Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 2616 Reinterpretation of reverse position

The door of Sakura Tavern was ajar.

Jingle Bell.

With the doorbell ringing, Zheng Qing pushed the door open and saw no other guests or waiters.

The sun shines through the large windows and falls into the tavern, giving the dark red bar a layer of light glaze. Looking at the toast that looks like fresh jam is spread on it makes people feel a sense of satisfaction in their hearts.

The air was filled with the aroma of wood and wine. Because there was no one around, the aroma seemed particularly pure in the empty room. A group of light bugs gathered among the beams of the ceiling. They seemed to be disturbed by the three uninvited guests. They all vibrated their wings, puffed out their bellies, and sprinkled orange light all over the floor, making the entire tavern even brighter.

I seemed to hear the sound of the doorbell ringing. A rag quickly jumped up to the bar and started wiping the table. Several wine glasses came out of the cabinet with a clank, and were neatly arranged in a line. Bottles filled with juice were bowed. Bow, one cup after another.

"What are those?" The fat wizard's attention was focused on those cups.

Xiao Xiao stepped forward first, picked up the cup and took a sniff.

"Apple Juice, a Mild Magic Replenishing Drink."

As he spoke, his eyes slid over the rows of colorful wine bottles in the wine kitchen: "According to the old rules of wizards, there is indeed a tradition of not drinking on the Forbidden Magic Day, but these days, few people abide by these. The terms and conditions are settled…”

"Senior Colma must know that we are coming," Zheng Qing raised the last cup and clinked it with the fat man's hand: "Maybe she meant for us to wait for her here..."

"Just waiting so stupidly?" Xin drank half a glass of apple juice in one gulp and smacked his lips.


Several thick stacks of newspapers and magazines appeared out of thin air and landed heavily in front of the three young wizards.

The meaning is very clear.

At the same time, the bottle filled with juice rose and fell slightly on the bar, making a series of hesitant collision sounds, as if he was hesitating whether to refill the fat wizard's empty glass.

Zheng Qing ignored the bottle whose operation logic was confused, picked up the top copy of "Beta Town Post", looked at the date, it was today, and he happened to not have read it yet.

More than a week has passed since the Spring Hunting in Shanglinyuan.

Linda Barnes's 'Rumor War' plan has also been launched for nearly a week. Just as she originally expected, in this era of abundant information, any popularity cannot last too long. Unless it is deliberate, the media cannot Too many resources are wasted on a young wizard who has not yet graduated.

He flipped through it and found only three reports related to him - two of which were tofu cube articles - obviously the editorial department of Beta Town Post also realized that it was not cost-effective to pay too much attention to him. .

The young assistant coach nodded with satisfaction.

In Linda's words, as long as there are enough rumors, the old guys in the newsroom will be dazzled and eventually have to give up. Without the support of major newspapers, the gossip in the school will gradually die down.

When Colma came downstairs, the three wizards had already drank two large bottles of apple juice.

Xiao Xiao and Fatty Xin were sweating over the chess game in the newspaper, while Zheng Qing was reading the love story between a female ghost and a scholar in "Ms. Duoduo" with great interest, so much so that when the owner of the tavern greeted them, he I was in a daze for a moment and forgot the purpose of my visit today.

"You've been quite diligent lately."

Kolma greeted with a smile and her eyes fell on several paper boxes placed on the bar, which contained preserved fruits, preserved meats, dried fruits and various snacks. She clearly remembered that her pub did not provide these snacks. .

Zheng Qing quickly dropped the chicken popcorn in his hand and stood up with his two companions.

The last time he came to the Sakura Tavern was last Tuesday night. He had just reached an agreement with Linda Barnes at noon that day, so he made a special trip to visit the Great Sage of the North District in the evening to secure an exclusive interview opportunity for the blonde witch.

Judging from the time, he was really diligent in coming.

"Here you go...what would you like to drink?"

The young teaching assistant greeted the classmate diligently, but as soon as the greeting was uttered, not only Korma was stunned for a moment, but Xiao Xiao and Fatty Xin also looked sideways, looking quite shocked. Zheng Qing suddenly remembered that he was in someone else's tavern and felt very embarrassed. He raised the juice in his hand as if to conceal it, smiled dryly, and poured it all into his stomach.

Although the juice was refreshing, it made him feel hot all over. Even without looking in the mirror, he realized that his face must be red.

"I'll have a glass of apple juice too, thank you."

The owner of the Cherry Blossom Tavern did not embarrass Zheng Qing. He smiled and waved. The glass and the juice bottle came one behind the other, offering the witch a drink that was as colored as amber.

Help someone refill their empty cup.

"I read the report of the last interview, and it was well written." Colma looked at the fat wizard next to her, and said in a brisk tone: "Did you write it, or did Miss Barnes write it?"

"I, we wrote it together." Xin Rao showed a hint of coyness.

The witch raised her eyebrows, with a hint of surprise on her face: "No wonder the article was finally published in the school newspaper... I thought that the interview would be taken away by Thomas."

The Thomas she was talking about was not the one on the teaching assistant team, but Thomas Barnes, Linda's uncle and the deputy editor of the Beta Town Post.

At this moment, Zheng Qing's brain, which had just been overloaded by embarrassment, had gradually recovered his thinking ability, so it was easy to think of this relationship.

He touched his nose, picked up the cup, and moistened his lips. Just as he was about to speak, he saw Colma take out a deck of tarot cards from under the bar and wash them briefly.

"Do you still remember the card you drew last time you came to Sakura Tavern?"

She glanced at Zheng Qing, and said with deep meaning: "I remember that day you just learned to touch your face for divination...and then you touched your nose in my bar."

Zheng Qing was stunned for a moment.

In face-touching fortune-telling, touching the nose means that things are not going well. Just like the tarot card he pulled out at the Sakura Tavern that day, it was not a good sign, so he left it behind early.

"Reversed Tower?"

Although the wizard's tone was a little uncertain, he quickly recalled the conversation that night in his heart - the reversed tower can be seen as a warning, reminding us to stay vigilant and be prepared to deal with emergencies and possibilities crisis. Like the calm before the storm, it represents a tense atmosphere.

Originally, he thought that the card was reminding him of the risks associated with rumors, but at this moment, looking into Colma's eyes, he suddenly realized - rumors are such a small thing, a card that does not affect fate, he was there that day. The reversed tower drawn in front of the great sage of the North District was actually a warning to the two people.

In other words, what that tarot card revealed was the fate of the North District wizard hunting team that died in the Silent Forest.

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