Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 672 Thursday afternoon

Just like a hot search on the Internet will only last for two days.

The excitement in reality also has a time limit. Originally, Zheng Qing and Xiao Xiao analyzed that this wave of rumors related to the 'teaching assistant' might last until the second week of school and then slowly subside. But in fact, under the continuous high-intensity bombardment from newspapers and public opinion, by Thursday, students' attention to Zheng Qing began to drop suddenly.

“Everyone’s energy is limited, especially in our school—study, assessment, hunting, and even the upcoming estrus period in spring—it’s impossible for everyone to pay too much attention to a piece of news. They only have What little patience there was was now allocated to more important content, like Edge Academy.”

When he said this, Fatty Xin was sitting at the desk in the dormitory eating lunch. He held a oily chicken leg in his hand, and his oily mouth opened and closed like a goldfish blowing bubbles.

Zheng Qing also opened his mouth, as if he had something to say.

The fat wizard's arm that wasn't holding the drumstick swung down and made a forceful gesture.

"you listen to me!"

His attitude was tough and his tone was affirmative: "I have been in the editorial department for almost two years. Although I am not sure about the direction of public opinion on campus, I am very sure... If public opinion also has a line chart, then judging from the trend of the past few days , everyone's attention to you today will definitely be a big negative line. As the saying goes, the 'youngest teaching assistant' who everyone has been talking about for a long time will officially start his first class this afternoon. On the contrary, many people will lose interest in paying attention..."

Zheng Qing frowned and stopped talking.

The fat wizard stuffed the chicken drumstick in his hand into his mouth, took a big bite with satisfaction, licked his oily lips, and continued to talk happily: "...If you don't believe it, you can take off your invisibility during class in the afternoon. Fu, look at the reactions of the classmates. As a saying often said in our editorial department, gossip is like a strong wind, it will pass away. As long as you avoid the limelight, the mess left behind can be slowly gone. Clean it up!”

Zheng Qing finally couldn't hold back anymore and put down the kuaizi in his hand.

"First of all, I'd like to thank you for bringing me breakfast, lunch and dinner these days. Thank you for your hard work."

The young teaching assistant put his hands on his knees, lowered his head, and said thank you solemnly. Then he raised his head with a subtle expression: "If it is as you said, then I will go to the cafeteria in person for dinner tonight... Secondly, I will go to the cafeteria in the afternoon. I'm teaching students at Fringe Academy, so I definitely can't bring the invisibility charm. Your 'if' is of no value at all. I was going to take the invisibility charm in the end..."

At this point, he paused and looked at the fat wizard who was about to refute. He suddenly bared his teeth and smiled, and finished the last sentence very quickly: "Finally, I have been wanting to remind you just now. The tomato beef brisket in your lunch box has only tomatoes left.”


On the desk, Fat Cat's head lifted up from Fatty Xin's lunch box, with a suspicious red sauce hanging from the corner of his mouth. It snored with an innocent look on its face and told the two wizards with certainty with its eyes that there was originally a pile of tomatoes on the plate!


After a few seconds of silence in the dormitory, a roaring, lung-splitting howl was heard. The sound was so miserable that it woke up the little elves who were napping on the tent. They flapped their wings and flew into the air one after another, feeling at a loss what to do. looking around.

The Thursday afternoon class was a talisman lesson for Zheng Qing, and a volunteer service for the young wizards in Astronomy Class 08-1.

The service targets are all preparatory students from marginal colleges.

However, due to their different identities, the two went to the temporary residence of Fringe College in different ways.

Ordinary students, such as Jiang Yu, Xiao Xiao, Xin, Zhang Jixin and others, will gather in the first hall, and the person in charge of the school working committee will lead them to their destination.

As a teaching assistant, Zheng Qing needs to go to the teaching assistant team's office to sign in first, and then go directly to the teaching site through the 'staff channel'.

This is a little different from what Zheng Qing imagined.

"If you have already graduated or are working as a teaching assistant in several other colleges, you don't need to go to such trouble."

The person responsible for guiding Zheng Qing’s first class was still Thomas, the instructor when he enrolled, but this time he answered Zheng Qing’s questions as a senior teaching assistant: “You can go to class as usual. Classroom. But not now. On the one hand, the residence of Fringe College is still under construction, and the temporary residence is a bit remote; on the other hand, it is unprecedented for you, a current student, to serve as a teaching assistant, and everyone is a little numb..."

The everyone he mentioned was naturally the teaching assistants on the teaching assistant team.

Zheng Qing could already imagine how Hilda would tease him during Friday's practice class.

"It's not in the way, it's not in the way, whatever it is." The young teaching assistant had no objection, and even wished that Thomas would bring him to class and stay behind: "Have you taught them? Those students from the fringe colleges Is it easy to talk? Is there anything I need to pay attention to? For example, are there any taboos in speaking..."

He clearly remembered that when he first learned about the wizarding world, Thomas had sternly warned him, ‘Don’t pull out magic books to other people casually’, ‘Don’t just ask others about their bloodlines’, ‘Don’t call others magicians’, etc. He felt that he might need some new 'taboo knowledge' now.

"I'm in charge of their Friday practice classes, and I haven't had any contact with the freshmen from Edge College." Thomas could obviously understand the nervousness of the young assistant teacher, and patted him on the shoulder with relief: "As for the few colleagues in the group who have taken classes, Speaking of, those children are very serious and polite in class, and the classroom atmosphere is great... But their receptive ability is a little weak... So when you are in class, try to slow down and teach the same concept several times. "

While talking, the two of them had passed through the lakeside, the wall, the river and the forest. The corridor under their feet also changed from exquisite and gorgeous to ocher yellow. The unfinished wooden beams were exposed in the air, and the beams were intermittently exposed. The runes are together, and the surrounding air exudes bursts of fragrance belonging to the logs.

Then very suddenly, the promenade disappeared somewhere, and turned into a low and soft lawn underfoot.

The lawn is located on a gentle slope.

A group of large and small tents were propped up on the slope, and several tents were even set up on horse-drawn carriages. Beyond the cloak, at the end of the slope farther away was a section of exposed rock. From Zheng Qing's position, he could see the rock connected to the sky, and could also hear the sound of waves outside the rock.

"You guessed it right, the new campus of Edge College is located on the edge of Phuket Island, on a cliff." Thomas said in Zheng Qing's ear.

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