Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 2817 Edge Type 1



Accompanied by the sound of glass breaking and water splashing on the ground, Zheng Qing panted, coughed violently, and staggered forward two steps.

Then he felt his legs were a little weak.

And his sense of direction was a little bad - a bit like the feeling of being backfired after overusing magic, and a bit like staying up late for several nights in an Internet cafe, just leaving the door of the Internet cafe and seeing the bright fireball above the head, and then feeling dizzy.

Internet cafe?

This slightly distant noun was like an anchor point, gathering the scattered thoughts of the young wizard bit by bit, and he gradually recalled what he was doing before he lost consciousness.

He was at the experimental base of the special project of the Edge Academy.

Conducting the qualification assessment.

What was the content of the assessment?

His mind was blank and he couldn't remember it for a while. I only remember that more than a dozen things like banyan tree aerial roots fell from the ceiling of the resonance room. They had flower bud-like suction cups on their heads. Those suction cups seemed to have consciousness, like snakes looking for food, circling around him, and then sucked on him when he was not prepared.

The back of the head, chest, shoulder blades, arms, wrists, waist, abdomen, hips, legs, ankles, etc., until the end, the largest suction cup came directly to his face, just like the face hugger in "Alien".

Then he lost consciousness.

Huh! Huh!

Zheng Qing tried hard to mobilize brain cells and recalled the process of the experiment. His first reaction was that he was tricked again. The black guy was probably also a traitor of Crow.

By the way, what did the black guy named Alex say before he lost consciousness?

It seemed that he asked him whether he wanted to take off the little snake hanging on his ear?

Little snake?

The wizard suddenly woke up, and a feeling of joy surged in his heart-yes! Little green snake! No, that little green dragon! It has a very high status! With it, I shouldn't really get into trouble...right?

He raised his arm and wanted to touch his ear to see if that guy was still there.


The sharp and piercing sound of metal rubbing against each other stimulated his hearing, and he subconsciously tilted his head. Then he saw his "arm" and "hand" - to be precise, he saw an arm with a metallic luster and a "claw" with only three fingers left.

Yes, in his sight, his hand had become a weird and creepy thing like a bird's claw: rough palm, orange peel-like back of the hand, sharp nails, and the small words "Duzem Alchemy Laboratory" clearly visible on the wrist.

“…Edge One is started normally, in normal state, monitored normally, and the magic circuit is flowing normally.”

“…Matching of the No. 1 Qualified Person is in progress, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%… 60%, 65%, 66%, 67%… The resonance is stable!”

“…Evaluation of the Qualified Person’s Physical Function: Excellent.”

“…Evaluation of the Qualified Person’s Magic Stability: Excellent.”

“…Evaluation of the Qualified Person’s Mental State: There is slight delirium and illusion, which does not affect cognition, and is judged to be qualified.”

A mechanical and indifferent voice echoed in an empty hall. A huge light curtain fell from the ceiling to the ground. On one side of the light curtain was a simple diagram of a humanoid creature, with more than ten thin lines connected to the key nodes of its body; on the other side, countless observation data poured down on the light curtain like a waterfall.

Dozens of wizards in white robes held their own notepads, picking out the parts they were responsible for from the data that fell like a waterfall, and recording them attentively.

"... The neural connection of the qualified people is stable, and there is no rejection reaction."

At the edge of the hall, there are more than a dozen black-robed wizards. Although they also hold clipboards in their arms, compared with the busy white-robed people, these black-robed wizards are in a much more relaxed state.

"Those who can pass the "matching degree" test will not have rejection. I don't know what the point of verifying this project is... a waste of time?"

A black-robed wizard shook his head, picked up a pen and ticked a certain item on the clipboard. He shook his head and whispered: "Besides, even if there is rejection, there will be no risk. Doesn't each nerve ending reserve a unit of "Fenweihua injection"? It is enough for those qualified people to leave safely."

Another black-robed wizard shook his head.

"Wrong point! We are not concerned about the risk of rejection, but the risk behind the rejection reaction." As he said, he knocked on a piece of parchment on the wall behind him.

It was a laboratory rule and regulations, marked with eye-catching red words-please pay attention to abnormal signs of invasion and infection! Please report immediately after discovery!

——Abnormal manifestations include: shivering, slurred speech, obscure magic, muscle spasms, abnormal hunchbacks, personality changes, etc.

——Experimental safety is everyone's responsibility!

These red words were like a whip, making the black-robed wizards suddenly tense. They all tightened the notepads in their arms and looked back at the light curtain in the center of the hall and the white-robed wizards.



"——When wizards go from low-level to high-level, their magic power will undergo a 'qualitative change'. Correspondingly, the magic power quality of high-level wizards also has a crushing advantage over low-level wizards... In reality, we can observe that high-level wizards can easily break the spells of low-level wizards, but low-level wizards find it difficult to break the magic barrier of high-level wizards... We call this phenomenon 'abnormal invasion'... The erosion of those great beings in the depths of the starry sky and the erosion of wizards by the flesh and blood of demons are similar to 'abnormal invasion' in a certain dimension... Among our qualified people, there are low-level wizards. When they manipulate 'Edge Type 1', they are easily reversely eroded by the high-level magic power of the test subjects... This is also the focus of our preliminary work..."

Outside the hall, in another room, Dr. Du Zem was explaining some magical details of the Edge Project to other wizards at a fast speed.

This room seemed to be next to the hall, and one of the walls seemed to be completely transparent, and every corner of the hall could be clearly seen. There was a lecture table in the corner of the room, and Dr. Duzem stood behind it, facing the many old wizards sitting in the room - including the three vice presidents, four deans, and two vice deans of the Edge Academy.

Hearing Dr. Duzem's explanation, an old wizard in the back row frowned and raised the feather pen in his hand.

"You mean, the quality of wizards' magic power is lower than that of demons?" He said with a somewhat unhappy tone.

"No, no, no, I don't mean that."

Although he started to preside over a large alchemy project again, Dr. Duzem was still not good at dealing with people, especially the great wizards in this room, and even a few legends, so he immediately became a little flustered when he was questioned.

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