Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 236 We are cruel enough

The weather outside the window is a bit gloomy. 【】

Thick clouds blocked the bright sunshine and painted a layer of gray color between the sky and the earth, making everyone in this environment feel depressed.

However, the students in classroom 601 east of the main building of Jiuyou Academy may not agree with this view.

Compared with the heavy negative pressure atmosphere in the room, the vast and open environment outside the window is simply too harmonious.

Professor Yao stood on the podium, holding the crumpled mulberry paper with two fingers, his brows knitted into a knot:

"Whose homework is this?"

The students in the classroom turned their heads cautiously and looked at each other calmly, as if they felt that every face was so suspicious.

Of course, this does not include the boys sitting by the window in the back row.

Fatty Xin hesitated for a few seconds.

Then he stood up under Zheng Qing's hard push, and admitted the ownership of the piece of paper with a frown on his face.

"Classmate Xin!" Professor Yao was obviously surprised, and his tone became much gentler.

After all, in his impression, Fatty Xin was one of the few boys among the freshmen who performed relatively positively in class.

"Do you have anything to explain?" The professor paused, obviously intending to give the fat man a chance.

"There is a civet cat in our dormitory. It wrapped breakfast in my homework paper." Fatty Xin said quickly, spitting out the complaints that he had suppressed for a long time: "I don't know why that cat stays in our dormitory. He is willing to leave... and always grabs food from us! Melpomene's sigh... If it weren't for the fact that we, as members of the First University, must always hold ourselves to the highest moral standards, I would have put that down long ago. The fat cat is stewed!”

Zheng Qing looked at the fat man with admiration.

"Oh, that's it." Lao Yao squinted his eyes and showed his usual smile: "Since there are external reasons, I won't deduct your credits... just make another copy."

The fat man quietly tilted his head and gave the professor an aggrieved look.

"Or are you planning to give up the opportunity to meet Congressman Su?" Professor Yao held his pipe in his mouth and said vaguely: "Remember what I said in the first class of school."

Zheng Qing scratched his head for a long time before he recalled what was going on based on the excited and angry words of the classmates next to him.

During the first class, Lao Yao had promised to introduce Su Shijun, the legendary most beautiful woman in the wizarding world. Of course, he also has his own conditions - in September, everyone must perform well in his class, and homework must be completed with high quality.

Fatty Xin didn't need to be reminded, he immediately thought of the gentleman's agreement.

"I am willing to rewrite a more perfect assignment!" He raised his hand, his eyes widened, and shouted at the top of his lungs: "I am willing to write an assignment of 6,000 words, and there will never be a typo on the paper. !professor!"

"Professor, I will help supervise!" Zhang Jixin also raised his hand, his red face turning purple: "If the homework he submits is missing a word or makes a mistake, I will copy it again!"

Zheng Qing looked at his two companions with a troubled expression, completely unable to understand their behavior.

How childish, the young public-funded student smacked his lips, shook his head, and said nothing.

Thus, this small episode between classes came to a perfect end.

Perhaps because of Lao Yao's inadvertent reminder a few minutes ago, many students suddenly remembered the agreement made in the first class. 【】

This made subsequent courses much smoother.

Almost everyone was eager to express their desire to listen carefully to the lecture, trying to eliminate the dissatisfaction accumulated by the professor in the first half of the class through focused eyes, forward posture, and enthusiastic answers.

The atmosphere in the class seemed a bit twisted and fanatical.

But Lao Yao seems to be very satisfied with this atmosphere, and even his lectures are much more verbose:

"As classmate Xiao mentioned before... a standard Dharma book generally has about three hundred pages, divided into thirty chapters, and can contain at least three spells."

"If you want to cast a spell correctly, you must first record the spell in the correct way, so that you can cast it correctly when you use it."

"Because everyone has different grammars, different abilities to derive formulas, and different structures caused by errors in understanding mantras, even if the same mantra is copied in a Dharma book, there will be differences in length. One situation.”

"If you are skilled and have outstanding understanding and deduction abilities, then a book of about three hundred pages can often contain more than a hundred spells."

"But there are also some wizards who are lucky enough to be able to record three or five spells in a book of magic."

"So, how to correctly record and release spells, how to use your spell book correctly, this is what we mainly learn in the freshman spell class."

"Of course, as the magic spells in the case, I have carefully selected five for you. Students who can flexibly record these five spells in the Dharma book and use them skillfully this semester will be given a bonus in the evaluation at the end of the semester. point."

"That's basically it."

Lao Yao blew out a string of smoke rings and knocked his pipe on the edge of the desk.

Before the cigarette ashes fell to the ground, the elves who came after hearing the sound gathered them into gauze bags and carried them out of the classroom.

"I'll add some extracurricular knowledge... I hope you all pay attention." The professor put down his pipe, picked up his Dharma book again, and shook it in mid-air:

"You already know that Dharma books have souls."

"It belongs to demons, spiritual beasts, or even the elders of an alien race, the projection of hell devils, or the fragments of a certain god's godhead."

"We humans - no matter the so-called white men, wizards or others," Old Yao seemed to have remembered something, and raised a hint of disdain at the corner of his mouth: "Compared with the races that are truly favored by this universe, our talents are actually very poor. "

"Just like a demon."

"Not to mention those turbulent demon kings or high-level demons; even the lowest level wild demons can naturally communicate with the mysterious origin of the universe... through their blood and souls, they can effortlessly use various Powerful curse magic, growing a tyrannical body."

"It seems that they are better suited to survive under this starry sky than us."

"But the opposite is true."

"Now, this world belongs to us wizards - only we can walk openly in the sun and fly in the blue sky. But those monsters with extraordinary talents are forced to hide in the gutter and hide in the darkness."


"Learning, inheritance, organization, order... maybe you can list countless high-sounding reasons."

"But in my opinion, there is only one real reason... and that is that we are cruel enough."

"We can treat nature cruelly; cruelly put any non-human race on the test stand and drag it into the alchemy factory; cruelly kill each other and advance in blood."

"The world is beautiful, elegant, and orderly."

"But it's also brutal."

"The vulgar blood and deep evil of demons are nothing but chaos driven by instinct. They may win the joy of this world for a moment, but they have the power to not own this world... Only we, under our reason, The various cruel choices made can complement the cruelty of nature. "

"Demons, ghosts, spiritual beasts, even projections of hell, the radiance of gods..."

"We hunt them, deprive them of their souls, infuse them into our magic weapons, and use their natural abilities to expand our dull spiritual senses, so that we can communicate with the source more easily and release our own abilities."

"But those spirits are still unable to get relief. They release their resentment day after day, but they don't know that these resentments are the catalyst for these magical weapons to be used repeatedly."

"This kind of magic tool is the Dharma book in your hands."

"Do you feel cruel? Do you have no heart? Do you have the kind of fraternity that pervades the universe?"

Lao Yao raised his voice and asked.

The class was quiet. No one said anything, they just looked at the professor who looked a little excited.

Although Zheng Qing felt that he couldn't bear it, when he thought of the terrifying banshee on the plane, he felt an uncontrollable throbbing pain in his forehead.

"very good!"

Seemingly satisfied with everyone's performance, Lao Yao's tone softened again:

"You must remember your identity and give your limited love to your compatriots. Fraternity is very ridiculous in this cruel world."


"Don't be stupid and join some Dharma Script Liberation Association!"

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