Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 2865 A heavy price

"Now, how do you feel when you watch 'Tai Yi' again?"

The professor changed the subject, turned to look at the young wizard who had stood up again, and asked meaningfully.

"Too big."

Zheng Qing sighed with emotion and answered three words without thinking. Then he paused and shook his head: "No, it's not too's too heavy. Yes, it's too heavy."

The former answer is based on the huge thing in the sea of ​​clouds, which gives people an unparalleled visual impact, and there is no other thought in my mind except "big".

The latter answer is because of the secret that the professor just mentioned - the power that drives this behemoth to revive comes from the forbidden curse. Whether it was this secret, the corpse of the long-dead legend, or his figure as majestic as Mount Tai, it was all too heavy for the young wizard.

"Very well chosen words."

Lao Yao bit his pipe and nodded thoughtfully, seeming to appreciate his evaluation very much, and then continued to ask: "Then what kind of consciousness do you think can grasp such a heavy power?"

Zheng Qing was stunned for a moment.

Subconsciously, he raised his hand and looked at the smooth white skin without any calluses and the criss-crossing fine lines. He gently held it, then released it, held it again, and released it again, repeating three times. , and finally shook his head slightly: "I don't know... this is not a weight that ordinary wizards can support."


The professor took a drag on his pipe and nodded: "To be precise, this is not a weight that 'other people' can support. Apart from the giant dragon, the only thing that can make a giant walk is the giant himself. When you carry a person on your back to climb a mountain , you will feel extremely heavy, but when you leave your baggage and climb the mountain by yourself, you will immediately feel much more relaxed. This is the reason why the qualified person can control the giant weapon. Therefore, the answer to my question just now is only your own consciousness. Only then can we master such a heavy power.”

Zheng Qing frowned and looked at the giant thing in the sea of ​​clouds.

"But He..."

"He is dead."

Professor Yao followed the boy's gaze and seemed to have guessed what he wanted to say. He interrupted very simply: "——There is no doubt that he died very thoroughly. His consciousness has long since disappeared and turned into nourishment in the long river of time. . So we need to find a substitute for his consciousness, that is, the 'qualified person' of the body. The so-called resonance value is based on the frequency of the resonance between 'Atu Groot' and 'Tai Yi'. It is determined that only the magic power that fluctuates within this resonance level can have a chance to drive this powerful giant weapon.

There are actually two situations here.

The magic power of one type of wizard is very consistent with the magic power of Artur Groot, and the magic power of another type of wizard is very consistent with the nature of Taiyi. In short, no matter what the situation is, the higher the similarity between the wizard and them, the higher the compatibility with the Titan Soldier. To a certain extent, the two are almost indistinguishable from each other and merge into one - this is the 'Taohua' we mentioned before. "

The dove occupies the magpie's nest.

Zheng Qing didn't know why this rebellious word popped up in his mind - similar to 'seize the body', which is a black magic strictly prohibited by the alliance. But after listening to Lao Yao's explanation, no matter how he looked at it, he felt that the qualified person was not mentioned in the encyclopedia. There are some subtle similarities in the form of expression of body-seizing magic - of course, he believes that these experiments in the school can definitely withstand the test of the "Code".

But from another perspective, the only person who has the ability to seize the corpse of a legendary wizard is the consciousness of another legend in the traditional sense, which is equally difficult.

But the school hung a vine called the 'Forbidden Curse' from the sky, giving the wizards on the ground a slight possibility.

Zheng Qing has never been arrogant.

But he will not belittle himself.

He has reason to believe that even if the other six qualified candidates who were injured in the early experiments of the 'Edge Type 1' recover and return, there is a high probability that they will not be able to drive the giant god weapon in the sea of ​​clouds - even controlling the Edge Type 1 is impossible. Their longevity was damaged. If they really tried 'Tai Yi', Zheng Qing suspected that they would be sucked into dried meat directly.

Look at it from this perspective.

Is his becoming the controller of 'Tai Yi' considered some kind of 'appointment'?

Just when the boy was thinking wildly.

Professor Yao had already turned the topic back to the part they had discussed before they first boarded the terrace: "——Going back to your question about the premise of that shirt, the so-called 'high-level control method' of special configuration, It is the driver of the giant god weapon who is transformed by the giant god weapon and completely integrated with it, getting rid of the intermediate loss of resonance. The living wizard gives up his body, and the dead legendary corpse welcomes a new consciousness of its own. It is difficult to determine whether this is the return of this legend from the long river of time, but there is no doubt that a completely awakened legend can naturally exert 100%, or even hundreds of%, of the power of the giant god. good?"

He tilted his head and looked at the boy with a sneer.

Zheng Qing hesitated for a moment and nodded slightly - indeed, if he could only obtain the corpse of a legendary wizard at the cost of losing his body, this deal was simply too foul - even he couldn't help but feel moved. Feel.

"Equivalence is the first principle of magic."

The dean of Jiuyou Academy looked at his students meaningfully and warned them solemnly: "Especially since you are a student of Jiuyou Academy, 'equality' is a very important concept in Jiuyou's values... The reason why the project team named that 'high-level control method' 'Taoism' is because in the calculation, this control method has similar consequences to 'Taoism'. In other words, if you are completely integrated with Taiyi, perhaps your consciousness can only maintain the complete awakening of this legend for one minute, tens of seconds, or even a few seconds. For a battle, a few seconds is enough to turn the tide.

But for a 'Taoism' wizard, after a few seconds, he will disappear from this world like bubbles in the sun. In this process, you will not even feel anything. There is no gap between controlling everything and losing everything.

This is why, when we selected the qualified, we repeatedly emphasized that we must select wizards with 'moderate' resonance. This is to avoid the wizard from impulsively increasing his resonance during the battle, causing irreversible consequences."

Zheng Qing let out a long sigh.

When he was muttering in front of the battle robe, he had never expected that Lao Yao's answer would be so heavy.

"What about Senior Korma?"

He thought of another special configuration driver who was selected at the same time as him, and became curious again: "Is she also a qualified person? Her statue..."

ps, can anyone guess the name of the other legend~~

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