Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 2678 Zheng Qing’s priority status

First University has three campus-wide hunts each year.

Spring hunting in April, ‘Campus Cup’ hunting month in October, and winter hunting in December at the end of the year.

This schedule coincides with the ancient tradition of "hunting in the four seasons" in the wizarding world - spring hunt, summer seedling, autumn hunt, and winter hunt. The school does not arrange hunting in the summer because that period coincides with the summer vacation.

But not every year these three hunts are held as scheduled.

Just like last year, First University canceled the spring hunt without any reason.

Of course, everyone already knows the reason today. Just a few weeks after the spring hunt last year, there was a major incident in the Black Prison. It can be speculated that during that time, most of the school's attention was focused on the Black Prison, and naturally it had no energy to take care of the hunting games of the young wizards.

Although Harukai was no longer around, not long after, a large-scale lich war broke out in the black prison far away in the other world, and a harassing legion organized by the demon coalition also appeared on Phuket Island, which made the young wizards who had just felt lost fiercely. Got addicted to hunting.

Back to this year.

Originally according to what most people thought.

There was no spring hunt last year, and it should not be canceled this year anyway.

But the temporary ban on the seventh week weekend night - although the ban only lasted a little more than five minutes - has left a shadow in the hearts of many young wizards at First University.

After all, hunting requires entering the Silent Forest.

And now, everyone knows what must have happened in the woods.

With last year’s experience of ‘expectation and disappointment’, no one dares to boast that this year’s spring hunt will be held as scheduled. After all, it is not as involved as the 'Campus Cup' hunting competition, nor is it as necessary as the winter hunting. It is to reduce part of the power of the silent black tide in the coming year, and it is necessary to hold it every year.

Just like the spring hunt at Shanglinyuan, today the spring hunt at First University has gradually become a social and practical assessment activity, and the emphasis of the spring hunt for different colleges is also different.

The Alpha College of Law pays more attention to the social function of the spring hunt. Every year, the spring hunt is accompanied by a series of dances, paintings, music, food and other activities;

Atlas Academy pays more attention to the ritual sense of spring hunting, from divination, to blessing, to the ‘big search ceremony’, and so on;

The students of Jiuyou Academy are most concerned about the harvest of spring hunting, including selling hunting goods for money, and the practical points obtained in spring hunting;

The young wizards of Starry Sky Academy don't care about those miscellaneous things. As long as there are monsters fighting with them, they are very satisfied.

Regardless of the differences in the emphasis of spring hunting among several colleges, from the school's perspective, this project has a strong "elective course nature", which means that it is possible to have it or not to have it. If the weather is clear and everything is If everything is harmonious, then everyone will be happy to hold the spring hunt; if there is a little disharmony, there will be no pressure if the spring hunt is not held.

Among all the members of dormitory 403, perhaps only Zheng Qing has the lowest expectations for Chun Shou.

In order to escape the zombie bride arranged for him by his family, Dylan has been frantically participating in various sororities these days, trying to find the most suitable bride for him before the family takes action; Xiao Xiao needs a suitable opportunity to ease the relationship with Sima Yang Yun. Relationship; The fat wizard had not confirmed his relationship with his senior sister Linda for a long time, and it was the time when Mi Li was mixing oil.

Relatively speaking, only Zheng Qing does not have any ‘social needs’.

On the one hand, he had just participated in the Shanglinyuan Spring Hunt held outside the school not long ago, which caused a lot of trouble as expected, and even attracted a Houyhnhnms pony girl to enter the Edge College. For him, there was no extra Social interaction is what he needs most in life.

Furthermore, his academic pressure this semester is really too great. He has already had an extra day off for two consecutive weeks. If he wastes two days of weekend time on Harukai again this week, he doubts whether he can still do it. Achieve established graduation goals.

Having said that, after the Sunday evening class meeting, Zheng Qing still took the initiative to go to the office of the teaching assistants to find out what happened.

In addition to Fatty Xin's request, more importantly, his intuition told him that the temporary ban issued by the assistant coaching staff tonight was related to the crows.

When Zheng Qing came to the office building, the whole building was brightly lit.

Wizards in black and gray robes came and went in a hurry, but surprisingly there was not much noise. Even the green parrots in charge of the reception in the lobby on the first floor rarely stopped making noise, and stood on the branches with their wings folded, like a statue of a saint. sculpture.

Zheng Qing wore the assistant coach badge on his chest.

The journey was smooth and we arrived at the offices of the teaching assistants.

The small room was packed to the brim at the moment, and you could vaguely hear a small, heated argument among the crowd. When he tried to squeeze towards the center of the crowd, he was dragged out by a hand after just a few steps.

"Why are you here to join in the fun?" Thomas dragged Zheng Qing out of the office with a serious look on his face.

Zheng Qing hesitated for a few seconds.

"I'm also a member of the assistant coaching staff." He pointed to the badge on his chest - Thomas had an obviously depressed expression on his face. It was obvious that he had completely forgotten Zheng Qing's new identity.

Zheng Qing didn't give him more time to react, and threw away all his confusion tonight: "What happened in the Silent Forest? Why didn't anyone notify me? Am I not a teaching assistant in the school? Is there anything I can do? ”

"Doing nothing is your greatest task."

Thomas put his hand on Zheng Qing's shoulder, considered it, and finally chose the simplest question and answered: "In addition, of course you are a teaching assistant in the school. But at the same time, you are also a student. Being a student is the same as being a teaching assistant. When there is a conflict between our responsibilities, we will default to you as a we did not inform you tonight."

"What happened?"

Zheng Qing persisted in questioning, and at the same time reminded him: "You also know that it is difficult for First University to have secrets... and with my identity, telling me does not violate the silence contract."

Thomas scratched his head in distress, looked back at the still crowded office, finally sighed and pushed the wizard outside.

"Something happened to the Utya tribe."

He spoke very quickly in a voice that sounded like a whisper: "All the centaurs in the entire tribe, from the elders, to the warriors, to the cubs, all the centaurs have disappeared... No, not disappeared, the divination team It tells us with certainty that they have met with misfortune.”

Tomb-Sweeping Day is not long ago today.

The moment Thomas mentioned the word 'Utya', his mind immediately recalled the sturdy camp, the huge bonfire, the enthusiastic dogs, and the powerful running horses in the Silent Forest. Human warriors and old and wise centaur elders.

Then he thought of the bolides that streaked across the night sky that night.

And the gatha left by the horse elders.

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