Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 192 Where Time Is Drained

"...There is a magical insect called 'Sand Time' that can secrete a liquid that extends the lifespan of magical creatures. It may be able to maintain the vitality of these elves..."

"...You'd better not have too much hope..."

"...You can only see their traces deep in the silent forest..."

"...You are only a first-year freshman. I don't want you to take unnecessary risks because of this...Only high-level hunting teams have the authority to go deep into the Silent Forest..."

"...The time limit of sand time secretions is very short. Professors or researchers at the school will only issue limited-time commissions for related tasks when needed... Even if only senior hunting teams are allowed to accept them, the completion rate of these tasks is still very low... "

Although less than half a month has passed, in Zheng Qing's consciousness, it seems that a long time has passed.

Only some special 'anchor words' - such as sand time, or life extension - can revive Zheng Qing's memory from the long river of time, allowing him to recall the recent experience from this short but complicated memory.

The words Professor Li Qihuang once said appeared clearly in Zheng Qing's mind, piece by piece.

At the same time, the data from the physical examination of the elves this morning also flowed before his eyes like running water.

Those gradually declining indicators were as heavy as stones weighing on his heart.

But at this moment, it seemed as if a stone crusher was rumbling in his ears, crushing all the heavy burdens on his heart!

It was as if a heavy burden had been lifted off him, and he felt much more relaxed.

"Your complexion looks much better!" Lin Guo suddenly whispered in his ear: "Are you also imagining the beautiful life of catching sand and selling it for money? It's too vulgar..."

"Little brat!" Zheng Qing laughed, stretched out his hand and rubbed Lin Guo's neat black hair without explaining. 【】

But his smile grew even brighter.

Lin Guo shook his head in dissatisfaction, got rid of his clutches, and returned to Verne's side.

The old school worker was holding a tall wooden staff, squinting his eyes, leaning against a big tree, listening to Professor Dorag teaching the young students.

At his feet, the old hunting dog Lord May had his entire tongue hanging out of his mouth, his eyes squinted, and his whole body was slumped on the soft grass, like a limp slug.

Even a lame man-shouwu rolled over the bridge of its nose, not allowing the 'slug' to raise its eyelids.

Lin Guo, however, had quick eyesight and quick hands. He took out an empty glass bottle from his schoolbag, put the activated herb in it, and stuffed it back into his schoolbag.

The old school janitor just glanced at him and smiled, but did not stop him.

This made Zheng Qing sigh greatly.

Sure enough, humans are more tolerant of 'cubs' than other age groups at any time.

If Zhang Jixin had been so careless as to 'steal' the potion resources in the school, a sky-high compensation bill would have been sent back to the Zhang family's home in the blink of an eye.

In the crowd, Professor Dorag also happened to talk about Sand's encounter in the magical world.

Although time is everywhere, perhaps the 'timeline' with magical power contains more energy, so most sand time groups are found in areas where magic is active.

Because Sha Shi's body is full of treasures, the nests built by this little bug in areas where wizards gather are often just formed, and will be 'relocated' by the wizards as a whole to a more 'safe' laboratory.

I don’t know if it is because of the arrogant attributes of the ‘super-dimensional creatures’, the fed Sand Time will often slowly stop eating, and the Sand Time Mother will gradually lose the ability to brew Sand Time royal jelly.

After being released into the wild, without the restraint of magic, this little bug will disappear without a trace in the blink of an eye.

It's as if they can really slip away along the timeline.

Until now, in the entire Phuket Island, these little bugs can only be found in the depths of the Silent Forest.

"Everyone needs to pay attention." Professor Dorag raised an arm and rubbed a few skinny fingers.

A line of sand slid from his fingers to the ground like running water, in an endless stream.

"The nests of this magical insect are usually based on the Mother of Sand, and are made of ordinary quartz stone particles—the kind of sand you see. The shape will be slightly different depending on the type of sand and the number of adult insects."

"Most of the time, the Mother of Sand Time will make her nest into a ring-shaped shell and carry it on her back."

Zheng Qing narrowed his eyes.

On the one hand, he needs to be careful to avoid the sand thrown up by the old professor.

On the other hand, he felt that the shape of Sunatoki's lair described in a long paragraph by old Professor Dolag seemed quite familiar.

"That is to say, Sha Toki's lair looks like a big snail," Lin Guo's crisp questioning voice sounded in the crowd: "Is that right?"

There was a low muffled laughter from the crowd.

Professor Dorag blushed, coughed twice, nodded, and seemed speechless for a moment.

Fortunately, old man Verne was standing aside.

As a sophisticated old man, he was keenly aware of Professor Dolag's embarrassment.

So, he began to introduce the experience of discovering these 'murderers' to the patrol members.

"At first, I didn't realize that a group of sand came to the school... I just found some traces of slime in the grass when I was walking."

"I thought it was the red chain snakes that sneaked into the school recently and gave birth to babies. You know, when those slippery little bugs just hatched, they always leave these slimy traces everywhere."

Having said this, the old man paused for a moment, as if he was considering whether to expand this topic.

At this time, Professor Dorag had regained his composure, and naturally picked up the topic of the old school worker and gave a few brief explanations:

"As the little classmate mentioned just now, you can think of the Mother of Sand and Time carrying the insect nest on her back as a big snail - in fact, the shapes of the two are indeed very similar - like a snail, crawling When moving, the Mother of Sand Time will also leave very obvious marks on the ground."

Lin Guo hugged his backpack to his chest and bulged his mouth in dissatisfaction, as if he wanted to defend something.

But because the old professor was still talking, he didn't speak in the end.

Zheng Qing laughed secretly.

He vaguely guessed the reason why Lin Guo was unhappy.

"Of course, we mentioned before that Sands belong to the class Insecta, which is essentially different from the gastropod class of snails. You should pay attention to is very easy to get confused, so don't remember it wrong." Professor Dolag emphasized.

Zheng Qing exhaled and felt that his head was a little swollen.

Like other old professors, Mr. Dolag always emphasizes many suspected 'knowledge points' when speaking in such informal situations. God knows why the patrol team pays attention to the differences between the classes and genera of these little bugs.

On the other side, the old man Verne finally gave up explaining to the young wizard how he discovered the sand.

He decided to let these young people see it for themselves.

After a brief meeting, several assistant teachers in black robes finally agreed with the old people's opinions.

So, following the patrol, Zheng Qing finally saw the place that was rumored to be 'drained of time'.

It was deep in the woods among tall shrubs.

A bright yellow sand pile reveals its figure conspicuously, yet concealedly.

It is conspicuous because in the woods beside the lake, there is ankle-deep grass underfoot, tall trees and low shrubs around you, and each one of them grows extremely lush.

A pile of sand is sandwiched between them, which is extremely conspicuous.

It is hidden because this pile of sand is hidden in a bush and is hidden by the lush branches and leaves of the bushes. If no one had deliberately pushed aside the pile of bushes, I am afraid that no one would have discovered the strangeness within a single step.

Zheng Qing recalled Verne's explanation and looked suspiciously at the old hunting dog at the front of the team that was leading the way.

He highly doubted that the dog had dug through the bushes for any reason.

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