Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 659: The Benefits of Invisibility

"Alfred Coke."


"Ao Xiaobao."


"Benjamin Pottorf"

The old professor on the podium leisurely called the names. Zheng Qing only heard a few names before he realized that he might not be called until the end, because Professor Xihua obviously called his names in alphabetical order.

That's okay.

The only thing that worries Zheng Qing is that the old man on the podium has read less than twenty names, and the man in blue robe next to him has already "answered" three times - this is the first time he has done this legendary scene. Once I saw it, compared to the well-behaved Jiuyou students, the wizard who was born in the starry sky was more innovative - two of the answers used ventriloquism, and one of the answers used ventriloquism, pure skills, without mobilizing any magic power, and The voices of the three responses were completely different, and even the direction of the sound was slightly deviated, which made people sigh at the wonder of the Creator.

Zheng Qing couldn't help but look at the blue-robed man a few more times.

As the saying goes, gaze not only has weight, but also temperature.

The hot and heavy gaze coming from the side made Jiang Huai a little restless. Taking advantage of Professor Xihua's opportunity to turn the page, he tilted his head and whispered with a smile: "We are all friends, we should help each other... You are not on the picket team. Right? No, no, I looked at the old almanac when I went out today. I shouldn’t be so unlucky... Next time you have something to do and can’t come to the classroom, I can help you! On me!"

He beat his chest loudly.

His attitude was good, but Zheng Qing felt that he probably wouldn't need it anymore. Because until the end, Professor Xihua didn't call the invisible man's name. Of course, the reason is also very clear.

"Well, there is another student with a "red name" in the class. I have already seen you... one-on-one, you don't have to answer."

The old man stretched out his index and middle fingers, pointed to his eyes, and then pointed to where Zheng Qing was sitting. He did not explain what the 'red name' was, nor did he say what he saw. He just lowered his head and looked after himself. I started reading the lecture notes, not paying attention to the other students in the classroom who all turned their heads or whispered to each other.

Dense eyes came and went, lingering in the corner of the back row for a long time, but they did not cause Zheng Qing any trouble.

For him, being stared at by a group of curious babies was a minor situation. He had experienced more terrifying scenes. What's more, he is still invisible now, and he can completely regard those sights as air.

As the captain of the Star Hunting Team, Jiang Huai next to him obviously did not feel any pressure at all when facing everyone's gaze. He even took the time to raise his hand and wave it left and right, looking like a big-name star.

"...The name Modern Alchemy may sound similar to summary courses such as magic philosophy, introduction to alchemy, etc. But in fact, this knowledge will be taught in my class very profoundly."

"...In this classroom, you must throw away the inherent modern magic theories that have been formed in your mind - whether it is dimensional theory, information unified theory, or any other weird theory, throw it away. Throw it away. Clean it up - and then re-water your blank minds with the classics of the ancient sages."

"... Various classics are quoted in my classes, whether they are "Commentary on the Book of Duren", "Commentary on the Nanhua Sutra", "Commentary on Laozi", "Taiping Qingling Shu", "Fang Shu Biography", or "Su Wen" and " "Nei Jing", "Kanyu Shu", etc., the contents I quoted are all things you will most likely encounter in the final exam..."

"So... cheer up! Take notes!"

The old professor on the podium tilted his head and read his lecture notes in a measured tone, like a mage reciting scriptures in a sutra hall. In just ten minutes, he successfully extinguished the enthusiasm of these young wizards who had just returned to school. .

When Zheng Qing finished taking a note, he looked up and noticed seven or eight figures lying on the table taking a nap. He very much suspected that there was a new variant of post-holiday syndrome this year, or that there was something included in the old professor's lecture notes. cast a powerful hypnotic spell.

After confirming that Professor Xihua did not attach much importance to classroom discipline, the blue robe beside Zheng Qing also completely let go.

In less than an hour of class, classmate Jiang Huai had already folded three paper frogs, sent away five paper cranes, flipped through a comic book, and then drawn more than a dozen special transformations of battle formations in his empty notebook.

"I am the captain of the Star Hunting Team. I have a lot of things to worry about. Don't blame me. Don't blame me." Xu Shi noticed the glance from Pinpin next to him. Jiang Huai was replying to the letter from nowhere. Explaining to the invisible man in the empty seat: "...Whenever you become the leader of the hunting team, you will know how tiring this job is! There are too many things to worry about in all aspects!"

The quill floating in the notebook during class paused for a moment.

Zheng Qing wanted to say that he was also the captain of the hunting team, but he would never be as busy as him. But due to the time limit, he finally kept quiet and continued taking notes.

If Fatty Xin comes to take a class on time conversion, I'm afraid he will be swollen again after the class. This thought flashed through his mind and he smiled silently, but immediately, the smile faded away. got up.

Without Dr. Xiao, he could only rely on himself for this homework.

"Hey! Your notes are so beautiful!"

After the blue robe threw another paper frog on the ground, he stretched his neck and took a look at Zheng Qing's notebook, with admiration on his face: "You must be from Jiuyou Academy... The wizards in Alpha rarely take notes like you do! Examinations How about I refer to your notes beforehand? I'll give you a few VIP tickets for the Star Hunter Team competition. Of course, it's a private competition, but you can definitely learn the hunting skills of the best hunting team from First University at close range..."

The quill suspended above the empty table leaned back and shook a few times.

That was Zheng Qing scratching his chin with a feather.

It had never occurred to him that tickets could be sold for school hunting team games. Theoretically, the Forgiveness Hunters are not much worse than the Star Hunters. There is no reason why the Star Hunters can make money by selling tickets, but the Forgiveness Hunters cannot!

He wrote down this idea and decided to discuss it with Xiao Xiao when he returned to his dormitory that night.

At this moment, a paper frog accidentally jumped onto Zheng Qing's lap, spread its belly and unfolded a piece of letter paper. Zheng Qing saw the word "Zheng Qing" in it at a glance. He suddenly jumped up and subconsciously grabbed the piece of paper.

Jiang Huai's big head poked over and glanced at the letter.

"Tsk, I told them a long time ago that they need to be proficient in secret language skills, otherwise they won't be able to fold a paper frog."

While complaining about the unreliability of his companions' messengers, he nodded thoughtfully: "Well... Indeed, you have also seen this news, right? It's amazing... This kid should be the youngest in the school As a teaching assistant... Do you think it's possible that he took advantage of Councilor Su for this teaching position? I really don't know how he did it! I bet that the school - I mean the four colleges, not including That Fringe Academy - all the wizards in the school want to crack that guy's head open to see what weird tricks he has hidden in his brain grooves! I mean, if there's a chance."

The letter floating in the air seemed to be blown by the wind, shaking slightly, and then slowly fell towards its real owner.

In the invisible state, Zheng Qing calmly took out another invisibility charm from the gray cloth bag, hung it on himself, activated it, and superimposed it, just in case.

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