Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 2597 Xiao Xiao’s joke

End of consultation.

Zheng Qing was the first to leave Yota Restaurant.

After Fatty Xin sent him to the door of the restaurant, he grabbed Zheng Qing who was hanging the armor and horse charm on his leg.

"When are you going to talk to Senior Colma about the interview?" Obviously, he was also very interested in the interview subject mentioned by the blonde witch: "I have plenty of time..."

Zheng Qing was very cautious and did not make any promises on this matter.

"Just take some time... You can't say this kind of thing."

He was perfunctory and glanced at the frosting on the corner of the fat wizard's mouth. He suddenly remembered another thing. He glanced at the depths of the restaurant and lowered his voice slightly: "By the way, when did you get together with Miss Barnes? Why didn't you? Let's say? You two didn't dance together last Christmas, right... Don't deny it right now. Your "darling" before made the whole restaurant shake with goosebumps... If it hadn't been for today's meeting, you Are you still planning to keep it a secret? Besides, I remember you were always interested in Li Meng?"

He teased, his eyes sparkling with the fire of gossip.

Fatty Xin glanced sideways at him.

"You should remember to listen carefully to this matter." He muttered, glanced back with a guilty conscience, then cleared his throat, and said seriously: "I was just being ignorant before, joking with you, okay? Little girl It doesn’t matter whether you are interested in the movie or not! People will grow!”

Zheng Qing's eyes were filled with contempt.

"What kind of look are you looking at!"

The fat wizard suddenly felt dissatisfied, and put his big palm on the boy's shoulder: "You said you didn't know, but I saw you weren't surprised just now? When did you know about us? You asked the doctor to divine ? Have you learned the Code? Divination without the consent of the person concerned is illegal!”

As he spoke, he looked Zheng Qing up and down, his eyes full of scrutiny and vigilance. Even Dr. Xiao Da, who was far away in the library, suffered unreasonable disaster and came under suspicion.

This is a classic example of turning against customers and attacking others.

"I'm not surprised because I was mentally prepared."

Zheng Qing gave a light 'tsk' and corrected the fat wizard's false accusation: "This has nothing to do with the doctor. It was when I went to Shanglin Garden this time that I heard Barash Sasan mention that you were in love with Miss Barnes. , so Miss Barnes didn’t go to Shanglinyuan... But Li Meng, hey, I could tell clearly whether you were joking or serious. "

The last sentence immediately made Xin break his guard.

"If you can tell the difference, you won't ask such nonsense!"

His face was blue and his ears were blue, and he looked a little angry: "You ask me why I didn't tell you... Will Dylan tell you how many beautiful girls he met when he came back every day when he attended the fraternity? It was the first time the doctor met with Do you know when Teacher Sima goes out for a date? And you, have you told us clearly about your previous relationship history? In other words, have I asked you when you broke up with Elena and when you got together with Jiang Yu? , when did you have a baby with Councilor Su? "

The emotions progress step by step, and the counter-examinations are sonorous and powerful.

Until the end, three consecutive blows were fatal.

Zheng Qing immediately covered his face and left.

The normal time on Tuesday afternoon is Professor Monteria’s magic class.

When Zheng Qing came to the classroom, there were only a few people in the classroom. Jiang Yu has not arrived, and neither Xin nor Zhang Jixin has arrived. In the familiar corner, only Xiao Xiao was immersed in the table, writing and drawing in his notebook, and he didn't know what he was busy with.

"Did you know that Fatty and Miss Linda Barnes are in a relationship?" Zheng Qing was rarely exposed to other people's gossip, so he was naturally very enthusiastic and couldn't wait to spread the word.

"Guessed it." Xiao Xiao said lightly without raising his head.

“It’s really a flower in cow dung.”

Zheng Qing shook his head, thinking of the fat wizard with a mouth full of frosting in the restaurant just now, and sighed with emotion: "I can't imagine why that Miss Barnes would agree."

The doctor finally raised his head and looked at him with empty eyes: "Anyone can say that, but you can't. The gap between you and Congressman Su is much greater than the gap between Xin and Miss Barnes. Did we say anything?" If Xin is a pile of cow dung, then you..."

He frowned, thought for a long time, and finally gave in and shook his head.

"...I can no longer imagine what you are."

He sincerely shrugged his shoulders, adjusted his glasses, and added with a sneer: "As for why Miss Barnes agreed? Haha, although Fat Brother is not in good shape, regardless of his bloodline or ability, he is the best in the entire First University. Outstanding. It's just that your ability to stir up trouble has slightly obscured Fat Brother's shine."

Zheng Qing didn't expect that he could get beaten for gossiping about others.

He squeezed the piece of black jade in his hand.

The jade stone that already had the prototype of a kitten twisted in his palm, as if it would come to life in the next second. Zheng Qing couldn't help but look down at it, but saw that it was still a stone, without any life.

"The 'professional' introduced by Fat Brother is Miss Barnes?" Xiao Xiao also came back to his senses at this moment, thinking of the conversation between several people at lunch: "How was your conversation?"

Zheng Qing hesitated.

In the end, he was frustrated and simply recounted the conversation between him and the blonde witch, focusing on the other party's plan to 'fight fire with fire' and use rumors to help him escape.

"Sounds like a good idea." Xiao Xiao did not comment further on this plan. He noticed Zheng Qing's expectant eyes and shook his head: "The most important thing about this method is how to spread as many rumors as possible. Spreading it over a wide range is something that just a few of us students at school can't do... So, don't expect me to give you much help in this matter... But what she said is quite good. interesting."

"Which sentence?"

"Facts do not equal truth, and rumors do not only have negative effects."

Xiao Xiao picked up a pen and recorded this sentence in his black notebook. He shook his head and repeated it several times, nodding with satisfaction: "Sometimes adding the attributive is distorting the facts, and sometimes removing the attributive is also distorting the facts. Public opinion The carrier is language, and language is naturally flawed. Despicable people always take advantage of it, and stupid people always believe in it.

This reminds me of an old joke - it is said that a graduate of Alpha College went to the Beta Town Post to interview a reporter. The interviewer asked him, "If Lei Zhe and Augustus participate in a hunting competition, Lei Zhe will Zhe wins, how would you report this? ’, the young wizard thought for a while and replied, ‘Augustus miraculously won the runner-up through unremitting efforts. Lei Zhe only got the second to last result. The interviewer was very satisfied and immediately issued him a letter of appointment. "

This joke was no different from the jokes the doctor had told before, just as cold and sharp.

Zheng Qing sat in the sun and couldn't help but shudder.

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