Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 174 The spirit turtle lives a long life

The turtle has always been a symbol of longevity.

According to ancient books, a tortoise is white in color when it is a hundred years old, and has hair on its back for a thousand years. It can talk to people for thousands of years, and pray for blessings and luck in front of the turtle for thousands of years.

Linzhong Lake is located in the school, connecting the inside and outside, and is a veritable pearl on the silent river.

Because the lake has abundant water vapor and abundant food, it has attracted many spiritual animals to live here.

In the mud pond on the east bank of the lake, a large family of longevity turtles lived.

Word of mouth among Jiuyou students is that there is a tortoise that lives in this mud pond. Many seniors who had failed or retaken the exam met this magical turtle here and miraculously passed the school exam after praying.

Therefore, on weekdays, many students come here to pray in front of the mud pond, hoping to meet the efficacious turtle by chance and fulfill their little wishes.

Because spirit turtles are addicted to pearls and jade, these young wizards who come to pray for blessings will always throw some silver horns and golden beans into the mud pond as red envelopes for knocking on doors.

There are even those who are rich and have a bold personality, who always throw a few jade coins every time they come here.

Over time, the longevity turtles in the pond have developed the habit of basking in the sun during the day in order to grab the coins thrown by the students as soon as possible.

Shougui is a big tortoise. Because these guys have a quiet personality and have good names, the school working committee acquiesces to their behavior of demarcating territory and collecting fees at will.

Although everyone hopes to see the ten thousand-year-old turtle, in most cases, what they see by the mud pond are small turtles that are less than a hundred years old and whose carapace is still black.

Occasionally, an old turtle with a white back shell squeezes in among these children and shamelessly grabs jade coins, which is naturally impressive.

"You probably have memories of the turtle that had the accident," Thomas naturally did not keep too strict on these details, and told the young wizards in front of him very easily: "It's the turtle who usually grabs money among the group of turtles. White-shelled turtle.”

"According to the records of the school working committee, this turtle is between 310 and 315 years old."

"They are the young and strong ones among the turtles."

"Similar to the kappa, this turtle's skin and flesh are shriveled all over, and its shell is also cracked and dry... If you just look at the skin, you would definitely think that it is an old turtle that is nearing the end of its life."

"But the difference with the kappa incident is that the skin and flesh of this old turtle were not eaten by carrion beetles. It is similar to several other cases recently discovered... This also shows that the previous encounter with the kappa was just a coincidence."

"It's just that this time the withered spirit turtle was seen in broad daylight by students who had just finished class... causing huge chaos for a time."

Zheng Qing could completely imagine the chaos.

In particular, the rumors of various terrifying monsters that have been circulating privately among students recently have amplified their uneasiness to a certain extent. 【】

The murderer actually dared to commit the crime during the day, which intensified the speed at which the rumors changed.

"Have you seen the murderer?" Zheng Qing couldn't help but interjected and asked: "Who discovered it first!"

"It is said that the murderer is a white shadow." Thomas was very cautious about this aspect and was vague.

"As for the identity of the discoverer, you should all know him." He said this, paused, and added: "The transfer student in your class is the gypsy witch named Irina."

There was a short exclamation in the glade.

"Why is it her!" Zheng Qing looked at his former interviewer in shock: "Is she she injured? Where is she now?"

A series of questions came out of his mouth.

"She's fine and safe." Thomas looked at the affectionate and nervous young man in front of him playfully, his expression a little dazed.

Once upon a time, he had such worries and passions.

And now.

Time flies and cannot be turned back, and the past can only be recalled.

Even though his love is still deep, the bright witch has completely disappeared into the depths of the silent forest, never to return.

"You still have a chance." He said something meaningful to Zheng Qing. Looking at the confused young man in front of him, he suddenly smiled and said: "The patrol team happens to be short of a few assistants to handle the scene... Do you have time? ?”

"She remains at the scene and is being investigated," he added.

Even without elaborating, Zheng Qing knew who he was talking about.

"We have time!" The young public-funded student agreed decisively, glanced at the friends around him threateningly, and emphasized: "We all have time!"

A low roar of laughter came from under the shade of the trees.

"Don't look like you're at a disadvantage," Thomas scolded with a smile, "Originally, this is a credit that only juniors can earn... I'll let you take it away, it's your luck."

"There are still credits!" There was an unexpected cheer among the young wizards.

On the way to the mud pond on the east bank of the lake, Thomas briefed several young wizards on the development of the matter.

Because today is Wednesday, and it is noon, there are many students coming and going by the lake.

Therefore, when the spirit turtle was found lying lifeless on the shore, many students who were attracted by the screams saw the withered old turtle.

Thanks to the almighty magic.

In less than five minutes, before the people from the school working committee could officially determine the cause of the old turtle's death, the students in the school were alarmed by this sudden and vicious incident.

If it weren't for the successive discoveries made by the patrol team in the past few days and the various rumors spread by the students in private.

A dying turtle cannot cause turmoil and unrest in the entire academy.

And now.

While the people on the school working committee are trying their best to cover up this incident, the Student Union and Federation of Societies of Jiuyou College have simultaneously sent a letter of inquiry to the First University Professors Joint Conference, asking the school to do something about this series of vicious incidents. Give a clear explanation.

Before receiving a satisfactory answer, according to the "First University Management Regulations", students have the right to strike with the first goal of ensuring their own safety.

"So," Thomas shrugged, with a rather helpless expression: "The college issued an emergency notice. This afternoon, all classes were canceled. All students below the third grade were summoned by the student union and arranged in the first hall for unified safety training. "

"It's amazing." Zheng Qing sighed.

He thought of the student organization's recruitment activities that were going on this week, and made up his mind to go to the student union.

"To be precise, it's Lei Zhe who is great." Thomas corrected: "Not every student union president has the courage to send a letter of inquiry to the joint professor meeting. If so, it must be Augustus from Alpha College."

There's that name again.

Several others remembered the invitation letter Zheng Qing received before the history class and glanced at him in unison.

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