Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 2531 About Lao Yao’s whereabouts

Life is like the sea. Calm waves are the best, and rough waves are also very interesting. Only the kind of wind and waves that are neither up nor down can make people dizzy and uncomfortable.

Like this Monday morning.

The counselor of Astronomy Class 08-1, the dean of Jiuyou College, the legendary wizard, Professor Yao Xiaomi, was absent from his spells class without any warning. This has never happened to Zheng Qing in the past two years since he entered First University. things.

Downton even hurriedly went to the office building to look around but couldn't find Lao Yao.

The door gods on the door of the dean's office were very polite and told the young wizard that Lao Yao had indeed come to the office in the morning, but he left in a hurry without leaving any message.

The good news is that the only professor who is absent from class seems to be Lao Yao - which means it may just be an emergency, not any trouble in the school - according to Downton's observation, the other classes' courses are carried out normally.

Bad news, other professors don't know where Lao Yao is.

This kind of mixture of good and bad things makes everyone neither dare to play unscrupulously nor study conscientiously. They can only hesitantly chat and read idle books. People feel uncomfortable.

If Zheng Qing were four or five years younger and returned to junior high school or high school, if the teacher did not come to class one morning, then the classroom would definitely be cheering, and everyone would celebrate this short vacation like winning a prize between heavy schoolwork.

But he is now a college student.

And it's at a magical university.

The moment they realized that Lao Yao had not come to the classroom, more than half of the students in the class took out their crystal balls, tortoise shells and yarrow, and began to divine whether this matter would be good or bad. As expected, everyone's divination was extremely unclear, and no one could confirm the traces of a legendary wizard.

Of course, college students also have advantages as college students. Downton and Liu Feifei easily maintained discipline in the class. Without a teacher, the only thing they can do is to urge everyone to preview the chapters that Lao Yao may talk about in today's "Standard Spells·Second Year College", and at the same time remind those who have not finished their homework for the previous class to hurry up and make up for their homework, and 'Try' to stay quiet.

In this way, half the class passed by in a hurry.

Lao Yao just came to the classroom - to be precise, it was just a projection of him that suddenly appeared on the podium without most people noticing.

Zheng Qing belongs to another small group of people.

At that time, he had just finished his alchemy homework and was looking up at the back of a certain witch sitting in the first row of the classroom to relieve the fatigue of studying hard. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a light group emitting five colors of light appearing on the blackboard. In front of him, immediately, magic power full of texture surged out from the light group, like a waterfall, and a familiar figure emerged in an instant.

"Professor Yao is here!"

The little stick figure behind the door was probably the second one to notice something strange on the podium. He shouted dutifully and then immediately hid in the corner of the white paper with his head in his hands.

The young wizards in the classroom quickly looked up at the door, and then turned to the podium. Their movements were uniform, like a group of cute rabbits, which was quite interesting.

"Good morning."

Professor Yao, whose figure was revealed, threw the lecture notes on the desk, raised his hand - Zheng Qing noticed that he did not have a pipe in his hand - and gave everyone a careless greeting:

"There was a little situation outside in the morning, so I went for a walk in the woods... Well, there is still an hour and a half, so we have to hurry up and catch up a little bit... In the last class, we analyzed the ancient Taishang Three Cave The method of the "Five Thunder Curse" talks about several classic techniques of "Emergency as the Law". In this lesson, we follow the development of modern magic theory and analyze the so-called "Five Thunder Curse" blessing cultivation techniques. Thunder Curse, also known as the "Five Thunder Method", is divided into "Big Five Thunder" and "Small Five Thunder" according to different origins. The former originated from the Chinese Shenxiao Sect, and the Five Thunders are divided into "Tian Lei" 'Land mine', 'water mine', 'fire mine' and 'she mine'; the latter is derived from the ancient theory of five elements. The five thunders are 'golden thunder', 'wooden thunder', 'water mine', 'fire thunder' and 'earth thunder'. It turns out that both the Divine Sky and the Five Elements have 'water thunder' and 'fire thunder', because the nature of these two thunder methods and thunder spells are very close, and they are most easily understood by wizards who were exposed to thunder and lightning in ancient times..."

On the podium, the sudden appearance of the Charms professor did not give anyone a chance to ask questions. He started teaching when everyone was caught off guard. His eloquent voice was mixed with the movement of frantically flipping textbooks, which made people feel a sense of confusion. A silent urgency is approaching.

Perhaps it was just to seize the time to catch up with the progress, or perhaps he did not want everyone to ask questions. In the remaining more than an hour of lecture, Professor Yao did not even call people to answer questions as usual, but threw out one complicated question after another. The spell casting cases made everyone exhausted by his voice and had no time to think about other things.

"He was late, not us, so why are we the ones suffering!"

During the lunch break, Fatty Xin recalled what happened in the magic class in the morning and felt indignant: "It's so bullying... I've never seen anyone bully a child like this!"

Zheng Qing silently made a vomiting expression.

"Is there any news from the editorial board of the school newspaper?" Xiao Xiao knocked on the table to remind the fat man not to go off topic.

He didn't go to the library at noon today, and went back to the dormitory specifically to find out about Lao Yao's inexplicable disappearance for half of the class in the morning. In fact, after the Charms class, he asked many people privately, but except for the students in Astronomy Class 08-1, few other people in Jiuyou Academy knew about this matter.

"How can there be news!"

Fatty Xin put down the brush he was combing Tuantuan's hair with a look of annoyance on his face: "How can ordinary wizards - especially us 'little brats' who haven't graduated yet - find out about things that legendary wizards don't want people to know? Did you ask Teacher Sima? "Does she know?"

Xiao Xiao shook his head and remained silent, but he didn't know whether he didn't ask, or whether Sima didn't know - Zheng Qing was more inclined to the latter, because Dr. Xiao was not the kind to let Sima Yang Yun do it just for a little curiosity. People who commit taboo things.

"What kind of thing can make a legendary wizard abandon his responsibilities and disappear for half a class?" Zheng Qing muttered to himself as he lay on the edge of the desk, staring at the three sleeping elves in the sunflower dish.

"That's the weirdest thing about it."

Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses and continued to study the crystal ball in front of him carefully, muttering in a low voice: "The existence of legendary wizards has exceeded the dimensions we understand... Theoretically, they exist in a 'time period' and It's not a 'point in time', that is to say, there are countless Lao Yao actually existing at the same time... What kind of accident can make him abandon us for half a class without even showing a projection? "

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