Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 165 Sima Yang Yun

Sima Yangyun stood at the door of classroom 201 in the west of the main building with his handout in his hand.

She is a tall beauty with shawl black hair, fair skin, and a slender figure. On weekdays, she always wears a pair of silver-framed rimless glasses with a faint smile on her lips. Even if she wears a large black robe, It can also give people a sense of elegance.

This elegance is in her blood.

The Sima family is a famous 'record-keeper' family in the wizarding world. In the long history of the wizarding world, this family has recorded those thrilling facts countless times with silent eyes and quiet writing. Someone once joked that the future of the wizarding world is in the hands of the president of the First University, the present of the wizarding world is in the hands of the speaker of the Umbrella League, and the history of the wizarding world is in the hands of the Sima family.

This kind of influence from his ancestors has always put Sima Yangyun under heavy pressure.

She was silent, worked hard, persisted, and never gave up, but she never succeeded.

When her brother was elected as a publicly funded student of Alpha College for four consecutive terms and served as the president of the First University Student Union, she unexpectedly entered Jiuyou College and became the nerd in the family's eyes; When applying for the registered wizard assessment, she was still worried about her future with "Beyond the Fog and Seeing History"; so much so that when her cousins ​​began to grow up, they traveled to every corner of the wizarding world to faithfully perform their duties as 'recorders' At that time, she was still wasting time on the campus of First University.

Fortunately, she has favorable family conditions.

Under the arrangement of the always stern-faced old man at home, she entered the Ib Research Institute of First University and began to study under Qian Zhiji, a master of "historical research", to conduct the most boring and boring historical research work.

This work requires the wizard to repeatedly use magic to trace realities in history and record the results. Every detail, from the food, clothing, housing and transportation of historical figures to their conversations, etiquette, contacts, social interactions, etc., must be recorded one by one for use by Yidao people in divination.

She finally had something that she could do well.

Under the guidance of Professor Qian Zhiji, Sima Yangyun spent three years publishing a number of historical research papers as the first author in the history magazine "Looking Through the Fog and Looking at History" with a maximum impact factor, becoming a A late-blooming representative of many wizarding families.

Although she was only twenty-eight years old at that time.

When a reporter from the Beta Town Post asked her about the secret of her success, this elegant lady flipped her long hair hanging around her ears and smiled slightly:

"Without him, practice makes perfect."

Because of his proficiency in 'study' magic and his solid foundation in history, at the invitation of the dean of Jiuyou College, Sima Yangyun began to serve as a lecturer for the new students' 'Modern World History'.

This is her second year as a lecturer.

For Sima Yangyun, being a lecturer is a new challenge. She must work hard to break through her current situation and achieve greater results to safeguard the honor of the Sima family.

For those young wizards with strong hormones, this just means that the history teacher has changed from a rigid old man to a charming beauty.

At First University, beautiful teachers have always been a scarce resource.

As a result, the number of students taking history electives at Jiuyou College has skyrocketed. Moreover, in her class, both the students' participation in various discussions and the discipline in the class are particularly outstanding.

Sima Yang Yun gradually became accustomed to this.

So today, when she stood outside the classroom door and heard the chaotic noise inside, she thought she was in the wrong classroom.

A group of boys gathered in the back row of the classroom, discussing some issue passionately and intensely. Even the girls were whispering to each other, biting their ears, and turning their heads to look at the back of the classroom from time to time.

This surprised her very much.

In the past, when she walked into the classroom, the students would always sit neatly and quietly in their seats, with textbooks spread out on the table and pens and paper ready at hand.

Now, only a few people seemed to notice the arrival of the history lecturer.

Sima Yang Yun couldn't help turning his head and glanced at the white paper behind the door.

Then the corners of her mouth couldn't help but curl up

A thick layer of chalk dust stuck to the surface of the white paper, firmly hiding the simple-lined simple figure underneath.

Sima Yangyun stretched out his hand and brushed away the chalk dust on the white paper.

The little stick figure shook his head crazily to make his lines appear more clearly.

Of course, it has not forgotten its responsibilities.

"Teacher... is here!"

The little stick figure on the white paper behind the door howled at the top of his lungs.

The noise in the classroom fell silent for a moment, and then the students realized that the history lecturer was already standing at the door of the classroom.

Sima Yangyun tilted his head, smiled slightly at the students, raised his hand and waved, saying hello to everyone.

The chaotic sound of tables, chairs and benches hitting each other suddenly sounded.

A moment later, Sima Yangyun stood on the podium, facing the dark crowd of freshmen, and began the third history class of this semester.

"At the end of the last class, I asked each of you to prepare a question about history. In this class, everyone will discuss with each other and get the answer."

Sima Yangyun's voice was not loud, but it was very clear and pleasant:

"Are you ready for this question?"

"Ready!" She was answered neatly by the students.

Especially the boys roared extra hard.

Sima Yang Yun frowned, lowered his head and opened his handout.

"The essence of history is inheritance."

"Human beings have accumulated a lot of experience during their long evolution. Some of them can be engraved in our blood and passed on through reproduction; others can only be remembered through history so that the sacrifices of our ancestors will not be wasted."

"Bai Ding has his own history, the demons have their own history, and there are thousands of creatures in the world. Anyone who opens their mind will know how to record history and pass on wisdom."

"But these histories have different characteristics."

"The history of demons is a history of killing and darkness connected by their sacrifices to the unknown lord."

"Bai Ding is limited by his talent and can only explore the vague past through limited words. Their history is a concept generated by the interconnection of time, space and events. History must be objective. And mortal words have always been Not an objective carrier.”

"Wizards are different."

"Wizards can feel the shock that life brings to us in its evolution."

"In the eyes of wizards, everyone will have their own understanding of the same period of history, and this understanding will profoundly affect your magical power."

“One second of history can move you, a hundred years of history can make you feel heavy, and ten thousand years of history can shock you.”

"Only after being shocked can you discover the true charm of magic."

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