Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 2594 Rumors are like zombies

For many people, Zheng Qing's current status is very special.

He is said to be a student, but he has officially signed an employment contract with First University, is on the roster of the teaching assistants, and serves as an official teaching assistant at Fringe College.

He is a teacher, and his main daily task is to study. He has to go to class six days out of seven days a week, and spends 15 of the 33 hours a day lying on the desk.

Therefore, the title given to Zheng Qing seems particularly divisive.

Those with distant relationships, such as ordinary classmates, students from marginal colleges, professors of various subjects, and elders, call him 'Classmate Zheng Qing', 'Zheng Qing' or 'Teacher Zheng Qing'; those with close relationships, such as friends, teammates, etc., call him 'Brother Qing', 'Brother Zha', 'Zheng Zha', to name a few.

For someone like Linda Barnes, whose relationship is neither far nor close, it seems a little awkward. So she chose the abbreviation of "Teacher Zheng Qing" as "Master Zheng", which not only kept her close but also kept a certain distance, and also gave her a sense of formality and respect towards her "clients". With this alone, she immediately started to communicate with other interviewees. Those who distanced themselves.

Although Zheng Qing didn't read so many twists and turns from this simple title, he could still feel the kindness of the other party, and his original guarded mood suddenly dissipated a lot.

But the other person's next words made Zheng Qing feel that he had relaxed too early.

"Before we get down to business, I want to confirm one thing first." Linda Barnes raised the post in her hand with a gossipy look on her face: "...Is this true?"

Zheng Qing glanced at the fat man.

The fat wizard shook his head very carefully, indicating that he was not sure what the witch wanted to express.

Therefore, he carefully pretended to be confused.

"...What's the matter?" Zheng Qing asked vaguely. He caught a glimpse of the words 'Starry Sky Hunting Team Holds Private Hunting Competition' leaked out of the corner of the newspaper, and immediately laughed: "Oh, yes, the Exoneration Hunting Team and Starry Sky The hunting team reached an agreement to cooperate and held a private hunting competition last weekend...but I did not participate. You can ask Banner for the details. "

In front of outsiders, he still showed respect to the fat wizard and did not call him fat man casually.

"I don't want to hear about the stars or forgiveness when I come here!"

The blond witch put her hands on the table and leaned forward. Her eyes were like hungry wolves in the night, and they were bright green: "The Post said last weekend that you participated in this year's Shanglin Garden Spring Hunt... But I have news to confirm. , you went to Shanglinyuan as Jiang Yu's male companion, is this true? ...Did you break up with Councilor Su? Is it because of the reports about the adopted son-in-law? Are you really the adopted son-in-law? Who has the custody? How much alimony do you pay each month? Did you break up under the pressure of the Parliament? "Did Milton and Talbot give you trouble?"

Obviously, she has already imagined a 360-episode bloody TV series.

Zheng Qing leaned back calmly, making sure that the flying blond hair would not stick to his face. He carefully moved his eyes away from the front, trying to focus on the beautiful plates of pastries on the table. .

The 'brother-in-law' report mentioned by the blonde witch had already been circulated when the scandal between him and Su Shijun first spread. It is roughly said that Zheng Qing is the son-in-law of the Su family in Qingqiu. The most obvious evidence is that Su Shijun and Zheng Qing almost always met on ceremonial occasions, and there was no rumor of the two having a private date - in addition, there were Rumors claimed that Boseidong's father was someone else, a powerful boss in the alliance, and that Zheng Qing was just a poor guy who was pushed out to take the blame, and so on.

Zheng Qing never paid attention to such baseless rumors.

So after Linda Barnes said it, it took him a while to realize what she meant.

"I don't know what you are talking about...this is all my private matter." He replied dryly - he had repeated similar words many times, like bagasse that had been squeezed out, without a trace of flavor. .

"This is no longer a private matter." The blonde witch put down the newspaper in her hand, stood up straight, crossed her arms, and looked at the wizard with burning eyes: "...I need some exclusive news to satisfy 'everyone's' appetite."

The "everyone" she refers to includes both the readers of public opinion and the controllers of public opinion who may provide help to Zheng Qing.

Zheng Qing finally sighed.

"I went to Shanglinyuan, and what I got was indeed an invitation letter from the Chiang family." He only blurred his identity a little bit, but answered other questions simply: "...I have never been in love with Councilor Su. , is not a son-in-law, has never been married, and the reports in the newspapers are all nonsense... There is no such thing as pressure or breakup, let alone weird issues such as custody and alimony. I didn’t even meet Duke Milton in Shanglinyuan this time, but Michael from the Talbot family talked to me, but he wanted me to persuade his cousin, Dylan from our dormitory, to talk to me. Family reconciliation... This matter has nothing to do with our topic today, right? "

He gave the witch an inquiring look.

Obtain the other party's approval.

Then he shook his head and pretended to sigh: "Rumors are really terrible. This reminds me of a saying - Rumors are like zombies. You think they are dead, but in fact they are alive - in fact , I went to Shanglinyuan just to do a small favor for my friend..."

"Haha, friend?" The blonde witch sneered.

Zheng Qing suddenly realized that the classmate Linda in front of her was not only the former editor-in-chief of the school newspaper, but also the leader and close friend of Fatty Xin. She must have heard some gossip from Fatty.

The wizard felt slightly embarrassed.

He gave the fat wizard an accusing look and cleared his throat. The fat wizard raised the honey puff in his hand, showing a pitiful look as his mouth was covered in honey.

"Well, I remember that you also planned to graduate early and have already left school." Zheng Qing tried to seize the initiative in the conversation and said straightforwardly: "Banner said you can help me, how can you help me?...Also, what do you want?"

"Let's not talk about what I want." The blonde witch leaned against the window, her expression a little blurred due to the shadow, but her voice was very clear: "I want to confirm your purpose. I simply don't want everyone to discuss what you are doing." Shanglinyuan..."

"Is that okay?" Zheng Qing interrupted impatiently.

He wished that no one had noticed that he had been to Shanglin Garden Spring Hunting.

"Of course not."

Linda Barnes immediately denied this possibility: "Although I didn't go, your performance in Shanglinyuan has been widely circulated. What kind of performance did you throw thousands of talismans and hit Tushan hard in the challenge? The noble daughter of the family danced with a dozen witches at the ball, etc. These rumors are still spreading widely even if there are no newspapers. And what I can help you is to let everyone try to ignore these rumors by reading the newspapers. Focus on other directions that are safer for you.”

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