Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 639 Characteristics of Time

"Before explaining the basic principles of time conversion, you must first understand what time is."

The old wizard with a gray beard curled his fingers and tapped the pocket watch floating in front of him. An invisible curse light flashed through, and dials of different sizes rose up from the pocket watch one after another, floating in all directions, hanging on the two The young wizard was crowded together, filling every gap in Zheng Qing's field of vision in an instant.

The time on each dial is different. The clicking sounds of the second hand are intertwined with each other. There is a touch of order in the chaos, which makes people feel like standing on the beach and listening to the rise and fall of the sea.

Time is like water, which is indeed an appropriate description.

This thought flashed through Zheng Qing's heart.

The slightly monotonous voice of Master Baoyangzi sounded in my ears again: "Time is not only a dimensional concept, but also a widely used measurement. It is also one of the basic rules for many magics to take effect.

The various magical theories currently popular in the wizarding world—whether it is the classical mystical theory, the unified theory of information, or the most widely influential dimensional theory—have their own paths to explain the concept of 'time'. Each path is very profound and can lead you very far.

What I tell you today is not just one of them.

In order to enable you to deeply understand part of the true meaning of time in the shortest possible time, our class will involve many cross-theoretical contents. You only need to understand the parts taught in class. For the deeper parts, I do not recommend that you study more related concepts until you have analyzed the world to a certain extent.

This is why I don't agree with you touching the concept of time conversion now.

Theoretically, with the level of magic knowledge you have mastered, now is not the best time for you to come into contact with this type of high-level magic. But just in case, if you accidentally get lost in a certain period of time and want to stay awake and rational enough, you must have a sufficient understanding of the concept of time, so... cough. "

Perhaps realizing that his opening remarks were a bit long-winded, Bao Yangzi coughed softly, rubbed his fingers gently with his beard, and clicked, and the clack-moving hands on the surrounding dials all stopped.

The whole world seemed to come to a standstill at this moment.

"Do you feel any changes?" The old man looked at the two young wizards with inquiring eyes.

Zheng Qing frowned, hesitated for a moment, and then shook his head honestly: "No... except that the watch hands stopped."

Jiang Yuze glanced at Zheng Qing in surprise, raised her hand politely, and retorted: "But I just saw that the hands of the watch didn't stop?"

Baoyangzi pinched his beard with satisfaction.

"This is the first thing I want to tell you about time." The old man snapped his fingers. In Zheng Qing's opinion, the thin needles on the surrounding dials started to move at a constant speed again: "Time is a kind of limitation. The objective existence depends on the cognitive state of the observer. The world is advancing in time, not time.

What does that mean?

Fatalists believe that time has no distinction between past, present and future. The flow of time is an illusion. It just stops there and allows everyone to observe its existence. If we follow this theory, there should be no difference between time and space, and they both exist as 'fixed' - this view will break many people's perception of the passage of time.

Interestingly, from a certain perspective, dimensionalism supports this result of fatalism.

From the perspective of dimensional wizards, time is a concept limited by dimensions and levels. As long as your level is high enough and the dimensions you can perceive are rich enough, time is a dispensable existence. It exists or doesn't exist, depending on whether you need it. Just like when cooking, do you need to add salt?

You add it or not, the salt is there.

In the eyes of a true wizard, time does not pass or flow, there is no past or future, it is fixed from beginning to end. Because they are unchanged, they can be finely divided into smaller scales to describe all concepts within their coverage.

This is also the basis for many wizards now believing that time can measure everything..."

A teacup floated in front of the old man Baoyangzi, interrupting his endless explanation. The old man looked at the desk in confusion, but saw the dean of Jiuyou College raising the teacup in his hand with a smile. :

"Drink some tea, drink some tea, I've talked so much... it's a little too profound for these children. Take a break and let them relax."

Zheng Qing had a dull face, ashamed to look up at the expressions of the two old wizards. He kept his head down, commanding his shorthand quill, frantically recording every word said by the old man Baoyangzi, planning to ask Xiao for advice later. Great Doctor.

Jiang Yu's condition next to him was not much better than his.

Baoyangzi frowned, grabbed the tea cup, drank it in one gulp, smacked his lips, and concluded: "In short, please remember, the first characteristic of time is its objective existence...and then the second characteristic …”

The old wizard squeezed the tea cup in his hand and slammed it on the ground.


The crisp crackling sound of the tea cup scared the two young wizards and raised their heads. Zheng Qing had a worried expression on his face, thinking that his stupidity had exhausted the old man's patience.

"See this tea cup?"

Baoyangzi pointed to the fragments on the ground and said concisely: "Under normal circumstances, the flow of time is like this - the teacup goes from complete to broken - the complete teacup is in the past, the dropped teacup is in the present, and the broken teacup is in the future. .

Here, we would like to add another important concept by the way, the second law of magic... Can any of you describe this concept? "

The two young wizards raised their hands almost at the same time.

Zheng Qing was secretly glad in his heart. The first time he heard about this concept was when he came to school early during the Spring Festival last year. When completing the task of Gini Hut, he heard Xiao Xiao and Senior Sister Kolma discussing several laws of magic, because Later, the magic circle of Korma's advanced wizard was based on this law, which left a very deep impression on him.

"The second theorem of magic, that is, magic cannot spontaneously transfer from low-dimensional individuals to high-dimensional individuals..." After Zheng Qing received permission, he answered without thinking, but as soon as he finished his first sentence, he was rudely treated by the old man. The gesture interrupts.

"Okay, just come here."

Bao Yangzi stopped the boy from continuing to endorse, stretched out his hand and touched it in front of his face, and three lines of clear large characters immediately appeared in the void:

——Magic power cannot spontaneously transfer from low-dimensional individuals to high-dimensional individuals (normally, magic power falls from high dimensions to low dimensions)

——Time cannot spontaneously go back from the future to the past (under normal circumstances, time is from the past to the future)

——The world is moving from order to disorder

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