Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 2841: Bad and Worse (Additional chapter for the cute host ‘Schrödinger’s meal ticket’)

"There's none?"

The big fox glanced at the white jade cat's paws, then a tail lightly poked out from behind, and skillfully stroked the black jade cat's back. At the same time, he said in a long voice: "——You are in school, so you may not be so well-informed. Today At night, not long ago, another murder occurred in the Silent Forest. However, this time it was a green dragon, which originally fell into the category of evil, so the school used some tricks to suppress the news together with the Trident Sword. ”



The furry feeling on its back made the black gem cat snore twice. Then he immediately noticed the two cold gazes coming from the side, and quickly inhaled to suppress the purring behind it.

"Crazy, all crazy!"

He muttered, shook his head, and quietly shrank back, avoiding the caress of the tip of his tail and the white cat's claws, trying to make everyone think that he was commenting on a murder in the forest: "——I mean , not only is the school crazy, but the dark wizard is also crazy! Knowing that there are major safety risks outside the school, the school does not give any risk warning to the students. What else is it crazy? And that crow is searching the school vigorously? , and dare to hunt unscrupulously... It is really lawless and lawless! "

The white jade cat had a straight face and did not give the black gem cat a good look.

The big cyan fox expressed his opinion with a smile: "——When on the hunting ground, the prey and the hunter make almost crazy choices, it means that the sticking point has appeared and the last moment is coming."

The black gem cat didn't know much about the 'last moment' mentioned by the big fox.

But Zheng Qing is different.

The last day of May is Monday.

Early in the morning, when Zheng woke up, he found that the black gem cat had fallen asleep on the desk. Before stuffing the toothbrush into his mouth, he easily released the clone transformation spell and immediately regretted it.

You should brush your teeth first and then remove it.

A series of bad memories originating from the black gem cat attacked the young wizard who had just woken up, making him feel extremely bad. Especially what Black Jewel Cat didn't understand was the reason why the graduation thesis defense was not conducted in public. It only took him a second to understand what Su Shijun meant - because the respondent was too wet and the school couldn't afford to lose that person.

If the memory of the defense was still a private matter and would only make Zheng Qing feel worse, then the murder in the forest about the green dragon was a completely official matter.

"The crows and the school are going crazy!"

Xiao Xiao gave a similar reaction to Zheng Qing after hearing the news.

"Don't look at me, I'm not the editor-in-chief of the school newspaper yet."

Fatty Xin's mouth was full of pancakes, and his voice became a little slurred: "Also, even if I am the editor-in-chief, we cannot publish news that is not allowed by the school..."

He shrugged his shoulders laboriously and gave everyone a knowing look.

Boom, boom, boom!

Zhang Jixin rushed in from outside the classroom like a gust of wind. The heavy footsteps made the classroom buzz, causing many people to complain, but he didn't take it seriously. When he came to the corner, he directly held up a soundproof barrier boundary.

"Did you hear that?"

He was breathing heavily, his red face shining in the sun: "——Last night, something happened again! A nest of green dragons was slaughtered in the Silent Forest, and the spilled dragon blood made a small section of the Silent River The fish in the river went crazy, there was chaos in Beta Town, and the wizards of the North District sent many patrols to fight the autumn wind there..."

The other three looked at each other.

The red-faced wizard, who was gradually calming down, also came back to his senses, with a puzzled look on his face: "You don't seem to be surprised at all...has this news spread?"

Zheng Qing shook his head and dropped the quill in his hand on the table.

"I have no idea what the school thinks."

He frowned and rubbed his fingertips between the spines of the copperplate book: "How can the school seal such big news? It's only been one night, and already..."

His fingers clicked on several of his companions in turn, including Matthew Cullen, Downton and others who were whispering not far away: "...More than one student already knows!"

"Not surprising." Fatty Xin stroked the quill in his hand and lowered his voice slightly: "Many students at First University are inextricably connected with big figures in the school and even the league..."

He glanced at Zheng Qing inexplicably, and then continued: "...For these young wizards, if one person knows, it means that the entire school knows."

"The worst thing is not being known, but the distortion of the news in the process of dissemination." The fortune teller of the Exoneration Hunting Team adjusted his glasses and gestured with his chin: "Just like an elder, when the news reaches him, a green dragon It has turned into a nest of green dragons... If someone tells me after class that the one who died is Ysera, I won't be surprised..."

Ysera is a legendary green dragon who is said to live deep in the Silent Forest and is known as the 'Green Dragon Queen'. However, the last wizard who saw her was an ancient man hundreds of years ago.

Tuk Tuk!


A red paper crane tapped anxiously on the glass outside the window.

Zhang Jixin, who was sitting by the window, stood up and put it in. Then the paper crane flew to Zheng Qing's eyes, circled hastily around him twice, and then spread out.

Xiao Xiao noticed that the boy's eyebrows gradually expanded.

"Good thing?" There was a hint of curiosity on his face.

Zheng Qing nodded reservedly: "Well, it's not a big's just that the results of the registered transformation wizard examination came out yesterday. Although the scores are not high, they passed the line after all. Seventy-one points are not satisfactory."

His tone couldn't hide his contentment.

In fact, this result was somewhat unexpected - the practical part got a perfect score of 60 points, and the written test also got 11 points. No matter which part, it exceeded his expectations.

"...The doctor guessed it correctly." Zheng Qing couldn't hold back his smile and shook the letter in his hand: "The last big question was about the 'Gentleman's Leopard Change'. They really gave me a question. point!"

"Congratulations!" Zhang Jixin clasped his fists very honestly.

Fatty Xin curled his lips: "If there's nothing fishy in this..."

"Ahem," Zheng Qing cleared his throat and interrupted: "Actually, I didn't have time to tell you yesterday. During the practical assessment, the cat I transformed into received applause from the audience..."

"Is it because they saw your abdominal muscles?" The fat wizard said in a faint tone, "I guess there are many witches among the invigilators. If I remember correctly, you were naked after the transformation..."

"Fart! The invigilators are all men!"

"Hey! That would be even worse..."

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