Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 2565 The witch from a noble family

At First University, because he received similar education and assessment, Zheng Qing did not feel deeply about the gap between poor wizards and noble wizards. It was just that one knew more and the other knew less.

Just like the difference between a plate of clear water cabbage and Qianlong cabbage, there doesn't seem to be much difference in appearance.

Years ago, he lived in Qingqiu Mansion for a period of time, and then he deeply realized the unique details in the daily life of noble wizards - for example, the flowers in the garden bloomed every morning according to the mood of the mansion owner, for example, the mansion would give The little fox, who is just two years old, is equipped with an entire team of luxurious home teachers. For example, every time the curtains are cleaned, the carpets, portraits on the walls, and even the furnishings in the room must be changed, making sure to maintain the unity of color and style.

Of course, in Zheng Qing's eyes, these details are more likely to be brought about by Qingqiu's wealth and Su Shijun's rank as a great wizard, and have little to do with aristocratic or poor families.

Until this time, I came to Shanglinyuan.

Looking at the giant dragon mount on the Dragon Rock that was slowly falling in the strong wind, listening to the wizards and witches who were not much different from him in interest in discussing the interesting things about hunting monsters in the North Sea, as well as Thackeray and Mary Washcraft Only after reading Te's latest magic treatise did he become acutely and yet slowly aware of the insurmountable gap between ordinary wizards and children of aristocratic families.

Know the smallest details.

This is how wizards from aristocratic families gradually expand their advantages on the road to magic.

"...The other paths are also similar to the 'Tao of Talisman'."

In front of him, facing Zheng Qing, Jiang Yu, who was walking backwards with his hands behind his back, was still patiently explaining the meaning of the Three Ancients and Four Ways:

"...'Tea Ceremony' includes the content of 'magic potions, divination and rituals', such as preparing tea leaves with different flavors and medicinal effects, and brewing them with water of different properties such as warm, cold, cool, hot, yang, and yin. conditions; for example, you need to master the skills of interpreting the tea in front of the guests from the perspective of mysticism and divination, including the state of mist transpiration, the shape of stacked tea leaves, etc.

‘Hua Dao’ is to intercept the branches, leaves, flowers and other parts of trees and flowers and combine them artistically. In this way, you can feel the changes in life and improve the connection between wizards and nature. In this process, it is very particular about the grasp of 'yin and yang', 'five elements', 'feng shui', 'numerology', 'breath' and even 'astrology'. This matter very much tests the wizard's subtle understanding of magic and nature.

As for the 'Royal Way', it refers to the skills of taming animals and riding them. Just like in my family, everyone has to choose a hairy dragon from a young age and learn how to brush its hair, cut its nails, wipe its horns, wash its beards, and even judge its health based on its defecation and record its history. Sleep time, etc. In contrast, riding them around is the most relaxing thing. Of course, it’s not all that easy. Sometimes the elders will suddenly assign you a hairy dragon that you have never touched before, and you need to appease it in the shortest possible time. At this time, you have to pay special attention, because if you are not careful, you will be attacked by them. Kick a big somersault..."

"Is it dangerous?"

Zheng Qing couldn't help but ask, but immediately he realized that his question was purely careless.

The witch didn't pay attention, and replied with a smile: "There is no way magic is not dangerous. But now, under normal circumstances, the daughter's family will not be allowed to tame those dangerous monsters directly. Just like the ancient witches need to pick up the dragon's saliva in person, now too No need. Similarly, we don’t need to do bad tasks such as saddling the hairy dragons and cleaning up their excrement. Brushing their fur is the hardest thing.”

While talking, Zheng Qing noticed a small stone on the road.

He flicked his fingers calmly.

In the bushes beside the road, a slender green vine suddenly jumped out like a predatory grass snake, rolled up the small stone, and then retreated silently.

The witch didn't seem to notice the boy's little movements at all, and still walked backwards casually, but the smile on her face became brighter.

"...I remember you complained to me that when you were a child, you drew symbols every day and your wrists were swollen from exhaustion. It was very hard?" She tilted her head and suddenly asked Zheng Qing.

The boy nodded hesitantly.

Every time his companions praised him for his superb skills in talismans, he would always be humble and then complain about how hard it was to practice talismans when he was a child, how many talismans he had to copy every week, etc.

He didn't think his complaints were inappropriate before, but today when he heard Jiang Yu mention the magic knowledge he needed to learn as a child, he suddenly felt that his complaints were a bit hypocritical.

Sure enough, looking at Zheng Qing who nodded, the witch shook her head slightly.

"Everyone is like this."

She raised her hand and showed the boy a piece of slightly darker skin about the size of a fingernail on her wrist - Zheng Qing suddenly had a subtle feeling that she seemed to want to smooth out the difference between the two people in this way - her tone was very Seriously: "The training of any magic skill has a long and boring process. This is the case for you when drawing talismans, and the same is true for our 'Three Ancients and Four Ways'.

In comparison, it would be helpful if you could find a little happiness in this hard work.

Just like before I was twelve years old, every Monday morning I would learn Chinese Way and Fu Dao, and in the afternoon there would be a session of Royal Way and a dance session; then on Tuesday morning I would do etiquette and cooking, and in the afternoon I would continue with Royal Way and Tea Ceremony, etc... for a week Seven days, four classes every day, much harder than college! "

"No wonder you can now endure the intensity of classes seven days a week." Zheng Qing admired sincerely, and then asked curiously: "If you were given a choice, which class do you think is the worst?"

"Every class sucks."

The witch suppressed her smile and looked up at the sky, with a hint of nostalgia in her eyes: "But the worst thing, I think, is cooking, because you need to eat the food you make in person... Of course, for some people with good talents, I really enjoyed that class.”

“What’s the best class?”

The witch thought seriously for a moment.

"Some parts of an etiquette lesson."

She gave an unexpected but very normal choice: "Part of the etiquette class is to teach you how to dress. During that time, we could buy a lot of beautiful clothes in every class, which was very popular with everyone. Occasionally, you need to be the host and practice hosting social tea parties or evening 'stargazing parties' at home, which are very interesting... It is a group of little witches getting together to watch the stars, draw star maps, and observe each other's teacups. What is the shape of tea foam, etc. Sometimes the elders in the family will invite foreign guests such as phoenix, nymph, or shark... It was at this time that I learned most of the foreign languages ​​on my schedule. "

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