Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 711: One drink and one peck

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter to me."

"It's okay, my teeth are fine...well, my nose hurts a little."

"It's not a big problem. I'm sorry, I'm very sorry... I caused trouble for everyone because of a mistake!"

With the support of several classmates, Matthew Cullen struggled to get up from the door in embarrassment, covering his nose, and streaks of bright red blood spilled from between his fingers. Even so, he did not forget to salute and apologize to everyone around him.

Zheng Qing has been lowered from the ceiling by Jiang Yu.

Li Meng's fussing voice came to his ears: "...This is the first time I've seen a vampire bleed so much! Can't they control the blood? Why not just suck the blood back? It's like sucking snot."

As she spoke, she twitched her nose vigorously as a demonstration.

"Li Meng!" Jiang Yu glanced at her with a stern expression.

However, Fatty Xin, who had just jumped over from the back row of the classroom, explained very enthusiastically: "What the vampires can control is the blood in other people's bodies... Just like normally, you can't step on your left foot and right foot to go to the sky, or lift your own hair Just like lifting yourself up, under normal circumstances, it is difficult for vampires to freely control their blood. "

not far away.

Behind the classroom door.

The hoarse roar of the little stick figure resounded throughout the classroom: "...Get these slimy things out of my world! It's not enough for you to ruin your own world, why do you want to ruin mine?... Vulgar! Domineering! Lawless. ! There is no sense of honor for being a student of First University!…”

Zheng Qing looked carefully and saw that there were obvious wrinkles on the side of the white paper where the little stick figure was, and there were a few drops of sticky blood on the paper.

"What happened?"

"what sound?"

"Who is throwing explosive charms in the classroom?"

Many students who had just recovered their senses left their seats and rushed to the front row of the classroom, like a nest of frightened chickens, with sharp chirping sounds.

There was no need to ask anyone else, Zheng Qing just pricked up his ears and quickly figured out the whole story.

Matthew Cullen seemed to have just demonstrated a new magic spell in front of Duan Xiaojian—it was said to have been developed not long ago by his cousin Duke Milton, who was a member of the Parliament under the Moon—and then accidentally, the spell went out of control. , turning the caster into a cannonball.

"Thankfully Matthew controlled the magic power of casting spells, otherwise it wouldn't have been a matter of nosebleeds." A classmate next to him said with some emotion in his tone.

"Is that a little nosebleed? His nose was broken!" Another witch showed a worried expression.

"It's better to just break a nose than to end up in the school hospital in the second week of school... Do you think this is the Starry Sky Rubik's Cube and we are those rough blue robes?"

"Speaking of which, Jiang Yu's binding spell is so beautifully cast!"

"Fast, accurate and agile!"

"If it weren't for her quick eyesight and quick hands, two people would have nosebleeds now..."

Zheng Qing watched with sadness as Matthew Cullen, who looked a bit paler than usual, walked past him. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he felt that Matthew looked at him with a complicated look.

Of course, this subtle feeling was only fleeting, and for him, this unexpected episode was not that bad.

The huge impact not only easily grabbed the attention of everyone in the class, making everyone ignore Li Meng's previous shouts of 'mutton oil' and 'huahua intestines', but also gave him the opportunity to take advantage of Jiang Yu to deal with the 'aftermath matters'. At that time, I chatted with classmate Li Meng about what happened last night.

"When did your cousin go back yesterday?"

"Go back? Go back to where!" Li Meng stared at Matthew's retreating figure, a little absent-mindedly. Zheng Qing suspected that she wanted to take the opportunity to steal a few drops of vampire blood for experiments.

But with Downton and Jiang Yu on hand to deal with the aftermath, no one in the classroom could fish in troubled waters.

"I heard that last night...she was resting at Qingqiu you know about this?" Zheng Qing tried his best to use vague language to prevent Li Meng from finding out that he was related to this matter.

"How did you know that we were resting at Qingqiu Mansion last night!" The little witch's eyes suddenly sharpened, she stared at Zheng Qing, and said in a bad tone: "Are you following us?"

Who will follow you!

Zheng Qing complained in his heart while keenly capturing a certain detail: "You mean, you also went to Qingqiu Mansion to rest last night? Did Councilor Su invite you to go?"

"So be it."

Hearing the words 'Invitation from Councilor Su', Li Meng was obviously greatly affected, and her face was a little reserved: "Although there was no invitation letter, Su Ya said at the time that Councilor Su spoke it personally... This is not an invitation. What is an invitation?”

"Then what?"

"Then?" Li Meng nonchalantly fiddled with the textbook in front of her, trying hard to control the smile that gradually spread on her face: "Then Councilor Su invited me to drink hot goat's milk, prepared a beautiful nightgown for me, and gave me a hug. Then Boseidong told me a story about a wizard who lost his way while walking on the street at night..."

Zheng Qing didn't have time to listen to the story Su Shijun told the little witch.

"Where is your cousin?" He interrupted Li Meng directly and asked concisely: "Did she sleep well last night?"

"It's not the first time she sleeps in Qingqiu Mansion. What's wrong with her?" At this point, Li Meng suddenly showed an indignant expression on her face: "My cousin never told me that she was in Qingqiu during her winter vacation. I spent the time in Qiu Mansion, if Su Ya hadn’t told me..."

A deafening voice suddenly sounded, interrupting the little witch's complaint.

"I will never tell you that Lao Yao will enter the classroom soon!"

The stick figure behind the door yelled angrily at someone, and at the same time continued to curse: "...Today you wiped blood on my paper, and you don't know what to wipe on tomorrow! Is it the ink spit out by the king squid? ?”

Not many people in the class were interested in the latter suggestion. After all, the giant squid often lives in the deep sea, and its ink is not cheap. If you really want to mess with it, instead of wasting expensive squid ink, it would be easier and cheaper to smear a little fishman poop on it.

On the contrary, the previous sentence of the stick figure had an immediate effect.

The chaos and noise in the classroom quickly subsided at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When Lao Yao pushed the door open and entered.

The order in the class has returned to normal, everyone is sitting in their seats properly, and even Matthew Cullen can't see any signs of injury except that his face is slightly pale.

Only the little stick figure behind the door was still mumbling something, but his voice was a little unclear, making it difficult to hear clearly. And after Lao Yao entered the door, its voice became smaller and smaller, lighter and lighter, until it was completely silent.

Zheng Qing was not sure whether the discipline in the classroom was out of respect for the teacher, awe of the legendary wizard, or fear of Lao Yao's rumored other identity.

But he knew that every time Lao Yao's dark, smiling eyes swept across the classroom, everyone would know what they should do.


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