Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 679 Dinner without candlelight

The lesson on clone transformation had just ended when Old Yao disappeared behind the desk in the blink of an eye, leaving the huge classroom to the wizards and witches in the audience.

After Zheng Qing finished taking notes and looked up, he realized that the professor had disappeared, and he couldn't help but look at each other with the witch.

"Exactly five o'clock."

Jiang Yu opened his pocket watch, glanced at the time, and said casually, "There's still an hour until the next class, it's time to have dinner..."

Zheng Qing was naturally very clever: "I know that a new restaurant has opened on the pedestrian street..."

Before she finished speaking, the witch took out an exquisite little lunch box from her handbag and placed it on the table. Then she seemed to hear the wizard's words and looked at him in surprise: "What did you say?"

Zheng Qing's next words were held in his throat by the small lunch box. He held them in for a long time, and finally replied in frustration: "No, it's nothing... are you eating here?"

He looked up and looked around.

For most students at First University, today’s classes are over after the afternoon class. A few people may finish their homework in the classroom before leaving, but most people, even if they need self-study, will return to the teaching building after dinner, and almost no one chooses to eat in the classroom.

"No way, time is tight."

The witch reached behind her head, expertly tied her hair into a simple bun, tied it up with a brush, and explained concisely: "I don't have so much time to waste on the road... let's eat together?"

Although she used a rhetorical tone, her eyes were very sure, as if she was sure that the boy would not refuse.

Zheng Qing's slightly drunken eyes struggled to move away from the witch's fair neck.

Then I discovered that after the delicate little lunch box was opened, there were folds one after another inside. In just a blink of an eye, the small lunch box bloomed into a flower composed of lunch boxes, and there were more than a dozen dishes on the table. Delicious food with delicious taste and color.

From appetizing crystal hawthorn, baked snails, borscht, to grilled lamb chops, fried fish, tomato beef brisket, tamagoyaki, stir-fried vegetables, to mashed potatoes, xiaolongbao, honey pudding and puffs, there are also The slightly stronger mustard duck feet, spicy shredded chicken, cute rice balls shaped into panda shapes, and a suspicious-looking green viscous drink.

In just a moment, the young teaching assistant felt his stomach and intestines moving crazily.

"Is this your dinner?" He swallowed, looked at the table full of food, and then looked at the witch's slender figure, his tone was a little incredulous.

He always thought that girls like Jiang Yu only ate an apple at night.

"of course not."

The witch gave him an unexpected answer, raised her hand to take the hot towel handed by the elves, wiped her hands, and then added concisely: "This is dinner for the two of us... we will have more later." It’s impossible to go to a class without replenishing enough energy.”

A lot of questions that originally popped up in Zheng Qing's mind came to an abrupt end, and he couldn't remember any of them.

Several elves in gray uniforms carried hot towels, tachyons, napkins and other items, lined up neatly in front of the wizard, and provided attentive services one by one, making him feel like he was sitting in Jota's restaurant.

"I never knew that the elves on the school working committee could provide these services." When Zheng Qing wiped his hands, his eyes passed over the elves, looking for something to say.

"You have to order them."

As the witch explained, she picked up a bright red hawthorn and stuffed it into her mouth. She chewed it slightly and said, "Many magical beings lack subjective initiative, and wizards often ignore this and treat them with stereotypes." , naturally don’t know how capable they are.”

Zheng Qing nodded repeatedly, his mouth was already stuffed with all kinds of delicious food, and he had a happy expression on his face.

"You look like a winter hamster right now."

The witch couldn't help laughing and poured a cup of viscous green drink: "Drink this. I researched the refreshing drink myself. In addition to astragalus, polygala, cohosh, and borneol, there is also a small amount of ground sleepy bean roots. And the sternum of the Silent Bird is ground into powder and then mixed with apple juice... It’s amazing, the sleepy bean is used to hypnotize, but its roots can make people unusually awake!”

Zheng Qing held the cup and sipped it carefully. He unexpectedly discovered that although the appearance looked a bit bad, the texture and taste were very good.

Perhaps it was because of the addition of apple juice. After taking a small sip, he felt that the magic power all over his body became much more lively, and his thinking became clearer.

"What's the use of grinding the sternum of the Silent Bird?" He swallowed the food with difficulty and smacked his lips curiously.

"It can help improve memory ability. It is the main material for preparing 'memory agent'." As she spoke, the witch just picked up a piece of tamagoyaki. She seemed to think of something and stopped. She shook her head slightly with a look of regret: "Actually, I wanted to use 'Buffy Brain Refresher', which is more effective in strengthening brain power. However, Buffy Brain Refresher is a prescription drug and requires the supervision of a professional therapist when used, so..."

She shrugged and put the piece of tamagoyaki into her mouth. The regret on her face quickly disappeared, and she narrowed her eyes in contentment.

Zheng Qing fiddled with the fried fish on the plate, hesitated, and finally persuaded in a low voice: "It's only the first week of school, and you already want to use Buffy's brain-boosting potion... We still have a long semester..."

Jiang Yu picked up a piece of beef brisket and placed it on the piece of fried fish on his plate. His attitude was very firm: "We can't wait until there is not enough time to find time... To adapt to this rhythm as soon as possible, it is best to take the initiative to grasp this rhythm in advance." , so that you can persist longer. "What is your class at night?"

This proactive attitude is indeed very Jiang Yu.

Zheng Qing put down the fried fish that he had been tossing for a long time and picked up the piece of beef brisket first.


He has already memorized his class schedule by heart: "It is a class on the study of ancient talismans, but I looked at the content in the textbook and I can clearly see the deformation of the basic talismans from the ancient talismans... There are also all the after-class questions. It’s easy. So I think this course shouldn’t be a big problem…what about you?”

The witch was picking among the rows of panda rice balls sitting in the lunch boxes: "Me? Well, it will be a 'Law and System under the Moon' in a while. It is an introductory course and does not involve too professional parts... Question It’s not big either…I made this rice ball myself!”

Zheng Qing looked at the little thing on the plate that was very different from the other 'pandas', and it was easy for him to go against his conscience.

"So lovely!"

He praised shamelessly, stuffed the rice ball into his mouth, and then couldn't wait to praise: "The grains are clear and looks better and tastes better than other rice balls!"

The witch leaned forward and backward with laughter.

The other panda rice balls in the lunch box had drooped ears and squinted eyes, looking at the young wizard with disdain.

Zheng Qing suddenly put down Kuai Zi.

"Oh!" He nodded slightly, with a hint of surprise on his face: "Let me just you think there is anything missing on the table?"


The wizard snapped his fingers.

Several green light groups as big as a baby's fist suddenly emerged from the void and floated around the table.

"Is this the 'Little Star'?" The witch recognized the essence of the light groups at a glance.

"No, this is a candle... Dinner without candlelight is like the night sky without stars, and it loses a lot of flavor." The boy corrected him seriously, causing the witch to laugh again.

The little stick figure behind the door finally couldn't help it anymore, shook off the chalk dust all over his body, and screamed: "Are you two done yet? Eat, eat, why are you talking so much nonsense... and don't let people rest?! ”a\u003evas\u003ediv\u003eScan the QR code to download Red Sleeves United with Xiaoxiang to give out benefits for newcomers to read for free for a limited time div\u003ediv\u003ediv\u003e

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