Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 923: Three words, two shots and one pinch

Chapter 2701 A few words and a slap in the face

Zheng Qing had already accepted Xiao Xiao's explanation.

I thought that the school would downplay the invasion of dormitory 403 into a trivial matter, so I didn’t have high expectations for the wizard who came to strengthen the dormitory’s guardian magic later that day. I spent the entire afternoon wondering whether I should take the time to go to Qingqiu. Mansion, shamelessly ask for some foreign help.

However, after dinner, he went back to the dormitory and immediately gave up the above idea.

Because if the school intends to be perfunctory, it will not send Zhang Yu to dormitory 403. Although some people in the school still refer to Zhang Yu as the 'acting leader', in fact, Zhang Yu's appointment as leader has been approved by the relevant departments of the school. After review, he is currently on a three-month probationary period, which means that he is now the de facto leader of the First University Assistant Team.

Zheng Qing didn't think that the teaching assistant team was now sufficiently manpower-rich to allow the team leader to handle a dispensable case.

More importantly, as Zhang Yu, he was standing in the corner of the dormitory like a transparent person.

In addition to him, there were two other school wizards present. One of them, Zheng Qing, a gray-robed man, had dealt with him several times. He was an old school worker named 'Ernest', and he had an old man named Verne from Linzhong Lake. Uncle Stendhal in Baicao Garden was similar in that he had very senior qualifications; but he didn't recognize the tall, thin wizard who was the leader.

Xiao Xiao and Fatty Xin huddled behind Zhang Yu, crossing their arms and making silent gestures - Zheng Qing couldn't understand what they wanted to express at all, but to be cautious, he decided not to talk nonsense.

"Classmate Zheng Qing?"

When the tall and thin wizard at the head saw the young public-funded student pushing in the door, he twitched the corners of his mouth with great effort, as if trying to squeeze out a smile. However, he soon realized that he was not good at this, so he immediately stopped smiling and recovered. With a stern expression on his face, he stretched out his hand to Zheng Qing and introduced himself: "...I am Qian Doudou, a staff member of the First University Professors' Joint Conference Office. I am currently responsible for investigating the illegal intrusion incident in dormitory 403. Nice to meet you."

Zheng Qing unconsciously grabbed his hand and shook it.

Although he felt that the name Qian Doudou was a little inappropriate for this tall and thin wizard, he couldn't laugh at all. Just like Mr. Qian Doudou said, "I'm very happy", but there was no smile on his face.

"I thought in the morning..." He mumbled, his eyes sliding over Master Ernest and the two roommates, and finally falling on the head of the assistant teaching team.

Among the "strange" wizards, Zhang Yu, whom he often interacted with, made him feel more at ease.

Perhaps sensing the boy's uneasy gaze, Zhang Yu coughed lightly and said, "The investigation report of Mr. Glass and Egger is not comprehensive enough, so let's just ask a few more questions... It's okay, don't be nervous."

That's weird.

Zheng Qing secretly cursed - Glass was one of the two investigators who came in the morning and was an ordinary teaching assistant of the teaching assistant group, while Zhang Yu was the leader of the teaching assistant group - the current situation was like a patient going to the hospital to see a doctor. After the young doctor on duty looked at it once, he ran away and said, "It's okay." However, three senior doctors at the director level came back for consultation.

No one will think that their own problem is a small problem.

"Just a brief investigation?" Zheng Qing couldn't help but ask.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he vaguely felt that after hearing his rhetorical question, the three school wizards exchanged glances with each other inconspicuously.

"Yes, I just want to briefly verify the situation of the investigation this morning." Qian Doudou affirmed Zheng Qing's rhetorical question in a concise and concise manner, with a calm tone and no emotion. It’s a very difficult thing, even a big demon can’t do it... So, who do you think the intruder will be?”

Zheng Qing pretended not to see Xiao Xiao trying hard to make an 'X' gesture behind him - Xiao Xiao came from a family of observers that had always adhered to neutrality, so in the face of such troublesome things, it was normal to choose to turn a blind eye. But not Zheng Qing. He clearly remembered the conversation between Lao Yao and him before school started, and knew that these troubles would eventually find him.

I had reluctantly accepted the advice of my companions.

But when he had the chance to make a comeback, he didn't hesitate at all.

Therefore, he directly said what he had always insisted on: "It's a crow!"

Qian Doudou crossed two words on his notebook and nodded solemnly: "Yes, that makes sense."

Then he put away his pen, closed his book, and pointed behind him.

"...We have re-strengthened the dormitory's guardian magic and added many new protection spells. There is no need to worry about safety, just remember to lock the door at night."

Zheng Qing saw him looking like he was about to leave, and quickly asked: "Wait... you know about crows? Don't you want to ask me why I think it was a crow that broke in?"

"You stick to your opinion, right?" Qian Doudou asked.


"That's ok, I will record it truthfully and report it to the school." Qian Doudou patted Zheng Qing's shoulder with relief, pressed hard, and added: "Just a simple verification, don't take it to heart. ”

Zheng Qing was confused.

That's it?


"Don't worry, the school working committee will not let accidents that threaten the safety of students happen." Master Ernest followed closely, patted Zheng Qing's other shoulder, and pressed it as well, with a kind attitude.

After that, without waiting for any reaction from the boy, he strode outside the house.

Zheng Qing raised his hand and touched the shoulder that had just been patted. He looked at the old wizard's leaving figure with a hesitant expression. He suddenly thought that there was another person present and quickly turned around.

Zhang Yu stood quietly in front of him.

Similar to usual times, most of his face was hidden under the high collar. After a few gentle glances on the boy's left and right shoulders, he grabbed Zheng Qing's arm and shook it.

"Aren't you worried that I'm talking nonsense?" Zheng Qing asked before Zhang Yu could speak.

"You are a teaching assistant of the teaching assistant team. I know you. You are not the kind of person who talks nonsense." The leader of the teaching assistant team squeezed the boy's arm, his tone was as gentle as ever, but his attitude was completely gone from his usual rigor.

Then after a pause, he added: "...Also, since you had an accident here, this week's small hand task can be temporarily canceled...Don't feel any psychological pressure and just concentrate on your studies."

Zheng Qing subconsciously refused: "It doesn't matter, it won't affect you, I can complete the task."

Somehow, he felt that this small task was very important to him, and if he refused, he might regret it in the future.

Zhang Yu blinked.

Although he didn't see the expression on the corner of his mouth, Zheng Qing thought he must have smiled.

"He is indeed a rising star in our assistant coaching staff."

The leader of the teaching assistant team praised, and let go of Zheng Qing's arm: "In that case, be sure not to be late when you receive the new little hand task tonight... Come on!"

Before he finished speaking, he turned into a shadow and disappeared in Dormitory 403, leaving the three young wizards looking at each other in confusion.

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