Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 695 The first Saturday is over

outside the gate.

A gentle night breeze blew across the floor, causing the lush vine leaves on the wall to collide with each other, making a fine and long rustling sound.

The door gods on the talisman board were silent, just like the blue-black metal door.

Shen Tu and Yu Lei stood entangled with each other, not squinting, looking majestic, but the big tiger with golden eyes and white hair squatted at Yu Lei's feet, with its tail coiled in front of him, staring at the two guests who were "thinking of funny things". , with bad eyesight.

Zheng Qing suspected that the white-haired tiger would make things difficult for him next time he came.

Of course, this thought only flashed through his mind, and he focused more on the last words Dr. Duzem said - 'It's like a forbidden spell' - whether he did it on purpose or unintentionally. ? Or is he testing something?

He was so worried about these things in his heart that he didn't notice that after Dr. Duzem sent them out the door, he didn't turn around immediately, but took a few more steps.

Until Jiang Yu repeatedly stopped him in his ears.

"Please stay, we can go back by ourselves." The witch's voice sounded a little uneasy, and she quietly tugged on Zheng Qing's robe, signaling for him to say a few words.

Zheng Qing turned around and realized what had happened.

The cold wind passing through the alley stopped at some point, but the vines on the high walls on both sides did not become quiet, but became more and more noisy. Many wide leaves were quietly lifted up, revealing pairs of curious and voyeuristic eyes. , probably these elves - or the eyes behind these elves - are curious about what kind of guests can make the legendary alchemist go out to see him off.

"Stay, stay." Zheng Qing followed the witch and tried to dissuade her with a hint of fear.

"Well, it doesn't matter."

Dr. Duzem waved his hands calmly, seemingly not noticing the strange looks around him, and continued to take two steps forward. When he noticed that the young wizards were determined not to leave, he stopped helplessly and spread his hands. : "Don't be so serious, just take a walk after dinner, it's okay."

Zheng Qing was determined not to believe this kind of rhetoric.

Because after just a few steps, more and more little heads emerged from under the leaves of the vines, and many of them were even looking at them unscrupulously, as if they didn't care at all that the wizards were aware of their abnormality.

Zheng Qing didn't want to cause trouble for himself.

He and Jiang Yu plan to graduate early this semester.

"You mentioned before that you wanted to buy the refining process of the Philosopher's Stone..." As soon as Dr. Duzem finished speaking, Zheng Qing wanted to punch him out and block his mouth.

Because as soon as he said these words, the gazes of those watching around him suddenly became sharper, seeming to illuminate this dark alley a little brighter. Many of the eyes that originally fell on the doctor instantly shifted to Zheng Qing.

"It's just an intention, an intention." The young teaching assistant couldn't wait to correct the doctor's words, his voice seemed dry due to nervousness: "Didn't you agree?"

Those sharp gazes softened again.

Dr. Duzem put his hand on his belt and couldn't help but smile, but then said seriously: "Yeah, don't be nervous... I'm just saying that if you want to use the 'Philosopher's Stone' to treat the abnormalities of the elves, , the price is too expensive, I don’t recommend it. If you use the Philosopher’s Stone refined in my way, I don’t recommend it even more... Killing an innocent life to save an innocent life is definitely not a solution to the problem. What's more, if you want to refine a magic stone, you will definitely kill more than one innocent life."

Zheng Qing's expression suddenly became serious.

Before tonight, he really had not considered this issue from this perspective - although he had not originally planned to use the 'Du's Philosopher's Stone' to treat his elf.

There was a rustling sound under the wide leaves of the vines on the walls on both sides, as if someone was laughing sarcastically. Zheng Qing was not sure.

Before leaving, he took one last look back at the location of the 'Abnormal Life Research Institute'.

The group of them were already some distance away from the gate. The dark doorway squatted in the deep alley, like a vaguely opened beast's mouth. The white house number embedded in the wall on the left side of the gate was like a mouth revealing the big mouth. A fang exuded a sinister aura.

He suddenly remembered another thing.

"Doctor," the young wizard stopped abruptly, considered, and asked carefully: "When I first came here, I noticed that there were several new instructions on your door... One of them was 'Related Departments of Fringe College' "It means, do you also hold any position at Fringe College?"

He asked a little vaguely.

The owner of the house plate naturally gave a vague answer.

"Yes, speaking of which, we are still colleagues." Dr. Duzem explained lightly: "Of course, I am not responsible for teaching, but my laboratory is cooperating with the Edge College to conduct some 'useful research'... …Every college has full-time researchers, nothing unusual.”

He seemed to have no intention of explaining the meaning of the words ‘relevant departments’.

When Zheng Qing wanted to ask more questions, Jiang Yu pulled him firmly.

"It's really disturbing tonight," the witch politely interrupted the conversation between the two wizards and apologized: "It's just that the two of us have a class later..."

Zheng Qing finally remembered his night's episode of 'Albus's Guessing' and muttered and shut up.

Until we got out of the alley.

He then apologized and said, "I'm really sorry. It's mainly because I haven't seen the doctor for a long time, so I couldn't help but say a few more words... Aren't you curious about the 'Relevant Department of Edge College' at his door?"

"Curious, but not every curiosity should be satisfied."

After a brief evaluation, the witch looked back with a melancholy look at the blurry alley behind her, and finally withdrew her gaze: "...but I think you can come and visit by yourself next time."

Zheng Qing was silent for this.

The first time he came to Dr. Duzem's laboratory was introduced by Jiang Yu.

At that time, the doctor was banned by the school and almost no one knew about it even in Phuket Island. The Jiang family was the biggest supporter of the institute, so Jiang Yu's arrival was warmly received by the doctor.

But today, when the two came here again, Dr. Duzem no longer showed the attentiveness to the witch that they had when they first met, and his attitude became a little careless. On the contrary, Zheng Qing, who was cold to him for the first time, became his guest today because of his change of status.

This kind of change cannot be said to be "arrogant at first and respectful at the end", but it will make people feel uncomfortable after all.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being an Alpha-born wizard. Even an alchemy master who has been immersed in research for many years will inevitably be tainted by the utilitarianism and coldness of that academy.

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