Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 682 Temporarily changed meeting time

"Do you feel it?"

The young teaching assistant pointed to Zhang Jixin's empty seat, and changed the subject very abruptly and firmly: "Since returning to school, the elder is busier than me now? I didn't hear that he also wants to graduate early!"

"He really didn't plan to graduate early." Xiao Xiao obviously knew something about the inside story. He curled his lips and gave Zheng Qing an answer that was beyond his expectation: "But this matter has nothing to do with your early graduation."


Zheng Qing pointed to his nose in confusion.

What does this have to do with myself!

"Have you ever considered what would have happened if you hadn't graduated early?"

After Xiao Xiao asked back, he didn't wait for Zheng Qing's answer, and deduced on his own: "In the second half of the year, that is, when we are juniors, the current juniors will enter their senior years and need to start preparing for graduation thesis and social preparation. Practice and prepare for the registration wizard assessment... so many positions controlled by them will be vacant... such as the captain of the Jiuyou Academy hunting team, the captain of the Judgment hunting team, and the captain of the school hunting team; such as the vice president of the student union, Student president, president of the association association; let’s take the next Lei Zhe... you have great possibilities for these positions.”

At this point, he paused, looked at Zheng Qing inexplicably, and said in a faint tone: "Do you know that after the news that you planned to graduate early came out, how many people breathed a sigh of relief and were overjoyed? You made many people People who have 'given up on their goals' have more choices, and people who are 'privately blending' see more possibilities... If the guess is correct, Zhang Shuzhi probably wants to take advantage of the time he is still in school to let his brother get more opportunities. Exercise more.”

Three 'more's in a row made Zheng Qing couldn't help but laugh.

But a strange feeling arose inexplicably in the bottom of my heart - a bit like the feeling when everyone knew about Su Shijun's relationship with him a long time ago. Surprise mixed with a little secret joy, and secret joy was surrounded by fear.

"We are also a popular fried chicken..." He muttered words that no one here could understand.

"What?" The doctor frowned slightly.

He doesn't like words he doesn't understand.

A paper mouse rustled out from the corner of the table, interrupting the chat among the wizards. The paper mouse followed the hem of Zheng Qing's robe and quickly climbed onto his knees. Then he lay down on his own, spread out his body, and revealed a small piece of letterhead.

Zheng Qing breathed a sigh of relief, finally able to get rid of the discussion that had just made him a little restless.


He lowered his head, almost stuffing it into the drawer. He read the contents of the letter and couldn't help biting the brush holder - this was Jiang Yu's reply. Earlier, he mentioned the current situation of the elves to the witch and hoped that Was able to meet Dr. Duzem. The content of the witch's reply was very simple. She just made an appointment with him to visit Dr. Duzem in Beta Town on Saturday night.

Didn't she have anything else to say?

And, Saturday.

He originally made an appointment with the devils from the Seven Deadly Sins to have a meeting on Saturday night, and he remembered that Jiang Yu had five classes on Saturday. Does it really matter if he arranges the time like this?

The wizard pulled his head out of the drawer and glanced melancholy at the back of the witch sitting in the front row of the classroom. However, he only hesitated for a few seconds before deciding to trust the witch's own arrangement. He decisively took out the ring of the Seven Deadly Sins and informed the witch. The meeting time of the seven devils has been changed to tonight.

——Time is limited, no waiting!

After writing these words, he felt that his attitude was a little too tough, so he considered adding another sentence at the end: If you cannot arrive at the meeting on time, it will be treated as 'absent'.

The Seven Deadly Sins is a very loose secret society.

Absence is not a big deal of punishment.

The only unfriendly aspect is that absentees cannot participate in the tasks issued at the relevant meetings and need to avoid meetings related to these tasks.

As time went by, more than one meeting was absent - you know, these 'devils' did not participate in the Seven Deadly Sins to have fun, but to exchange information and obtain secret help. If that information is related to their real identities, then the invisible losses will become even greater.

At the end of the alchemy class, the replies from the seven devils returned to Zheng Qing one after another.

Without exception, they agreed to the decision of the lord.

This "following advice" style made the wizard wonder if he had been hit by a confusion spell and had misremembered the time of the previous appointment. But after checking the records, he was convinced that the previously agreed meeting time was Saturday. At that time, three of the seven people said they were only available on Saturday and Sunday, and two said they were not available on Sunday night.

This flexible interpretation of "having time" gave Zheng Qing a new understanding of the cunning of the devils.

There is only one practical class on Friday afternoon.

There are no time-switched courses or additional courses in the evening.

On the one hand, it is to reserve a certain 'safety margin', because students are often injured in practical classes. In order to avoid missing class due to injuries, this time is left as much as possible in the class schedule; on the other hand, it is also to Let the two young wizards, who had attended more than twenty classes in four and a half days, take a breather.

Just like during a long-distance run, slowing down occasionally can allow athletes to persist longer.

After a long absence, Zheng Qing felt relieved from the bottom of his heart in class.

There is no need to think about going to an empty room after class to turn that damn hourglass upside down, nor is there any need to gnaw on a sandwich in a hurry in the study room to do homework.

He even had a new idea, and he could take the opportunity to date the little white cat under the moon - you know, the current criminal of the Seven Deadly Sins was originally a black cat!

With this slightly exciting thought, Zheng Qing found that time passed very quickly.

This made him extremely tolerant of minor offenses around him - for example, in the afternoon practical class, Hilda teased his "student colleagues" or "colleague students" without any accident, saying that he could serve as a teaching assistant. Teaching assistant is a great honor for him as a teaching assistant, and so on.

Before, Zheng Qing had no choice but to play coy, and even secretly cast one or two small curses on someone out of embarrassment. This usually leads to greater interest in teasing. But today, he just lowered his eyelids and stood in the crowd, lazily listening to Hilda's random chatter, while his mind was focused on thinking about what gift he should bring to the little white cat when he went to the Cat Fruit Tree in the evening.

This perfunctory attitude caused the teaser to quickly lose interest.

It was just getting dark.

The black cat jumped out of the dormitory and ran to the cat fruit tree in a puff of smoke.

The good news is that it came relatively early, and even the hairballs on the tree were still a little sparse; the bad news is that the little white cat didn't come to the tree until after eight o'clock in the evening.

At this time, there was only half an hour left before Black Cat's meeting. a\u003evas\u003ediv\u003eScan the QR code to download Red Sleeves and join Xiaoxiang to receive benefits. Newcomers can read for free for a limited time div\u003ediv\u003ediv\u003e

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