Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 181 A headache-inducing meeting

"Ding dong, ding dong..."

The wind chimes hanging on the edge of the window were still swaying slightly under the action of inertia, making a pleasant trill.

These bells are shaped like copper bells. They are green all over, as if they were made of bronze. They are covered with traces of rust and give off an old atmosphere.

The surface of the bell is crisscrossed with lines of different lengths, widths and thicknesses. Under the sun, runes the size of rice grains flowed slowly on these lines, flashing with colorful light.

Each bell is hung with a copper ring and black wire as thick as a hair.

At the end of the thin line, pieces of paper-thick peach wood talisman boards were hung. The layout was hollowed out and carved with ferocious statues of different shapes. As the wind chimes rang softly, these statues rotated slowly, scanning the noisy classroom.

These bells were hung on the window by monitor Downton before class.

It is said that he spent a lot of money to buy the warning amulet from a wandering wizard, which can cover an area of ​​hundreds of square meters. Any abnormal disturbance within the protective range of the talisman array will trigger the magic array on the bell, which will emit the evil sound to ward off the enemy.

Of course, the reason why the row of wind chimes is jingling now is not because of the discovery of a monster.

It was just affected by the breeze caused by Li Meng running around in the classroom.

"Your cousin?" Zheng Qing was stunned for a moment and looked behind Li Meng involuntarily.

Not far away, Jiang Yu was running toward the two of them with a straight face.

She was wearing a bright red courtyard robe with a cloud pattern hanging around her waist. When she walked in a hurry, she was wearing a jade mingluan and a red mantle fluttering, which was very moving.

"You're causing trouble again!" When Jiang Yu came to the two of them, without saying a word, she first stretched out her two green onion fingers, grabbed Li Meng's ears, and twisted them gently.

"It's unjust..." The little spirit witch didn't dare to move, so he could only complain: "Ask him... I'm just here to stand in front of you and tell him if you have anything to do with him!"

Zheng Qing saw Jiang Yu's gaze, hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded.

Sure enough, I am still kind.

A certain public-sponsored student grinned at the little wizard and comforted himself.

Jiang Yu let go of his hand, and Li Meng snorted, turned around and kicked Fatty Xin in the leg, who was one step away.

The fat man glanced at her inexplicably and moved away aggrievedly.

"Is something wrong?" Zheng Qing looked at the pretty girl in front of him, feeling a little nervous.

I wonder if it was an illusion, but since Zheng Qing started helping Elena with her homework, Jiang Yu's attitude towards him has become much colder.

This is the first time the two have spoken privately in nearly a week.

"I have something to do this Saturday afternoon, so I can't accompany you to see Dr. Du Zemu." Jiang Yu looked at Zheng Qing apologetically, and looked out the window with a somewhat uncertain look: "You know that address... so does the doctor. you."

"Oh, oh, it's okay... I can go by myself." Zheng Qing rubbed his hands at a loss and said with a silly smile: "I really bothered you before... If possible, I would like to treat you to eat in the pedestrian street. A meal... to express gratitude.”

"I'm going, I'm going too!" Li Meng raised her arm vigorously and waved.

A string of golden copper bells on her wrist made a tinkling sound, which was pleasant to the ear.

Jiang Yu couldn't stop him and could only smile apologetically.

"I'm afraid it's inconvenient." The corners of her mouth turned up, her tone hesitant.

"No problem, no's nothing inconvenient." Zheng Qing smiled and nodded repeatedly, feeling much more relaxed for some reason.

But one word from Squad Leader Jiang completely destroyed his relaxed state of mind.

"Would Miss Jones mind?" She raised her chin slightly, her eyes full of smiles: "If I take her boyfriend to eat on the pedestrian street...won't she mind?"

Elena's father's surname is Jones, but few people in the class call her that.

Therefore, it took Zheng Qing a few seconds to understand what Jiang Yu meant.

"No, no, no... that's wrong!" He suddenly woke up, waving his hands in panic, his face turned red: "No, it's not what you think... You're wrong... We don't have that kind of relationship, I'm just helping She takes extra lessons."

But he immediately realized, why should he explain to Jiang Yu?

Wasn't there a hint of joy in his heart just now?

As a result, his swinging arms stopped unconsciously, and his head turned involuntarily to the direction of Elena's seat.

The gypsy witch didn't seem to notice the movement in this corner at all. She was holding her chin in one hand and flipping through the textbooks on the table. Her burgundy wavy hair fell down the side of her face, making her expression unclear.

After staying for a few seconds, Zheng Qing remembered Jiang Yu standing in front of him.

When he turned his head, the beautiful woman had left.

The unruly little wizard was left alone. He raised his calf and kicked Zheng Qing again.

"Jiuyou are indeed nerds!" She complained angrily and ran away before Zheng Qing could get angry.

Zheng Qing sighed and sat back in his seat, feeling inexplicably depressed.

Even he couldn't tell what he was thinking in his heart.

"Are you going alone tonight?" Xiao Xiao suddenly raised his head from his notebook and turned to look at him.

"Huh?" Zheng Qing glanced at the beautiful figures in the front and back of the classroom, and replied vaguely: "It's just a treat for dinner, and you can do it alone."

"A treat?" Xiao Xiao frowned, his eyes a little confused: "Isn't it just a simple meeting? You want to invite Augustus to dinner? He agreed?"

Zheng Qing was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized.

The two people are not talking about the same thing.

His mind had not yet shaken off the conversation he had just had with Jiang Yu, and he completely ignored the identity of the questioner.

Xiao Xiao was asking about the meeting between Zheng Qing and Augustus.

After hesitating for a night, and after a long plenary meeting discussion in dormitory 403, Zheng Qing finally decided not to attend the blood club's welcome dinner.

This is a matter of attitude.

Of course, his rejection must be tactful. As per Dylan's advice, it's best to have a good reason. And he had to meet Augustus in person and return his invitation.

This is not an easy job.

Fortunately, Augustus didn't seem to mean to embarrass him. After Zheng Qing applied for a meeting, he quickly responded and agreed to have tea with him on Thursday evening.

"Ahem," Zheng Qing coughed lightly and replied quickly: "No, no, no, it's just a simple meeting, no need to eat... What I just said is a common saying in Baiding society."

Xiao Xiao pushed up his glasses and looked at him suspiciously.

Zheng Qing touched his slightly hot ears and tried his best to show a natural expression.

"Did you make an appointment?" Xiao Xiao looked at his notebook again.

"At half past five in the afternoon," Zheng Qing touched the pocket watch in his pocket and replied in a low voice: "I remember that this afternoon's life class is a practical arrangement. It seems that we are asked to practice the 'washing spell', so we should be able to make it in time."

Xiao Xiao tilted his head and said nothing.

Facts have proven that this kind of plan, which is based solely on conjecture and has no support from divination, has a very high possibility of accidents.

In the afternoon life class, the teacher indeed asked these freshmen to practice toilet magic.

But Zheng Qing ignored that there would always be accidents of one kind or another when new people cast magic.

For example, some people washed their hair and transformed into Teacher Saitama; some people used too much force when drying and almost turned into bacon; some people's Dharma books were not coated with waterproof grease, and the recorded mantras became a ball of ink stains in the water vapor.

When the messy class ended, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon.

Zheng Qing didn't even have time to eat, so he ran towards Linzhong Lake.

After passing through the deep corridor covered with vines, passing through the round door guarded by stone golems, and ignoring the provocative words of the old ghosts on both sides of the castle corridor, Zheng Qing finally arrived at the place agreed upon with Augustus.

Located deep inside Alpha Castle.

The blood club's lounge.

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