Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 2835 Korma's Concerns

Many people didn't sleep well on Tuesday night.

Especially Zheng Qing.

Even though they confirmed that he was not seriously ill for the time being, the old wizards in the project team still left the transparent glass coffin in dormitory 403, but they removed the exquisite brass chair again. The noise from the coming and going caused him to not sleep for half the night. On the contrary, in the same dormitory, the two companions outside the barrier could sleep peacefully, but there was only a little light pollution, which was completely unaffected by the curtain.

"This thing is just in case."

Before leaving the dormitory, Professor Monteria pointed to the transparent coffin and reminded Zheng Qing very seriously: "- If you feel unwell, you don't need to notify us, just open the lid and lie down. The school will take care of the rest."

Zheng Qing looked at the green liquid slowly rising and falling in the coffin and declined.

The good news is that they only left the coffin, and the space resonator used to temporarily expand the dormitory area was not left behind. Zheng Qing at least didn't have to worry about having to sprint a hundred meters to go to the toilet in the morning.

The bad news is that Zheng Qing, the only one who was not affected by the abnormality, seemed to be the last healthy qualified person in the "Giant God Soldier" project, which means that Lao Yao's last suggestion to him to "quit the project team" has become increasingly slim.

Wednesday morning.

Early in the morning, Zheng Qing sent the black gem cat who had just returned out again before going to morning class, and asked it to go to the Sakura Tavern. In addition to the headache of this project at the Edge Academy, he felt that he needed to listen to the advice of insiders. The "injured" great wizard mentioned by Professor Monteria last night also made him feel a little uneasy.

The black gem cat sighed and trotted along the corner.

It was not until the sun was about to rise to the center that he arrived at Gu Diao Street.

Unlike the tense and quiet atmosphere that Zheng Qing imagined, the wizards in the North District today were busy as usual, and everyone's face was filled with natural vitality, unlike Korma's appearance.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that she concealed the news of her injury.

The Sakura Tavern seems to be no longer open to the public.

At least, the Black Gem Cat didn't see any guests during the two visits.

It just slipped into the tavern through the crack of the door, and a cheerful voice rang out from behind the bar: "-I heard a magpie chirping non-stop in front of the door this morning, and I didn't expect it to be you."

A group of fireflies clustered under the beams bulged their bellies.

A faint white light sprinkled down.

It illuminated the face of the tavern owner behind the bar.

Korma didn't drink Siren Rum today, but took a bottle of Amber Light and was drinking with a plate of fried peanuts.

The Black Gem Cat walked around the plate of peanuts twice.

His eyes didn't fall on the plate, but he kept looking up and carefully looking at the witch in front of him, especially paying attention to the strand of silver hair hanging down from her forehead, as if he wanted to count how many white hairs she had one by one.

Korma propped up his chin and looked at it with a smile.

Until the Black Gem Cat was defeated by the other party's calmness.

"A bunch of people rushed into my dormitory last night." It turned its head and described the situation last night in a rough voice, and finally looked at the tavern owner again: "--My original body thought you were some injured great wizard."

"Me? Not me."

Korma showed a trace of surprise on his face, and then he was relieved. The small wine glass in his hand gently hit the black gem cat's forehead: "He can remember to care about the concubine who has been banished to the cold palace. I am very grateful..."

The black gem cat had a black line on his face.

As a dull stone, it felt that it could not bear the witch's teasing. No wonder the original body did not dare to come in person.

"--But that person was really not me."

Korma restrained his color a little, and his tone became a little serious: "When you were conducting the qualification assessment, I and other deans were watching... There was another great wizard among the qualified people, but according to the regulations, His identity cannot be revealed to the outside... Just like your identity as a qualified person, other qualified people don't know it."

The black gem cat stepped on the tip of its tail.

"You seem to be, it seems," it tilted its head, frowned, and pondered for a long time before it uttered a suitable word: "Seems calm?"

Yes, calm.

Korma was not disappointed or anxious about the failure of the Marginal Academy project, but was very calm, even a little happy? The black gem cat's eyes fell on the bottle of amber light.

Intuition told it that this bottle of wine was not for relieving sorrow, but for celebration.

The question is, why?

"You are just as sharp as your original body."

The witch gave it a light forehead slap in appreciation, then shook the wine glass in her hand and slowly explained: "Imagine. If a registered wizard, or a wizard of lower level, easily obtains strength beyond ordinary registered wizards or even great wizards through alchemy, what will other wizards think? What will those wizards who seriously study magic think? This is the greatest blasphemy against the rules of magic."

"I don't think so," the black gem cat muttered: "-Just like the wizards of wealthy families, they have been able to use powerful magic tools, use stacks of talisman paper, use array plates carved by cold jade from the previous year, and contract powerful spirit beasts to challenge higher levels since ancient times. This is not uncommon."

"It's different." Korma shook his head: "Those you mentioned are just foreign objects after all, and the Titan you remember how you used it?"

"Through resonance, consciousness enters its body?" the black gem cat tentatively answered.

"That's right."

The witch put down the wine glass in her hand heavily and sighed: "Consciousness settles in other bodies. This is the edge magic among edge magics, the magic between taboo and forbidden... If the resonance is high enough, it means you have the opportunity to Taking the body of a great wizard as his own. From being an ordinary little wizard to becoming a great wizard in one step - in some people's words, this is a shortcut, but I am more inclined to think that it is an evil path, or, to put it more nicely, this is It’s a heresy.”

"You also became a great wizard by a side method, right?" the black gem cat reminded the witch rudely.

A trace of blush appeared on the witch's face.

I wonder if it was caused by alcohol.

"totally different!"

She curled her fingers, hit the black gem cat's head hard, and stroked the lock of silver hair: "If you want to get it, you have to lose it. This principle of 'equivalent exchange' is the biggest principle in the magical world, and it is consistent with the "Code" or It is different from any other concept. It is an older concept that is engraved on the base of the world and has existed since the barbaric times! And before yesterday, I couldn't see what those wizards who easily obtained high-level power paid for! cost."

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