Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 2623 The intercepted formation

Zheng Qing is no stranger to the small world of sandboxes.

When Zheng Qing participated in the winter hunt for the first time in the first semester of his freshman year, he encountered it once in the Silent Forest. At that time, he was being escorted back to school by a detachment of the teaching assistants for 'threatening to use a thousand explosive charms'. As a result, the group accidentally broke into the sandbox opened by the Dark Parliament and almost annihilated the entire army.

By a very coincidence, Xiao Xiao and Fatty Xin were also present that time.

Therefore, this time the three-light magic circle was deployed and after confirming the surrounding directions, the fortune teller of the Exoneration Hunting Team quickly confirmed that several people had once again fallen into a small sandbox world.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

After receiving the doctor's warning, Zheng Qing immediately emptied the ordinary talisman bullets in the bomb nest - he remembered clearly that the last time the Sin Hunting Team and a dozen assistants from the teaching assistant group were trapped in the small sandbox world, Su Shijun collapsed. Using her four tails, she managed to open a slightly safer evacuation channel.

In other words, the effect of ordinary rune bullets in this environment is almost zero.

"Are you sure it's a sandbox?"

While Zheng Qing was vigilant about the left and right, he quickly stuffed Colt's bullet nest with blood runes - these runes were originally the 'goods' he was going to hand over to the Trident Sword next month, and today there are already three. On the 29th of the month, two days later, Thursday would be April 1st, and it was time for him to fulfill his contract.

Although he used rhetorical questions, in the process of replenishing the talisman bullets, Zheng Qing already believed in the doctor's judgment.

Because the five ordinary rune bombs he just shot included a fire bomb, a frost bomb, an evil-proof bomb, a restraint bomb and a flash bomb, aiming at the woodpile and water within sight. The pits, gargoyle sculptures, doors and windows, and the depths of the fog should have at least ignited the pile of firewood, but in the end, the five rune bullets fell into the sea like mud cows, and the stream of light from the muzzle disappeared in the fog, and there was no sound again.

If it weren't for the fact that the barrel of the Colt Silver Python in his hand wasn't already slightly hot, Zheng Qing would have doubted whether he had actually pulled the trigger before.

Hearing Zheng Qing's question, the fat wizard gave a positive reply before Xiao Xiao opened his mouth.


After suppressing his height back to two meters, Fatty Xin's voice became much clearer: "Didn't we encounter this ghost thing when we were freshmen? It impressed me deeply... The magic cosmology we took last semester was not in vain. Up!"

Different from the fat wizard's answer that was full of subjective judgments, Xiao Xiao's analysis seemed much more 'magic'. He pointed at the aurora-like fireworks embers on the horizon and spoke quickly: "The biggest difference between the sandbox world and the ordinary world is It lies in 'time', and light is one of the most standard scales for calculating time... The time interval from the flash of those fireworks to the sound of explosion is too long, long enough for the sound of fireworks to explode around Phuket Island three times, and You and I both know it’s daytime, but those fireworks are shining with rich colors that can only be seen at night... Of course, what’s more important!”

He knocked on the crystal ball that was still floating in front of him and curled his lips: "My crystal ball can quickly explore the surrounding environment without spells because it has a slight connection with the school's guardian array and can borrow magic. The power of the array... This is a paid service! ...But now, this glass ball can only reflect Xin's fat butt. In other words, we are separated from the school's guardian array. This level of separation, I can’t think of any other possibility than the sandbox.”

"You can take the photo elsewhere!" The fat wizard shook his butt.

"I never knew that the school's protective formation rented out its power." Zheng Qing glanced at the crystal ball. While he was convinced, he also had questions about another thing: "...Which of you knows when we will Trapped in a sandbox?"

"I don't know." Fatty answered simply.

The doctor hesitated for a moment: "Not sure... The crystal ball and the guardian circle lost their connection in an instant. It might be an inconspicuous bluestone slab on the road we stepped on, it might be some fireworks falling from the sky, it might be A drop of dew hanging from the eaves, or a wisp of smoke flowing from the street corner... Building a sandbox is difficult, but hiding a sandbox is relatively easy.”

The voices of the three chatting were particularly clear in the empty street.

But it didn't elicit any response.

This makes the young hunters increasingly vigilant - compared to the monsters grinding their teeth and sucking blood in the open, the murderous intentions hidden in the dark are the most threatening - facing patient attackers, they need to show greater courage patience.

Zheng Qing calmed down at this moment, inserted the talisman gun into his waist with his backhand, opened his copper-plate book, and cast a protective spell on the three of them.

Before seeing the real enemy, he only needs to protect himself. If he shoots randomly without aiming at the target, the only consequence will be to be deceived by the opponent and waste precious blood rune bullets.

“…He is the Lord!”

"...He is the only one!"

“…He is the light in the darkness!”

A hoarse and melodious song was vaguely heard in the mist. The sound seemed to come from all directions, making it impossible to find the source. However, the fireworks that were still rising slowly used their exploding sounds to add to the atmosphere. The singing beats the beat.

The fireworks were overflowing with color, falling slowly amid the singing, and each one was like a bolide streaking down the night sky.

"The starry sky is the mystery in my soul..."

"They fascinate me..."

"He is a mystery..."

"He is a mystery..."

"Brother Zha, above!" The doctor stared at the crystal ball in front of him that gradually had a picture. He suddenly nudged Zheng Qing slightly with his elbow, who was looking around, and reminded in a very soft voice: "Rooftop!"

Zheng Qing looked up and immediately noticed the rows of scaffoldings standing abruptly on both sides of the street, with dried crows hanging upside down by ropes. This scene was exactly the same as what he saw in his dream. The only difference was that there were no cultists dancing crazily and praying under the scaffolding.

He seemed to be aware of the boy's gaze.

The moment he raised his head, the dry crows all raised their eyelids, revealing their eyeballs covered in scarlet.


A hanging crow suddenly flapped its wings, opened its mouth, and let out a dry, hoarse howl. The howl sounded like a starting gun, and all the hanging crows on the scaffoldings on the roofs on both sides of the street began to struggle together.

"Quack! Quack! Quack!"

The noisy waves not only drowned out the melodious singing, but even covered up the sound of fireworks exploding.

The three young wizards suddenly felt numbness in their backs and stopped in unison.

"When we laugh at the devil and tell ourselves he doesn't exist... that's when he's happiest."

Xiao Xiao took a deep breath, put away the crystal ball in front of him, squeezed the bamboo slips in his hand, and did not look back, but Zheng Qing could only say this to himself: "...Now I believe that those The crows are really not dead.”

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