Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 2526 Why Fringe College Needs a ‘Secret Weapon’

"It is definitely not easy to have a special meeting chaired by a legendary wizard."

"It's certainly not easy to have the other four colleges and the great wizard from the school working committee appear at the same time... so I think the idea of ​​a 'secret weapon' is definitely not groundless!"

"Is the school crazy for asking the teaching assistants to do the 'little hand task'? I bet if the Beta Town Post knew about this, it would be weird for a whole week!"

"What is your little hand's mission? To draw talismans? Or to seduce a succubus?"

Several companions were all talking and talking almost at the same time. Although there were only three of them, it gave Zheng Qing the feeling of falling into a flock of ducks. He felt like he couldn't hear anything clearly except the last girl. The word "demon".

Noticing the angry eyes of the young assistant coach, Zhang Jixin quickly raised his hands.

"Just kidding, kidding." With a smile on his face, he repeated another question of his: "I just want to ask, what is the mission of your little hand?"

"Draw the talisman," Zheng Qing snorted and added angrily: "...use fish skin paper on the talisman board."

Xiao Xiao nodded slightly, thoughtfully: "Fishskin paper is a mild magical material that can be smelted into many magical materials without producing new impurities. In other words, Brother Qing and the others painted The talisman will definitely be 'plated' on other things in the future - such as a weapon. The use of a talisman board is the strongest evidence, because there will be many fine holes on the talisman drawn with a talisman board. The pores for the flow of magic power..."

"There is no 'them', only 'me'!"

Zheng Qing finally couldn't help it, interrupted the doctor's eloquent explanation, emphasized his tone a little, and reminded: "I only know that my task is to draw symbols on fish skin paper. I really don't know what the other teaching assistants do!"

"Are your tasks distributed separately?" The fat wizard summoned a ball of soap bubbles, poked his greasy fingers around in it, and looked at Zheng Qing with curiosity on his face.

"Alone." The young assistant coach added solemnly: "One person distributes it face to face. In the barrier, you can't see what other people's tasks are at all."

"That's even more suspicious."

Even Zhang Jixin, who is not very sensitive to this kind of thing, noticed the anomaly: "Even if it is a laboratory task, this level of confidentiality is not required under normal circumstances... Moreover, there is a legendary wizard nearby to help supervise."

"It's hard to imagine that those North District wizards have anything to do with the 'secret weapon'." The fat wizard took out his handkerchief and wiped his fingers while muttering: "You can tell by looking at their situation in class... If they don't have powerful magic power, what are they doing? It’s all half the effort.”

The volunteer task of the young wizards from Astronomy Class 08-1 this semester is to help the freshmen in the preparatory class of Fringe College adapt to the study life of the First University, so everyone's understanding of the students of that new college is very accurate.

Listening to the analysis of his companions, Zheng Qing inexplicably remembered the conversation between him and Hilda - at that time he asked Hilda 'Why did Fringe Academy build a secret weapon?', and Hilda's answer was 'I don't want to know'.

‘Don’t want to know’ and ‘don’t know’ are two completely different concepts.

It's a pity that the teaching assistant in the practical class is no longer around, and there is no way to answer his confusion at this time. Thinking of the word 'dispelling doubts', Zheng Qing couldn't help but glance at Xiao Xiao.

The short wizard looked back very sensitively.

"What?" he asked with a frown.

"Well, it's about the secret weapon." Zheng Qing considered the words and tried to make his description more objective: "Why do you think Fringe Academy needs a 'secret weapon'?"

"Because it touches other people's cheese."

Before Xiao Xiao could speak, Fatty Xin sneered and said a very reasonable answer: "The magic resources that were originally shared equally among the four colleges suddenly had an extra pair of chopsticks. How could it be possible without any backlash? The interests represented by one college are real. It's too big... It's difficult to protect everything with just the two great wizards at Edge Academy, so Edge Academy is in great need of a 'secret weapon' that can act as a foundation."

"Aren't the deans of other colleges also at the level of great wizards?" Zheng Qing had just finished his retort, and the thin, waxy face of Lao Yao immediately came to mind, and he immediately added: "I mean most of the deans, deputy directors, etc. The deans are all at the level of great wizards...Professor Charles from Alpha is not even a great wizard!”

This time, it was Zhang Jixin who answered him.

The red-faced wizard rubbed his chin and shook his head: "You can't say that. Although Alpha's deputy dean doesn't look very powerful, do you know how many great wizards he has in his family? To put it another way, the great wizards owned by Alpha Alumni occupy nearly a quarter of the seats in the Alliance Grand Wizard Conference, and the two Grand Wizards from Edge College are their only two Grand Wizards.”

"In addition, the 'secret weapon' is not necessarily the dangerous weapon you imagined." Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses, glanced at an empty seat on the other side of the classroom, and added: "Remember Nicholas wearing the That gemstone ring? The inferior Philosopher's Stone... If Fringe College finds a way to mass-produce this gem, it will free the Northern District wizards from the need for frogs, which will bring a great deal of strength to the Northern District wizards. Great progress."

"But I think what Edge College lacks now is high-end combat power. Even if there is only one legend, it can..."

"Old Yao is here!"

The scream of the little stick figure behind the door interrupted the noisy atmosphere in the classroom. Almost immediately, everyone shut up and fled to their seats quickly.

Although Lao Yao has always had a good temper and has been our counselor for nearly two years, the name of the legendary wizard still awes these young wizards.

Soon, the classroom door was pushed open as usual.

Lao Yao walked in with great strides, followed closely by Jiang Yu who was trotting behind him, holding a large pile of homework in his arms as always.

"Before the class meeting, let me tell you a few things."

The professor didn't talk nonsense. After putting down the lecture notes in his hand, he looked around: "It is already the third week of school, nearly a month, but I noticed that there are still students who have not recovered from the memories of the New Year, and they are living in a daze all day long. ! Look at your homework, one or two, you can copy the essays directly from the handouts after class! Some people copied half of the homework in Fulu class and copied it into the magic text class... I miss the vacation so much! Do you need me to leave you two months ago to experience winter vacation again? "

The legendary wizard has this strength.

Of course, everyone knew that Lao Yao was joking, and there was a wave of false and echoing laughter in the audience.

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