Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 2811 Monarchists and Republicans

"Mengmeng, what are you doing?"

Su Ya hugged Bo Saidong, raised her head, and curiously looked at Li Meng who was lying on the big rock and writing furiously. Her tone was a bit curious: "——Do you want to make up for your homework? Do you want fireflies?"

Although it was summer, the sky was already a little gloomy around six o'clock.

Li Meng raised his head, rubbed his wrist, looked at the gray sky above his head, then looked down at the densely packed clauses he listed on the parchment, and finally shook his head.

"No need, I've almost finished writing it."

She first rejected her friend's kindness, and then added: "Besides, I'm not doing homework! I've already finished today's homework...otherwise, will my cousin let me come out to play with you?"

"It's not with me, it's with her!"

Su Ya raised one of Boseidong's paws, corrected Li Meng's wrong view, and then glanced at the parchment on the big stone: "——So, what are you writing? If I had known you were like this I’m busy, so I went walking around with Edamame!”

I heard someone say my name.

The gray-skinned dog lying lazily among the bushes not far away raised one ear. After confirming that there was no follow-up content, the ear quickly drooped.

Of course, it did not neglect its duties. Although it behaved a little lazily, its head always faced the direction of the two little witches, ensuring that Poseidong's figure was always within its sight.

"Monarchist Charter!"

Li Meng's voice was a bit cold in this warm season.

"Jun...the charter of the monarchy?"

Su Ya chewed hard on a strange word she just heard, her tone was very confused. She could understand every word Li Meng said, but she didn't know what it meant when put together. Similarly, the furry little face of Poseidong in her arms was also wrinkled, obviously not understanding what Sister Meng was saying.

"what is……"

"The faction with Mr. Su Shijun as its leader is called the 'Monarchy Faction'!" Li Meng waved her hand and said with a serious face: "The rules and regulations of our faction are the Monarchy Faction Charter!"

It sounds awesome!

Su Ya and Bose Dong looked at Li Meng with admiration - he was indeed a top student at First University, and his words were so difficult to understand!

"What about the specific contents of the charter?" Su Ya stretched her neck, trying to read the small words on the parchment.

But just after she glanced at the words '... unite around Lord Su Shijun...' in the first paragraph, the parchment was quickly taken away by Li Meng.

"You must first join our 'Monarchy Faction' and sign a contract before you can read this charter." Li Meng explained patiently: "This is an internal document and must be kept confidential!"

That makes sense.

Su Ya nodded slightly, then looked at the other contract Li Meng took out with a smile, a trace of hesitation on his face.

"Do I have to sign it too?" Her tone felt like an insult.

"I'm sorry, I know you have absolutely nothing in mind for your lady...but rules are rules!"

Li Meng put the quill into the little fox maid's hand and dropped her book bag: "As the saying goes, 'No rules, no rules'. Supporting your lady means supporting the monarchy!"

"Me? Of course I support the young lady."

Su Ya held the quill and said this without confidence, but the scene of her informing Jiang Yu flashed in her mind, and finally returned the quill with a guilty conscience: "——But there are rules in the mansion, maid Any contract we sign must be seen by Sister Su Man.”

"Is it so troublesome?" Li Meng obviously didn't intend to disturb the stern head maid, with a look of disappointment on his face, and then his eyes fell on Bose Dong.

"She absolutely can't!"

This time, Su Ya's refusal was much smoother: "I only need Sister Man's consent to sign my signature, and she has to personally read her signature... Apart from the homework book, I can't remember where else Miss Man asked her to leave her name!"

This won’t work, and that won’t work either!

As the saying goes, one can make great progress, then it will fade, and three times it will be exhausted.

Li Meng, who had just taken out the 'Articles of Association', failed to make two consecutive invitations, which immediately caused a huge mental blow to her. She subconsciously looked at the last living creature around her.

Edamame simply disappeared from her sight with a pop.

Da da da!

A rapid and clear sound of hoofbeats reached the ears of the two little witches.

Soon, Lin Guo riding a black sheep appeared next to the big stone, but he did not get off the sheep immediately. Instead, he leaned down and looked at Li Meng. His tone was a bit urging: "——What can't be written in a letter? Come on? Tell me quickly...I have recently participated in a big project at school and am very busy!”

There was a hint of anxiety in his tone.

Half truths and half lies.

It's true, because he served as Dr. Duzem's assistant, he did join a big project in the school, and he was very busy some time ago; what's false is that the project seems to have reached the final stage recently, and only some more core and important projects are left. For the higher-level parts, there is much less work that can be assigned to him.

In other words, he is not as busy as he lets on.

Just because he was worried about Li Meng causing trouble, Lin Guo reserved an escape route for himself in advance. Facts have proved that this retreat is very necessary.

"I have formed a new 'Monarchy Faction' and am recruiting members. Seeing that you have excellent bones, I will accept you to join for free. Just sign here." Li Meng enthusiastically promoted his new organization and explained concisely. The basic program of the organization.

Lin Guo held the feather pen and hesitated for half a second.

"Have you signed?" He looked at Su Ya cautiously and asked more.

"Well, I'm not from the same faction as her... I'm from the 'anti-scum faction', do you want to join?" Su Ya's furry tail accidentally fell out of her skirt - this set of rhetoric was just discussed with Li Meng, and the two had already predicted what the little wizard might ask - as for Su Ya, the 'anti-scum faction', she has been secretly communicating with another witch recently, that's another matter.

"What is the 'anti-scum faction'?"

"As long as it is conducive to overthrowing Zheng Zha, she will do it, this is the anti-scum faction!" Li Meng's tone was a little impatient, and he urged: "Can we lie to you? Sign quickly, if you don't sign this, sign that!"

Lin Guo felt his scalp tingling.

He couldn't afford to offend Su Ya, and he couldn't afford to offend Li Meng, let alone the big witch standing behind the two little witches. Although he was still young, he had seen many things where gods fought and little ghosts suffered.

In this kind of situation, before the upper level has made things clear, it is the most stupid thing for the people below to take sides in advance - of course, he would not say that they are stupid in front of the two little witches, that would only make him look stupid.

"I... probably count as a 'republican'?" Lin Guo finally considered and found a new position for himself, and also found a new reason for rejection: "- Who of you wants to join my republican party?"

Having said that, he sneered at the word 'republic' in his heart.

There is no republican party in this world.

It's just another name for 'sandwich party'.

"What is a republican party?" This unexpected answer made the two little witches confused.

Lin Guo rubbed the big horns of the black goat sitting down and coughed dryly: "Republicanism means that everyone sits together, in harmony, don't fight, don't make trouble... jointly maintain a beautiful and peaceful new future!"

The words were so passionate that he almost believed it himself.

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