Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 2870 The 15th class meeting of the second semester of the sophomore year

Xiao Xiao followed Lao Yao into the classroom.

He looked tired, as if he hadn't slept for three to five days. Even with the black-rimmed glasses blocking his eyes, you could still see the big bags under his eyes and the clear dark circles.

"I just said..."

Fatty Xin leaned back, lowered his voice, and said three words meaningfully - fortunately, he still had some sense and did not continue to talk nonsense in front of the legendary wizard.

Zheng Qing was also very surprised when he saw Xiao Xiao's appearance.

Is it really like the fat man said that the doctor stayed in Sima's office and lost track of time? No way! After all, the Sima family is also a well-known family in the alliance, and they should not tolerate direct descendants of the family doing anything that is disgraceful to the family tradition. Besides, the doctor doesn't look like the kind of person who lacks self-control, does he?

These messy thoughts flashed through Zheng Qing's mind, and he looked at Xiao Xiao who hurriedly sat down with strange eyes.

He was about to ask something, but unexpectedly, after Xiao Xiao sat down, he fell asleep soundly in just a few seconds, completely ignoring the legendary wizard standing on the podium.

Shocked, Zheng Qing kept poking him.

Lao Yao seemed not to have seen this scene, and kept repeating what he emphasized almost every weekend - you are not allowed to go to the Silent Forest without permission, and try not to go to the North District of Beta Town alone to deal with fishmen or centaurs. Always respect each other's customs and habits, and most importantly for Jiuyou students, the upcoming final exam.

"——In two weeks, that is, the week after the Dragon Boat Festival, it will be time for the final exam. This is the last period of your sophomore year. After these few days, you will be considered a serious student of the first university. Old students. Going back to the previous term, the current juniors will be seniors next semester. They have to start preparing graduation thesis, preparing for off-campus practice, etc., and may not be in school for half of the year; for the freshmen who will enroll in September, As for the current first-year students, you are the role models for them to learn from, and your actions are the goals they follow..."

On the podium, the dean of Jiuyou College was talking non-stop, while Zheng Qing was in a daze as he listened.

The feeling he felt when he went to see Andrew at noon came back to him. He subconsciously took out his silver pocket watch, opened the cover, and looked at the clicking second hand under the transparent glass cover. He wanted to hold it down and let it go. Never move again.

Of course, this thought was just a passing thought.

During the Battle of Black Prison, he still vividly remembers the situation when he almost got sucked into a man to stop time - it is no exaggeration to say that it was the most painful experience since Zheng Qing was born. Even if it was only a short moment, thinking about it still makes him feel... It made him shudder, and he subconsciously gave up the idea of ​​intervening in time.

In comparison, both the headache and the feeling of self-destruction have become much clearer.

"...A few final things to say."

In a daze, the voice on the podium seemed to be slightly heavier. Zheng Qing subconsciously cheered up. When he looked up, he happened to meet the professor's eyes.

It's just that Lao Yao's eyes just glanced over and didn't stop in this corner of the classroom: "...The first one is about Fringe College. Starting from last week, our class's volunteer service classes every Thursday have been cancelled. This situation should have been reported to you last week. Since there was no class meeting last week, the school will briefly talk about it today based on two factors. One is that the date of the establishment of Fringe College is approaching, and Fringe College has concerns about itself. The students have other arrangements, so everyone should be able to understand that the teaching work of the preparatory class has been cancelled. Another factor is also related to the cancellation of last week’s class meeting, which is that the Silent Forest has not been peaceful recently. "

After the last sentence was spoken, the classroom suddenly became quiet - or in other words, the classroom was originally very quiet, but after hearing Lao Yao mention this slightly sensitive matter, everyone held their breath in unison.

Even Xiao Xiao, who was sleeping soundly, seemed to twitch his ears.

On the podium.

Lao Yao seemed not to notice this strange atmosphere. He chewed his pipe and said calmly: "...Don't be too nervous, everyone. Even if some goblins, ogres, and green dragons died, this kind of thing... The Silent Forest happens every day, but after the "Post"'s embellished report, it makes people feel like a demon was born in the forest, hahaha..."

He laughed, and the young wizards in the audience also laughed in agreement.

But the laughter seemed a little stiff.

Because the school’s attitude towards rumors such as ‘Green Dragon was killed’ is indeed somewhat subtle, that is, it does not explicitly deny the relevant risks, but it also does not admit them.

The professor raised his eyebrows slightly: "Don't you know about the Beta Town Post? They have reported before that Jiuyou College has some unspoken rules, 'You will be deducted credits for casual interviews with public media.'" Jiuyou College cultivated A group of wizards who have no regard for life, "You have nothing but credits in your eyes"... Are you such a person? "


There was a roar of agreement under the podium.

"No more kidding."

Lao Yao took the pipe away from his mouth, knocked it on the lectern, and suppressed his smile slightly: "In short, it is indeed a bit uneasy in the forest for a short period of time, so I have repeatedly emphasized that you should not go to the Silent Forest or Silent Forest casually. As long as you stay in school, you'll be safe."

The assurances of a legendary wizard were clearly convincing.

The atmosphere in the classroom suddenly became much more relaxed.

The professor did not waste more time on this topic, and changed the subject: "——As for another thing, the Forgiveness Hunting Team led by Zheng Qing won the First University Special Contribution Award this Monday... This is the honor of the entire Astronomy 08-1 class, everyone encourage it."

The classroom immediately rang with warm applause.

After a pause, Lao Yao raised his hand and pressed it down, signaling for silence.

Then his eyes swept over the young hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team one by one, and his tone was relaxed: "Last time you entered the finals of the school hunting competition and finally won the ninth place. I gave each of you a talisman as a gift. This time the honor you won is obviously higher than last time. Have you thought about what gifts you want?"

The classroom was suddenly in an uproar, and everyone looked at Zheng Qing and others, and the envy in their eyes almost solidified. Xiao Xiao, who had been sleeping soundly throughout the class, jumped up from the table with a click, adjusted his crooked glasses, and his eyes were clear.

Sit upright.

If there wasn't a trace of saliva left at the corner of his mouth, others would never have noticed that he had been sleeping secretly. But Zheng Qing didn't care to laugh at the doctor's pretense at the moment.

He also subconsciously straightened up, his eyes shining, thinking about what good things he could get out of Old Yao.

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