Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 656: Those who approach pigs are crazy

Zheng Qing originally wanted to talk to Jiang Yu about the love spell and the anti-love spell on the way to see Lao Yao, but unexpectedly, the witch stopped suddenly just after taking a few steps out of the classroom door.

The wizard didn't stop for a moment and bumped into the witch.

"Ah! Sorry, sorry!"

Zheng Qing felt a faint fragrance coming to his face. He suddenly came back from his thoughts and hurriedly apologized: "I didn't pay attention when I was walking..."

The witch in front of her ignored the apology behind her and didn't even look back.

"Professor." She bowed slightly forward.

Only then did Zheng Qing notice that Lao Yao was leaning at the corner of the corridor, arms folded, his pipe in his mouth, smoking happily.

Hearing the witch's greetings, the legendary wizard seemed to notice the arrival of the two young wizards. He waved his hand to disperse the smoke in front of him, and said with a smile: "The smoke was too heavy, I didn't see anything... But I can Make sure there's no one else around. Are you really not going to talk for a while?"

A word immediately popped into Zheng Qing's mind - disrespect for the elderly - he desperately hoped that the old man opposite knew what he was thinking, so he did not put any defensive measures on his brain.

But Lao Yao very deliberately ignored a certain restless mind and pretended not to hear the word.


There was a hint of anger in Jiang Yu's tone, which made Lao Yao laugh.

Zheng Qing had reason to believe that this was the kind of treatment only good students and beautiful witches received. If Fatty Xin spoke in this tone in front of Lao Yao, he would probably be slapped and sent to the Antarctic.

"Since you're not going to chat, get ready to go to the next class."

As he spoke, the professor flicked his fingers, and the green smoke lingering around him turned into criss-crossing thin lines and spread around. After those thin lines passed by, the originally slightly narrow corridor seemed to be pulled open by a pair of invisible hands. , the entire corridor became much more open: "Do you still remember that Master Baoyangzi told you about the environmental requirements for time transformation?"

"Any change in time must be in a 'relatively open' and 'secret' environment." Jiang Yu read this sentence as if he was endorsing it.


Lao Yao snapped his fingers, and the changes in the expanding corridor came to an abrupt end: "Very good. If you are in my class, I will give you two points... Well, this is your first time to go to class alone, I am only responsible for supervision and protection. If nothing happens, then next time, that is, in the afternoon, you should be more careful..."

"But Professor," Zheng Qing looked around, looking a little embarrassed: "Ourselves? I mean, the magic of space expansion seems a bit difficult..."

The witch next to her nodded slightly in agreement.

Not only is it a bit difficult, even for a registered wizard, it is impossible to change the layout of the school's teaching buildings to such an extent in such a simple way.

"Who told you to use this!"

Lao Yao raised his eyebrows and looked at Jiang Yu with a speechless expression on his face: "Because I am still in class and can't be too far away from the classroom, I will find a suitable place for you by the way... When you change time, you won't Find an empty classroom or study room by yourself? Zheng Qing is stupid, I can accept it, but why have you become stupid too... What a fool."

If he hadn't known that he couldn't beat him, Zheng Qing would have wanted to take out his rune gun and slap it in the mouth of the old man in front of him to get rid of his breath.

The witch pursed her lips and said nothing.

Perhaps the clumsy behavior of the young wizards made people uneasy. Old Yao couldn't help but say a few more words: "Let me remind you again, when you find a vacant classroom, you must remember that you will be there for three and a half hours. The previous classroom, so be sure to check in advance which classroom is unoccupied... If you really can’t find it, you can borrow Liu Feifei’s chief student’s study room, or any professor’s office.”

Zheng Qing nodded seriously.

He really didn't expect this.

Lao Yao sighed slightly and changed the topic: "...Have you brought everything?"

Although this question was a bit confusing, it did not affect Zheng Qing's understanding of its meaning.

He reached out and took out the purple-red wooden box from his waist, opened the lid, and took out the small funnel from the box. In the transparent glass ball, the translucent sand of time floats out of thin air and swirls into a ball, just like those charming star clusters in the night.

Lao Yao held his pipe and asked, "Do you know what class you should take?"

"For the study of ancient alchemy, the classroom is in Room 202, west of the teaching building." Zheng Qing had already memorized the curriculum by heart, and answered without hesitation.

In contrast, Jiang Yu gave a more specific answer: "Enoch Magic, 403 in the teaching building, Professor Edward Diyin's class, the teaching content is mainly based on the 'Original Enoch' approved by Professor Diyin, which is different from Golden 'New Inno' created by Dawn."

Zheng Qing blinked.

He didn't know who Professor Edward Dean was, nor did he know the difference between the original Inno and the new Inno, nor did he know what the Golden Dawn was. But he could clearly feel that compared to himself, Jiang Yu's possibility of completing graduation credits this semester seemed to be higher.

Lao Yao glanced at him with a smile.

"It's almost time. You can leave earlier today."

He signaled to the young wizards that they could turn the hourglass, and at the same time he took the trouble to remind: "Remember, after it is turned upside down, chanting the incantation on one side of the hourglass can turn back three and a half hours of time... Well, wait, since it is the third hour. Once, then follow the most standard procedure... hang up the invisibility charm when it's time to hang it up... Don't worry, I can see if you hang up the invisibility charm... Today is a special situation. When you go back to class, you must always do it. Wearing the invisibility charm can avoid a lot of trouble... Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't wear it, but if you interact with other people in the past timeline too much, it may cause unnecessary interference in the future timeline. If I were you, I never want to encounter that kind of trouble... For you in another timeline, those troubles are pure and innocent disasters."

Zheng Qing took a deep breath, turned the hourglass upside down in his hand, and whispered the secret spell engraved on the side of the ocher wooden base of the hourglass.

The witch's small, short exclamation reached her ears.

He couldn't help turning his head to look, but he only saw a twisted and circling shadow that was quickly disappearing into the air. Before he could take another look, he felt a sudden light under his feet, and his whole body seemed to have stepped down from the stairs. It was like rolling down, spinning and falling somewhere. The surrounding light and shadow were messy and disorganized. Zheng Qing could only feel the light spots of different sizes and different weights, rolling across his retina, and then disappeared into the darkness.

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