye to this risk."

The pollution from the starry sky is no more than poison to wizards who follow the orthodox route. Any wizard who has a pursuit will take precautions in this aspect.

Professor Monteria shook his head.

"For other ordinary wizards, maybe this is indeed a risk." He stared at Zheng Qing's eyes intently and said in a very soft voice: "But for Zheng Qing... I prefer this to be an opportunity."

Before he finished speaking, he raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


Three finger-thick ice spikes appeared silently in mid-air. Before anyone could react, they fell downwards with lightning speed and pierced Zheng Qing's chest, back and middle of his forehead.



In the eyes of the two witches, who were shocked and angry, three ice spikes stayed on the wizard's skin, broke every inch, and then collapsed, turning into a piece of crystal clear ice crystal.

Only then did Zheng Qing have time to blink.

"What did you do?" Jiang Yu screamed.

But before the witches could continue to question him, Professor Monteria explained consciously - of course, a greater part of this initiative came from the four huge fox tails that suddenly appeared in the living room and hovered around everyone.

"The famous bloodline researcher Alfred White said that inferior bloodline will conflict with the body, excellent bloodline will help the body remove impurities, and great bloodline will ignite the fire of potential and melt all the principles in the world. ”

Under the annoyed gazes of the witches, the professor had to speak a little faster: "When I helped classmate Zheng Qing check his body last year, I discovered that there was a huge power hidden in his body. I don't know the source of that power. But I know that similar situations will occur when some high-level bloodlines are pure to a certain extent.

In a sense, we can understand it as a secret, yet to be developed bloodline.

Then after a year of growth, perhaps based on Zheng Qing's mastery of magic knowledge, or perhaps simply triggering some kind of opportunity, the bloodline hidden in his body was developed. When the crows' copper beans entered his body, they were immediately smelted and absorbed by the power of blood originating from his body... and then fed back into his body, causing his body's strength and power to explode in a short period of time. "

At this point in the explanation, the professor’s meaning is already clear.

He breathed a quiet sigh of relief.

The huge foxtail hovering in the room had quietly disappeared at some point. The three young wizards all frowned, seeming to be digesting the results of his just analysis.

"You mean that the power in Zheng Qing's body is some kind of dormant great bloodline?" Su Shijun folded his arms and looked at Zheng Qing up and down, thoughtfully: "'The great bloodline can melt everything', So whether it’s the inferior bloodline used by the crows in their transformation or the pollution from the stars, it will be smelted and absorbed by the power in his body?”

"Absolutely." The professor nodded reluctantly.

But after a pause, he couldn't help but explain: "Those bloodline seeds modified by crows are not necessarily inferior. The tentacles or eyes growing on the test subjects are more likely to be because ordinary test subjects cannot withstand high-level bloodline transplants." The sequelae of entering the period... In other words, the lack of mental power and the inability of the consciousness to fully control the physical body lead to changes in the physical body... Of course, this is just my guess. "

Perhaps he felt that he had said too much, so the professor did not continue his analysis.

However, his words that ‘consciousness cannot fully control the physical body’ gave Jiang Yu a hint of inspiration.

"Is it because the physical body cannot bear it?"

The witch showed a thoughtful expression and spoke very slowly: "I remember Brother Qing said that the congestion in his eyes was a sequelae of a headache. The headache was caused by excessive mental power and a weak body. If according to your opinion It is said that the copper bean is the seed of some kind of high-level bloodline, which can strengthen the wizard's physical body... Then he doesn't have tentacles on his body now, just because his mental power is very high, and his consciousness can withstand such a degree of mutation of the physical body."

The implication is that if at some point in the future, the physical growth exceeds the mental endurance, Zheng Qing's body will still undergo uncontrollable mutations.

According to Professor Monteria's explanation, the copper bean has been smelted and absorbed by the 'unknown great bloodline', so it cannot be found and there will be no more trouble in the future.

There is not much difference between the two explanations. The only conflict is probably the view on the safety of the copper bean.

Zheng Qing looked left and right.

One's own family knows one's own affairs.

He knew that there shouldn't be any strange blood in his body, only a forbidden curse seed that had sprouted recently. But it is absolutely impossible to explain this kind of thing to others.

However, Professor Monteria's analysis seemed to be similar to that of the little green snake. The 'bloodline seed' that the crows forced into his body was more like a tonic, which could strengthen his body and make his consciousness more consistent with his body.

Once you accept this, everything else seems like trivial matter.

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